Chapter 136 R: The Bat Incident (17)

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 Chapter 136 R Bat Incident (Seventeen)

Everyone behind the defense line saw that the figure, which looked a bit small under the overwhelming bat tide, had two spider threads directly attached to the two buildings next to it.

There was no one in those two buildings, and the buildings were already crumbling from the battle the night before. This time, the two spider webs shot by Spider-Man were black, and had a large web on the top, which directly stuck to the entire building.

most of the area.

Immediately afterwards, Spider-Man exerted force on his arms and contracted inward. The two buildings made a jaw-dropping squeezing sound and began to tilt gradually.

In everyone's shocked eyes, two huge buildings collapsed, and violent smoke and dust rose. The first batch of bats that rushed towards the defense line did not expect this situation at all, and were buried under the tall buildings on the spot.


Everyone present was shocked.

Those are two buildings tens of meters high!

On the battlefield before, Peter played more of a support role with high agility. Whenever there was an emergency, he would arrive as soon as possible, either to repair the defenses or to escort the wounded, which played a more important role.

Most of them are auxiliary.

This was the first time that everyone realized how powerful Spider-Man was. The mask of Stark's mecha opened and he stared straight at Peter, finding that he showed no signs of fatigue at all.

When the building collapsed, Peter quickly ducked out of the way, then grabbed a truck next to him and threw it at the fish that had slipped through the net. The giant truck with tires as tall as a person was no different from a small stone in his hand.

Stark swallowed, and Steve said, "Can you do it with all your mecha's full power?"

Stark hesitated for a moment and said: "It's possible, but you can't use this method of exerting force. You have to find a support point. This is unscientific..."

"His upper limit should be more than that." Steve crossed his arms and watched Spider-Man killing people in the middle of the battlefield.

As a physical mutation, Steve is very familiar with this. He said: "Peter's power is still far from being fully developed. His upper limit must be terrifyingly high."

Stark frowned and said anxiously: "I feel a little stressed now. If it's like what you said, then his spider sense may really be able to achieve the prophecy effect."

"I'm talking about the future." Steve looked at Stark and said: "At least until now, Peter is still in the adaptation period. The power this mutation brings to him is far from reaching its peak, even with the Spider Sense.

, the same thing."

"To be honest, I think it's a bit strange. Peter told me before that his spider sense rarely forms a specific picture, especially if it lasts for such a long time, after you pop out of the mecha and fall.

Then he fell to the ground, which was too concrete."

"Does Spider-Sense have any storyboards? It first captures the environment you are in, then the action of ejecting the mecha and falling, and finally the result of landing. Even if it is a prophecy, it is not so clear.

Is it clear?"

"When you say that, I also feel that something is wrong." Stark said without doubt: "Peter has never mentioned before that he has the ability to predict the future, especially when he predicts it so clearly and accurately."

"Maybe he can do it in the future." Steve concluded: "But at present, it seems that the spider sense ability that matches his current strength should not have such a clear prediction."

"No matter what, I still have to be prepared. After all, if this is true, things will become very difficult."

Spider-Man blocked the first wave of the most violent attacks, which gave the rear defense line a chance to breathe.

When the second wave of bats struck again, the bats also learned to be smart. They no longer rushed down from mid-air with a huff, but part of them turned into human shapes, cooperating with ground attacks and weakening human anti-air firepower.

After a day of preparation, the human firepower has been greatly improved. Due to some operations of Pierce and Nick, all the troops involved in the defense have been fully supplemented with heavy firepower. In this case, the advantages of human weapons have been reflected.


Most human heavy weapons will cause high temperatures and explosions, which are exactly what vampires fear most, and in addition to the target that needs to be hit accurately, the splash damage is also very high.

In some of the more important defensive locations, oil barrels that can be detonated by snipers are set up. If necessary, the explosion and flames of the oil barrels can be used to interrupt the rhythm of the bats' attack.

At the beginning, the entire defense rhythm was very good, with various weapons covering alternately, and the defense lines advancing layer by layer. After a while, the counterattack even reached the entrance of the Brooklyn Bridge.

But soon, many problems began to emerge. For example, humans underestimated the fearlessness of this group of bats, or in other words, this group of bats was simply controlled by something and turned into crazy cannon fodder.

Hawkeye had just exploded an oil drum, and the explosion severely injured one bat and caused another to be infected with flames. However, the burning bat not only did not retreat, but instead rushed into the nearest one with flames all over it.

Machine gun base.

Although the machine gunner was well prepared, one man was still ignited by the flames and might have died if his companions had not put it out in time.

However, his burns prevented him from continuing to fight, and he was quickly picked up by a hexagonal nut robot.

This group of crazy bats don't care about their lives at all. They would rather injure the enemy eight hundred and lose one thousand themselves, but continue to attack.

Hawkeye put down his bow, cursed secretly, and then said to Natasha on the other end of the intercom: "What the hell is going on? These bats are even crazier than last night!"

"Their legendary Bat God is very likely to control them with some kind of power." Natasha's tone was as calm as ever. "But Nick told me that maybe there will be a turn for the better soon."

As the battle became more and more intense, the human advantage gradually faded, and the two sides began to stalemate like a meat grinder.

Stark was repelling the attack of a crazy bat with one shot. Immediately afterwards, the steel mecha rose into the air and knocked back the bat that was about to attack the position with several shots. At this time, Jarvis's voice came from his cheek: "

A communication was sent from the Stark Tower Laboratory, and the correspondent was Dr. Connors.

"Connect the communication." Stark said while floating in the air.

Dr. Connors's voice came from the earphones. He spoke very quickly and in a calm tone. Connors said: "Listen, first of all, regardless of the principle, I have come up with a potion that, if released properly,

It can make all bats on the battlefield lose their combat effectiveness at once."

