Chapter 1,608 Fishing Day (1)

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 Chapter 1581 Fishing Day (1)

In the spacious and bright staircase classroom, the noise was like waves, pushing the slightly stuffy air out layer by layer. The crowd was drifting with the tide like squid at high tide, and a figure was like a hot knife cutting through butter.

, separated from the crowd and walked towards the front podium.

Schiller saw Charles's face as soon as he raised his head. He lowered his head to clear away the lesson plans on the table, looked at Charles with a smile and said, "What's wrong, Professor? Why are you free to come to my place today?"

"In order not to disturb you, I listened to half of the interstellar sociology class outside the door. Your lecture was very good, lively and interesting, and very suitable for this group of children. Can I take up a little of your time next?"

As soon as Charles said this, two girls hurried over, one was Asian and the other looked like an American girl. They ran to the podium hand in hand, so fast that

He leaned forward and almost fell on the table.

"God, Dean, it's so hard to catch you! Charlotte told me that nine times out of ten she can't find you in the office." The Asian girl spoke first.

"What's the matter, Vin? What's going on between you and Charlotte?"

"It's like this, Dean, Charlotte and I are classmates in high school. We have read the admissions rules of New York University and learned that they will open the department of general sociology in September next year, and will expand the enrollment to 60 students.

People, this way Charlotte and I will both have a chance to go to New York University."

"This is a good thing." Schiller nodded, looked at them very gently and said, "I heard that you two have good high school grades and have won some awards. There should be no problem in applying to New York University, right?"

"Yes, but I heard that new subjects will have entrance exams. We have some questions about interstellar sociology that we would like to consult with you. This may improve our scores in the entrance exams."

"Of course, if you have any questions, just ask." Schiller nodded, showing great patience.

"It just so happens that Dr. Rodriguez, regarding the topic of 'Analysis of Interstellar Security Situation and War Potential of Four Civilization Categories' that you just taught in class, I also have some things that I don't understand, but I am also wondering about these two

Miss, why didn’t you understand?” Charles joined the conversation at the right time.

"Oh, Dean Xavier, you are here too. If you two have something serious to talk about, we can discuss it some other time..."

"It's nothing. Charles and I can talk about it later. If you have any questions, just ask."

The Asian girl named Wen immediately started flipping through the notebook in her hand, and Charlotte also leaned over. The two of them pointed to a question on it and said: "You talked about the good and evil of mechanical civilization about ten minutes into the class."

It affects their status in the interstellar security situation and at the same time increases their war potential, but the reasons are not explained in detail, and we want to hear this part."

"This is a very simple logic." Schiller pursed his lips and smiled and said: "If all human beings were produced in factories, with almost unlimited raw materials and abundant energy, no matter how much they sacrificed, they could be replenished at any time.

What impact do you think this will have on the international situation?"

"Then I'm afraid I won't be able to live a peaceful life." Charlotte seemed rather shy instead, and she said in a soft voice: "We will not be condemned in terms of human rights, and power groups who hope to gain profits through war will definitely become more unscrupulous.


"That's it. This is what I emphasized before. The form of civilization affects the civilization's concept of right and wrong, which in turn affects their views on war, and then affects the star security situation."

"Do you mean that a purely mechanical civilization will be more likely to provoke war?"

"This is probably true, but it is not entirely limited to mechanical civilization. I am just giving an example. When the sacrifice of the main members of a race is not valued and can be replenished at any time, they are destined not to care too much about the casualties of war...


The two girls nodded, and soon Wen looked at a question on the notebook and asked: "Is this also the reason for the laziness of immortal species and special magical civilizations?"

"Take Asgard as an example." Schiller pushed up his glasses and said: "On the one hand, the concept of time of immortal species is different from that of short-lived species. When Asgard launches a war, the civilization of ordinary short-lived species may

Dozens of generations have passed, so the harm caused is not too great."

"On the other hand, in interstellar society, most magic-based civilizations have unique advantages. They first become rich and then explore outwards, instead of having to speed up their progress due to limited resources like humans and other civilizations.

Steps beyond the home star."

"In this case, the driving force for them to explore outwards is more of curiosity. Therefore, they will show special laziness towards some major events in interstellar society. It seems to us that they are slow to respond. In fact,

It’s just that the benefits of being overtaken by weaker races, in their view, are not beneficial to their survival and development at all.”

The two girls nodded, and then they asked a few more questions about the differences between the four types of civilizations, most of which focused on the reasons for these differences. Charles also joined the discussion from time to time, but he was more concerned about

How should a civilization that started from a humble beginning obtain enough benefits through war or other people's wars?

Finally, Schiller concluded.

"Even from an interstellar level, war is only a means rather than an end. The power groups that launch the war must be profitable. Pure chaotic races are always excluded from interstellar society. If Asgard hadn't put on the

Without the cloak of civilization, they have no chance of returning to interstellar society."

