Chapter 1217 The Farm of Justice (6)

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Smallville, as small as a small town, obviously does not have any developed transportation to welcome visitors from the metropolis. However, if you want to go to the nearest airport, it is too far. It takes a long time to drive and even longer to take a train.

Therefore, the meeting place that Clark and Louise agreed to meet was not the airport in Kansas City, but a train station near the southern city of Wichita. Because they were picking up two ladies this time, Clark and Bruce did not choose to drive there.

Instead of a dilapidated old pickup truck, I borrowed a neighbor’s family car.

They arrived at the train station early. Clark held a notebook recording the itinerary information in his hand. He stood outside the platform and kept looking around. Before a train arrived at the station, Clark said excitedly: "It's coming, it's coming.

, they are coming."

Bruce turned to look at him and asked, "Do you like Louise?"

"I don't."

"You have."

"We just have pure friendship."


Clark looked at Bruce helplessly and said, "Is it possible that you still want to pretend to be a master of love appraisal? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Of course I do." Bruce turned to look at the train entering the station and said, "But she has been obsessed with her dream of being a Hollywood actress recently and has no time to care about me."

"To be honest, I think the poor agricultural development in the metropolitan area cannot be entirely blamed on the terrain. The east coast is indeed hilly, but the quality of the cultivated land is not bad. The climate conditions in the metropolitan area are also more suitable for small-scale grazing and fishing.

Fish, if these industries do not develop well, the government must also be responsible."

"Why do you say that?" Diana asked.

The relaxed state prevented him from using his Batman skills to cover up this weakness, so he looked particularly vulnerable. However, this made Diana's favor increase a lot. She was really afraid of meeting a persistent playboy.

"Thank you, madam. I see there is still food cooking in your pot. I heard Clark say that you prepared a big meal. If it is convenient, can I show my hand here? My father traveled to Canada and brought back some food there.

The soup made from dried fish is very delicious." Louise also stepped forward and opened the bag in her hand.

For many women, the charm of men is not reflected in interrupting others at will and expressing their opinions loudly when they are talking, but in staying quiet at the right time. The listener has an intellectual charm, and the weakened aggression makes people feel


"It's so annoying," said Diana.

Bruce, who was leaning against the door, sighed softly. Diana and Louise's relaxed and casual attitude reminded him of the mental illness he had been diagnosed with.

Soon, this emotion was replaced by shock. Diana dealt with the food on the plate at a speed that was almost an afterimage. In the end, she even picked up the plate and poured all the food into her mouth.


Louise also showed a wry smile and said: "No one knows whether this is a decision made by the parliament. It only makes us suffer. We run here and there every day and can't find a solution."

Clark sighed softly and said: "When I was in school, Louise was a goddess. There were so many people who liked her. After arriving at the newspaper office, her colleagues liked her and the boss appreciated her. She and I suddenly relied on a report to

The young reporter who became popular is different, she may be the best media person in the metropolitan area."

"Oh, I remembered, it turns out you are the princess of Paradise Island!" Clark suddenly realized, and then smiled shyly and said: "Sorry, I am a young man from a small town, and I always have no real feelings for some big shots.


Diana's tone revealed deep helplessness. Apparently, the curator had been running into many obstacles. Finally, when she had a chance to speak, Diana couldn't help complaining:

Diana tilted her head and looked at Bruce sitting in the passenger seat from the side and back. Bruce looked particularly taciturn and a little sleepy. There was also a strong sleepiness in his tone. He didn't look like the good luck described by the media at all.

A business genius, the leader of a very large group and a beautiful hunter.

"That's why we have to do a good job in this matter." Louise said anxiously: "This can bring a better life to the farmers in the metropolitan area, and it can also radiate to the livestock industry and fishery."

"Hello, I am the curator of the Metropolitan Museum, Diana Prince. I have heard about you from Louise for a long time. Nice to meet you, Mr. Kent."

"So, Metropolis wants to start with agriculture?" Diana touched her chin and nodded and said, "This is indeed a good idea. No matter how Gotham reforms, it can't start agriculture. The weather there is too bad.


"Honestly, I didn't expect you to be different from what was reported in the media." Diana spoke very straightforwardly: "You don't seem so strong, not so exaggerated, and you seem quite normal."

Bruce, who was standing by the door, wanted to see how the two new visitors were defeated, but unexpectedly, Diana flipped up her long black hair and said

Diana got out of the car, and the breeze blew on her hair, which seemed to make her feel comfortable and cool. Diana untied her hair, and her long flowing black hair fell down.

Diana also nodded in agreement. It was just a short drive from the city to a small town, but the things they wanted to say were endless. Even before the superficial communication was finished, the car was already there.

Driving to the gate of Kent Farm.

After Clark said this, Diana's eyes immediately lit up. She knew that the young man in front of her was truly knowledgeable, so she immediately said:

Sure enough, as soon as Diana entered the door and before her other foot landed on the ground, Martha's screams and Jonathan's praises came flooding in. They surrounded Diana and praised her for three minutes, without repeating any words.

Diana glanced at Bruce. When they were discussing the agricultural situation in the metropolitan area in the car, Bruce slept the whole way without saying a word, which actually made Diana have some extra interest in him.

"Just call me Bruce." Bruce replied.

The lady at the back was wearing a floral dress and a straw hat, dragging a small suitcase, holding a notebook in her hand, and was writing something while walking out.

"Although when people mention the East Coast, they will definitely think of Metropolis, but Gotham and Metropolis are both megacities. The two cities have many similarities in terms of historical origins, geography, culture and economy."

