Chapter 1,462 The Flying Bird and Return (7)

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 After reflexively calling out Dick's name, Thomas was stunned. How could Dick grow so big overnight? What did he miss?

Then he realized that this couldn't be Dick, at least it certainly wasn't the Dick he knew.

Thomas took two steps back very quickly, lifted up the hem of his suit with one hand, took out the Batarang from his waist, stared at Nightwing coldly, and asked, "Who are you? Why are you in Wayne Manor?"


After seeing Thomas' familiar reaction, Nightwing retreated back out of the shooting position as a conditioned reflex, stretched out his hands in front of him and said: "Wait a minute, Batman, I am..."

Nightwing's voice stopped suddenly, and he realized what he had said, and then he looked at the face of Thomas in front of him in shock. Thomas looked so much like the Batman he knew.

People who know the Flashpoint universe should know that Thomas, the old man of the Flashpoint universe, is actually the biological father of Batman in the main universe. Their appearance, height, and body shape are very similar, so Nightwing instantly recognized him as someone he was familiar with.

The main universe of Batman.

Although Nightwing felt that the previous Batman who was about the same age as him was a bit difficult to accept, the Batman in front of him was a bit too old.

Two Batmans in one Gotham City?

Just thinking of this, Ye Yi felt like his head was buzzing.

The Batarang in Thomas' hand was already tightened. Nightwing saw him taking an attacking stance and immediately wanted to explain, but Thomas was obviously the kind of Batman who wouldn't listen to explanations. Just when he was about to throw the dart

The moment before throwing it out, another figure walked out of the room unsteadily.

Thomas looked at the familiar Dick leaning against the guardrail with half-closed eyes and a very sleepy look. He loosened his grip on the weapon, and then heard Dick holding the pillow say: "Didn't Bruce tell you?

This is the Bat family from another universe, which is us from another universe."

"Oh, by the way, I read the letter written by the professor. He said that the Batman of that universe is your biological son, and these people are his good helpers and good partners."

Thomas paused for a moment, recalling what Barry Allen told him about the origins of the Flashpoint world and the completely different stories in another universe.

Are they from the universe where Bruce Jr. became Batman?

Thomas' expression remained unchanged and he still stared at Nightwing seriously, but he put away the weapon in his hand, rearranged his suit and quickly walked to the sofa and sat down on the side.

He first waved to Dick and said, "You go back to bed first. You have to get up for class tomorrow morning. By the way, put your French homework on the table. I'll go over and check it later."

Dick suddenly became stiff, his sleepiness flew out of the sky, and he rushed back to the room in a panic.

Then he pointed at Ye Yi and said, "Come here, sit down."

"But I'm going to..."

"You can't go anywhere." Thomas looked at his face and said calmly: "The moment I touched the batarang, all the airports, train stations, and bus stations in Gotham were suspended. You

Can't go anywhere."

Yeyi stood there and looked at him. After more than ten seconds, he reluctantly came over and sat on the sofa.


"Are you interrogating a prisoner?"

"Answer my question, or it will be."

"Dick Grayson."

"Legal name."

"Richard Grayson."

"Your last name is not Wayne?"

Dick pursed his lips, turned his head to the side and said, "In memory of my parents who passed away, I kept my last name."

"Are you Batman's adopted son?"

"That's right."

"Yes or no?"

"I'm his Robin."

"Okay, let me ask another question, is he your legal guardian?" Thomas asked, staring into Nightwing's eyes.

"We have no legal relationship and we don't need that."

"Why doesn't he legally adopt you?"

Nightwing opened his mouth, but still emphasized: "That makes no sense, and the conditions are not met. According to the laws of New Jersey..."

"His last name is Wayne, and he still has to control the laws of New Jersey?"

Nightwing could have refuted him firmly, but there were some chaotic thoughts plaguing his heart.

He looked back into Thomas's eyes and couldn't help but ask: "Dick in this world... I mean, his parents are still alive. Why did Batman adopt him? And why did he change his surname to Wayne?"

"Of course it is to give Dick a better education. Bruce, myself, and the Graysons all agree on this. Where are there any good schools and teachers in Bludhaven?"

"Of course!" Nightwing instinctively wanted to protect his hometown, but then he still said a little unsurely: "Although it may not be as good as Gotham, it is by no means a bad school. The children there are very sensible and the teachers are very good.


"Happy education, huh?" Thomas snorted from his nostrils.

Just when Nightwing was about to open his mouth to ask again, Thomas leaned on the back of the sofa and said to Dick, "You care about your last name?"

Although Nightwing felt a little embarrassed and angry that someone had exposed his secret so quickly, he still asked eagerly: "Do Batman change Dick's last name, do his parents agree?"

"I had this same question when I first came here." Thomas turned around and took the hot tea from Alfred's hand. He looked down and found that there were some medicinal ingredients that he didn't know well.

But he still took a sip and continued: "I don't want Bruce to snatch other people's children, but he convinced me."