"Just tell me what to do." Stark said simply.

"I told Nick before that I had a better way to solve the problem at the root. Now I have succeeded, and there is only one last step left."

"In general, using the lizard serum I extracted, which is the component of the serum that can turn me into a lizard monster, I made them into an infectious mutant serum to infect those bats.


"Once bats are infected, they will begin to transform into lizards. Unlike humans, bats cannot transform into lizard-men. They will only become lizard-like, such as growing thick scales all over their bodies, growing tails and legs, and losing the ability to fly."

"I changed the ingredients to make the mutation more uncontrollable, so they might grow a tail on their chest, or be crushed to death by thick scales."

"This mutation is completely uncontrollable, so as long as it is infected, the alienated bat will almost completely lose its combat ability."

"But wouldn't that infect humans?" Stark asked.

"Of course not, otherwise why would I bring so many bats here for research? This is a targeted infection serum that is completely ineffective against humans. I have already tested it."

"Okay, what else do you need?"

"In order to eliminate the combat effectiveness of all bats at once, I need a spray generating device with sufficient power. It is best to spray this mutant serum out in an instant, covering the entire battlefield and infecting all bats. The speed must be fast to avoid what they use.

Magical means to counter it.”

Stark thought for a moment, looked at the increasingly fierce battle situation on the ground and said, "Then let's do it. I remember that I also have an ultraviolet generating device. Can you see if that can be used?"

"I have seen the design drawings of all your generating devices. According to estimates, its power is not enough. Light and gas are different. Gas requires a huge driving force to quickly cover the entire battlefield."

"Then seize the time to transform. I have opened up all the laboratory permissions to you."

"Ethan and I have already worked out a version, but it still needs the final debugging. It will be put in place within half an hour. What you need to consider now is where to set it up and how to detonate it."

Connors spoke quickly: "Theoretically, its spray range will be a sphere with a diameter of about 300 meters. In order to maximize the use of this range, the location where the generating device will be set up will not be on the ground.

Find a high-rise building within the nearest area. Once you choose a location, we will immediately transport the generating device there."

"In fact, there's only one tall building in the entire area," Stark said.

He looked up and saw the Brooklyn Heights Building on the east side of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Stark seemed to feel something. Connors heard silence on the other end of the communication and asked: "What's wrong?"

After a while, Stark's voice came: "'s nothing. There is only one building that meets the conditions you mentioned. Once the device is debugged, it will be immediately transported to the roof of the Brooklyn Heights Building. Jarvis

The exact location has been sent and I'll be waiting for you there."

Connors heard an inexplicable emotion from the end of his voice, but he had no time to continue chatting and quickly hung up the phone.

On the other side, Peter flew to Stark on a cobweb, and then said: "The situation on the front line is very bad. Where is the turning point Natasha said? Do you know? Mr. Stark?"

"Don't worry about it." When Stark's voice came from the mecha, there was a trace of electric distortion. Stark continued: "Tell Steve to lead a team and clear the area near Highland Building."

Clean out all the vampires, I want to go up there."

"Highland Building?" Peter looked back and found that it was the tallest building nearby. He said: "No! Wait! You can't go!! You forgot that you forgot about me..."

"I haven't forgotten, Peter, I remember it very clearly, but I have to go." Iron Man in the mecha flew directly over there, with Peter chasing him behind and shouting: "No!!! You

You know you'll die if you do that! Oh my god..."

Peter took out his walkie-talkie and said to Steve: "Stop Stark! He's crazy! He's going to Highland Towers!"

"Peter, protect Stark." Steve's voice came from the other end of the walkie-talkie. Apparently he also received Connors' communication. He said: "There are some things that even if you know that there will be no good results, you can't."

It has to be done.”

Peter was going crazy with anxiety. Having seen that scene with his own eyes, he could not accept this happening anyway. He said to Stark: "You don't have to go up. I can go up alone. If anything happens, it's up to me."

Can't handle it? I..."

"It takes time to activate the generating device, and it also takes time for the infection to take effect." Stark's voice was very calm. He said: "One person cannot defend against the bat's attack at the same time, and then activate the generating device, and evacuation also requires people to respond. One person

It will never be finished.”

"Then we can think of other ways, we don't have to..."

"Peter, I told you..." Stark stopped, his visor raised, and Peter saw Stark's face. He didn't see any panic or fear on it. He looked more...

Usually calmer.

"If I was afraid of death, I should be hiding under the protection of Stark Tower instead of coming here to fight."

"I know better than anyone else that if I am bound to die, no advanced mecha can protect me. I don't get any sense of security from this mecha. I am facing death every moment."

In the dark night sky, Peter hung on the wall of a building, looking at Stark floating opposite him.

The hair under Stark's visor was flying in the wind, and his eyes seemed to absorb all the surrounding light, reminding Peter of the first sunrise he and Stark saw together.

"Even without the prediction you made, I would be worried every minute on the battlefield."

"Advanced mechas, more advanced mechas, I will continue to develop all kinds of mechas. The reason is the fear of death."

"What I didn't tell you is that that night in the cave in Afghanistan, in addition to pain, there was endless fear. No one is not afraid of death."

Peter heard the pain in Stark's voice, as if he was remembering something he didn't want to remember.

"At that time I knew I was going to die, and no one could tell me whether I could survive..."

"Just like today, I know I'm going to die..."

Stark closed his eyes, his voice began to tremble a little, and was gradually blown away in the cold wind of Brooklyn night,

"I may be crazy. I know that there is a dead end ahead, but there are still voices urging me to do this. I must do this..."

"That's all I can do."

This chapter has been completed!
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