"You are very consistent with the media reports, ma'am." Bruce responded: "Amazing beauty, good professionalism, and quite powerful momentum."

Clark talked a lot intermittently until the two figures walked out of the platform.

Diana sighed lightly, but then said: "Fortunately, they have gradually realized this, so they hope to hold a large-scale agricultural expo, which will not only enhance the confidence of farmers, but also promote their

exchanges, or attract more people to invest in farms.”

"The man next to you is the big shot in your mouth." Diana looked Bruce up and down and said, "...he is much more famous than me."

After Louise entered the door, they immediately repeated all the topics Clark mentioned to them about Louise after work, and then praised her for several minutes, but still did not repeat a word.

"What I envy most is your hair." Louise reached out and touched Diana's long hair and said, "Paradise Island is such a good place. I must go there when I take a long vacation."

Because the injury hadn't healed yet, Bruce's face was still a little pale, and his speech was somewhat weak.

"But precisely because the metropolitan area did not pay attention to agriculture in the past, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was unable to come up with a decent plan. No one in the various departments it contacted understood agriculture, and the major media and newspapers did not understand it. Reports on agricultural expos should be

Which aspect should you focus on?”

The four of them got into the car. Just as Clark said, the seat of this family car was just right. When the car drove on the road, Diana took the initiative and said: "The development of agriculture in the metropolitan area has always been of great concern. Most people on the East Coast

Megacities are not suitable for the development of agriculture, I think Mr. Wayne should understand this."

Martha immediately covered her mouth. She patted Jonathan's arm hard and said, "I said I wanted to have a daughter at the beginning! Look at these beautiful and polite ladies... how lucky their mothers are!


"When I met Clark for the first time today, I knew that he must have a beautiful mother. I'm not talking about appearance. Clark's conversation and upbringing made me immediately imagine a gentle, beautiful, considerate and caring mother.

The image of a patient lady, just like my mother."

"No, no, I drove here. The seat is just right. Let's get in the car first. We should be in time for dinner when we get back. My mother heard that two beautiful ladies were visiting, so she specially prepared a large table.


"Yes, those congressmen keep saying that hilly areas are not suitable for the development of large-scale agriculture, but there are obviously a lot of flat and fertile farmland in metropolitan areas, but because the policies are not in place, farmers are having a hard time."

The tall lady came up and shook hands with Clark. Her actions and words were not sloppy, and her demeanor was compelling.

One is tall and the other is short. The lady walking in front is quite tall, probably over 1.8 meters tall. She wears a white long-sleeved shirt on her upper body and a black fishtail skirt on her lower body. She has black hair and red lips, and her eyebrows and lip lines are drawn.

Very clear, with long hair tied back, exuding a professional and capable look.

"The curator told me that we should popularize agricultural products and let people distinguish the differences between several kinds of beans. The deputy curator said that we should start with the soil and let people experience how to farm for themselves."

"Bruce Wayne." Diana's eyes widened, she blinked slightly, showing a puzzled expression, but she still shook hands with Bruce, and then said: "I have heard of the famous name for a long time, Wayne.

Mr. En."

"Let's stop standing here, Clark, how did you get here? Is it too intrusive to go to your house today?" Louise asked, pushing up her glasses.

But this did not delay. After the meal started, Bruce felt a sense of schadenfreude in his heart after seeing the mountain-high pile of food on Diana's plate.

"You should know that I have been reporting on Gotham recently. What is surprising is that Gotham is really trying to transform, whether it is building renovation projects, developing tourism, gambling, or developing beaches to find fishing possibilities.

sex, all of which have brought different changes to this megacity.”

Before entering, Bruce stood by the door to let the others change their shoes. Clark glanced at him. Although Bruce had no expression, Clark could still see an expression of excitement on his face.

Clark felt a little embarrassed. He thought about it carefully and found that the last name "Prince" seemed familiar. Before he could say anything, Bruce walked up and shook Diana's hand and said, "Hello, Paradise Island."

Your Royal Highness, the princess, has long heard of her fame."

Diana smiled and said: "Then after you go, you must write a report on our tourism industry. We will all be very grateful to you."

“The curators I worked with pushed the matter aside, and the bosses of the major newspapers neither cared nor understood. Some even liked to point fingers, saying that they had invested in farms in Canada, but in fact

I can’t even tell the difference between several types of wheat.”

"And at some point, Gotham may have an advantage. Wayne Group provides too many jobs for this megacity. If they go all out to reform, the pressure will definitely fall on Metropolis."

"I heard that Amazon is actively developing tourism." Clark opened the door of the farm, led a few people inside, and said, "Maybe you will have something to talk with Bruce. Gotham has also been developing tourism recently.


Louise squeezed over from Diana's side, winked at Clark and said, "This is Ms. Prince, you should have heard of her, right?"

"Come on in, girls, dinner is almost ready and you, Bruce, stop standing around and sit down at the table."

Clark thought for a moment and then said: "No, I don't think this is a hasty decision. They are serious about doing this well."

Clark saw that Diana frowned when Bruce talked about beauty, but soon, the next two sentences made Diana's expression soothed a lot.

Clark curled his lips, but then bumped Bruce's arm with his elbow in concern, and said, "Don't reveal your secret later, I haven't started pursuing her yet!"

Finally, the beautiful black-haired princess gave Martha a thumbs up, and Martha was delighted.

Mothers in this world also have one thing in common - they like children who can eat.

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