"What did he say?" Nightwing leaned forward and asked.

"Whether your surname is Grayson or Wayne cannot shake the relationship between the two of them, but it will change other people's views on Dick."

"If Dick can't have a connection with Bruce Wayne in appearance, surname and legal sense that others can see at a glance, then everyone will just see Dick as a poor little guy who was picked up by Mr. Wayne, and they will think that he

He was not taken seriously, thinking that he might be kicked out one day."

"But if his name is Richard Wayne, then regardless of whether he is related to Bruce or not, as long as his surname is Wayne, others must give him the respect that Wayne deserves, otherwise they will be contemptuous of the Wayne family.

, not many people in this world can afford such a price."

Thomas put down the tea cup, sighed and said: "Dick is not originally from Gotham. In any environment, outsiders will not be accepted immediately. He wants to quickly gain his due status in an unfamiliar circle.

,Dick needs help and counseling.”

Thomas keenly noticed that when he finished his last sentence, Nightwing's hand clenched suddenly, but then relaxed again.

"Tell me about you." Thomas said at the right time.

"Talk about me? What can I say?" Yeyi looked a little nervous. The atmosphere was obviously like a casual chat, but because of his tense facial expression and stiff body language, it became like an exam.

Thomas felt that such a state was not conducive to conversation, and that he was too defensive, which might lead to fruitless conversation. Therefore, he planned to relieve the tension and start talking about daily life.

Thomas looked at Nightwing up and down, estimated his age based on the size difference between him and Dick, chose a topic in his mind that might be most acceptable to boys of this age, and asked.

"How is college life? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Yeyi blinked and replied instinctively: "I'm not in college and I don't have a girlfriend."

Thomas frowned immediately, but he tried to calm down his emotions and did not show it too obviously. Instead, he pretended to be unintentional and said, "Oh? Did Batman hire a tutor for you?"

"Well, he has been tutoring me..."

"Is it about the Wayne family's business?" Thomas' expression softened slightly and he asked with some concern: "When did you first take over the Wayne family's business? Bruce is still relatively conservative in terms of business strategies.

So let me guess...fourteen?"

Nightwing looked a little surprised, but Thomas still asked himself: "What was the first industry he gave you practice in? Chemical industry? Construction industry or logistics industry? It couldn't be the military industry, right?"

Looking at Nightwing's expression, Thomas's eyebrows slowly wrinkled again, and he said in a rather unhappy tone: "Don't tell me, he asked you to engage in finance with those boys on Wall Street?

I remember that I repeatedly emphasized to him when he was young that industry is the foundation of Wayne Group, and he didn’t listen at all, right?”

"No." Nightwing replied instinctively. He hurriedly wanted to explain and said hurriedly: "What he taught me was not these, but some methods of fighting crime. Just like Batman, I am his assistant.

,Do you understand?"

Thomas didn't seem to understand, so he asked more specifically: "Then what did he teach you? How many languages ​​do you know? What are your scores in Latin and Arabic?"

Nightwing suddenly felt like he was as big as his head. He whispered: "Arabic??? Tim doesn't even know this, does he? Oh my God, please spare me!"

Thomas finally felt that something was wrong, his face darkened, and Nightwing immediately felt that Batman's dark atmosphere enveloped the entire Wayne Manor.

"Let's start at the beginning," Thomas said. "Did you go to a parochial school or a grammar school?"

"I think you may have misunderstood something. Before I was adopted, I had been performing in various places with my parents..."

"I'm asking after you were adopted!"

"Uh." Nightwing also keenly noticed that something was wrong with Thomas' tone. He woke up slightly from the series of questions. He looked at Thomas and asked, "Who are you? Why should I tell you?"

"I'm Bruce Wayne's father!"

Nightwing's eyes widened in surprise, and his mouth opened as wide as if he could fit an egg in. Thomas leaned forward with an aggressive attitude.

Nightwing looked at his face that was very similar to Batman's, and didn't even have the courage to escape. He explained with some dejection: "Batman adopts family education..."

"Then who is your tutor? Professor Rodriguez? Dr. Freese? Is he a professor at Gotham University? Or a full-time tutor at the seminary?"

"It's Batman." Nightwing replied.

"So what did Batman teach you?"

"I told you, he taught me how to fight crime!"

"So what is that method?!" Thomas put one hand on his knee and asked in confusion: "An adult with sound limbs still needs someone to teach him to pull the trigger?"

"Batman doesn't use guns." Nightwing defended in a low voice.

"You can't even use a gun?!"

"I haven't used it much, but I can pull the trigger..." Nightwing's tone became increasingly arrogant: "He also taught me close combat, driving and rope skills, balance, and tracking skills."

Thomas stared at him and asked: "What about criminal investigation? What about reasoning? What about information and data collection technology? What about communication science? What about mechanical engineering? Medicine? Law?"

Seeing the clear stupidity revealed in Nightwing's expression, Thomas' fist hardened.

This chapter has been completed!
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