"Rules can be armor or weapons. When everyone has to sit down and talk because of the rules, strong force is the guarantee of justice, but in the end, what determines who can go further is knowing what you want.

What a long-term perspective.”

The two girls looked thoughtful, and Charlotte said thoughtfully: "It seems that all intelligent life is about the same. Although they get a lot, they are too greedy.

Sacrificing certain interests at the right time can gain the advantage of public opinion. As for how to choose, you have to look at who you are and what you want."

"You will be an excellent interstellar politician, Miss." Schiller showed a smile and looked at Charlotte and said.

"Thank you so much, Dean, if we have similar questions in the future..."

"You can come to me after class in the dream school, or you can call me in reality, but please call Arkham Sanatorium. I personally do not answer any calls from numbers outside of my address book."

The two girls nodded and turned to leave. Charles walked to the opposite side of Schiller, shook his head slightly and said, "Amazing, doctor, inviting you to come to Dream School is the most correct decision I have ever made."

"It's nothing, Professor, but if you still have any questions, I'm afraid we have to talk to you next time. I have an appointment with someone in the afternoon and I have to get ready to leave now."

"Oh? Are you going out?"

"Yes, Steve, Nick and I made an appointment to go ice fishing on Long Island on Sunday afternoon. You know this is a rare opportunity. The thickness of the ice is just right."

Charles was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Are you going to go ice fishing too? I was just about to talk to Eric about this."

"He has been a little upset because of something recently. Fishing is one of the few forms of entertainment he is willing to use to pass the time. I am here just to invite you to come with us. After all, you know, there is nothing between us

The relationship is too close and I am not suitable to provide him with psychological counseling."

"That's it." Schiller sped up his movements, organized the files on the desktop and said: "This event was initiated by Nick, but I think he will be happy to invite you, but we are a little pressed for time...


"I have prepared everything a long time ago." Charles said with a smile: "I know Eric will not refuse my proposal, never before."

"How are you going to get there?" Schiller asked again.

"You can send the coordinates to the flashing mobile phone, and I will give you his number later, and he will be responsible for sending us there. This is really a pleasant coincidence, isn't it?"

Schiller laughed and said very frankly: "The most pleasant coincidence is that you found me now. A few weeks ago, I would not have had time to go fishing."

"When you reach my age, you will understand how valuable it is to slow down and enjoy life. If when you stop, your memory will be filled with smoke and fire, and blood will flow like a river. Even God will often sigh for it.


Charles used a lot of British rhetoric and sounded like Shakespeare, but Schiller knew exactly what he was implying. He just replied in the same tone: "Human beings and this society spend too much time commenting on right and wrong, and

There are always conflicts over this, and if you want to truly relax and calm down, you must first break out of this vicious circle."

"Fishing is a great way to relax, right?"

"Of course, fishing is quite relaxing, especially when two of the people participating were from World War II and the other two were from Russia."

The tail of Charles's eyebrows twitched, and his face showed a satisfied look, but it was not just satisfied with the people who participated in this event, but more like the pleasure brought about by the tacit understanding when talking to an intelligent person.

This would always convince Eric, Charles thought, it was a rare opportunity for an important human figure not to be tied to typical Americans like Stark and Strange.

Eric had never liked Americans, especially successful Americans. Whenever Charles talked to him about these things, Eric's expression was as disgusting as if he had heard who stepped on dog poop this morning.

His malice does not come from his life experience. It is just that the words "wild Yankee" and "perfectionism", "rigor" and "mesophobia" are natural antonyms. It is enough for the latter to hear some words related to love history from the former.

It's stomach-churning.

"But before I do that, can I ask what troubles Dr. Lensherr?" Schiller asked as he walked out with Charles.

His name for Eric made Charles stunned for a moment, but then he smiled and said: "Whatever his troubles are, you can definitely solve them, Dr. Schiller, because just the name you call him is enough to open his eyes."

I was so defensive that few people called him Doctor."

"But he's definitely a doctor, isn't he? Even though he got his degree in astrophysics as an adult and may have used his mutant powers during the experiments, he can really be called Dr. Lansheer."

"You could try calling him Dr. Eisenhardt, that might make him happier."

"Is that his real name?"

"Yes, his real name was Max Eisenhardt, but later in order to disguise himself as a gypsy, he changed his name to Eric Lensheer. I have said that his pseudonym is fake more than once.

It’s terrible, but he just refuses to change.”

Schiller stopped at the door, looked at Charles with a smile and said: "Let's wait for him to tell me himself. This honesty can be exchanged for a doctorate title that I fully recognize. If he can really make all the Russians present call him Marx

, that’s a huge compliment.”

Charles laughed along and said, "I'd like to lend you a good word."


This chapter has been completed!
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