Chapter 1,725 ??Bruce Wayne and the Prisoners of the Batcave (8)

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 Chapter 1699 Bruce Wayne and the Prisoners of the Batcave (8)

Gotham was destroyed.

If placed in a realistic work, this would be a very scary beginning. Unfortunately, in the world of superheroes, cities are being destroyed every second.

But even so, the city of Gotham can still bloom in the midst of vulgarity, or it can be said that it blooms even after death, because even in the world of superheroes, almost no city is destroyed due to civil strife.


The situation that has evolved to this point has some cruel undertones, but because of the special situation in Gotham, it is difficult to say that the people of Gotham deserve it. At least those who are still here deserve it 100%.

Unlike wars between countries and regions, gangs do not first bomb transportation hubs, nor do they defame transportation hubs or simply blow up roads.

On the one hand, gangsters rarely have this kind of strategic vision. Most gangsters of this generation are fighting this kind of war for the first time. They are not professional military strategists. Most of them take it step by step and are immersed in grabbing territory and being robbed.

Among them, there is no time to manage transportation hubs.

On the one hand, it makes no sense for them to blow up these facilities, because the enemy is not outside, and no one will transport troops from outside. Most supplies also go by sea. The advantage is to get to the dock. Land transportation is not that important.


Therefore, most of the outsiders and locals who were afraid of death who were stranded in Gotham carried the train overnight and ran away when the war just started. Now those who are left behind are complete war lunatics, even if they are bombed in front of them

The mutilated corpse deserved it, but it couldn't be called callous.

When Harley Quinn took Harley to find Poison Ivy, everyone sitting in the S.H.I.E.L.D. office saw clearly the current situation of the city through her eyes. From the swearing at the beginning to the silence later,

The atmosphere in the room basically hovered between "did I drink too much last night and should I have drank more last night?"

"There was no bombing." Magneto said: "Cities that were bombed by bombers are not like this."

Of course Nick knew it, so he explained to the younger children: "The shape of building debris caused by bombers falling from the sky is completely different from that caused by ground explosives. When the explosive yield is the same, the shape of the building debris caused by bombers falling from the sky is completely different.

Coverage is wider, but ground explosives do more damage."

"If they used bombs, grenades or rocket launchers to make the city look like this, how many did they use?"

Stark stood next to Jarvis with his hands on his hips and asked with some confusion on the side of the screen. He paused for a moment, but still walked to the screen, pointed to the upper half of a building above and said: "Look at the steel bars here.

With burn marks on it, it doesn't look like something a known bomb could do."

"You can't do it either?"

"I haven't done any research on this kind of thing." Stark shook his head slightly and said, "I stopped working as an arms dealer a long time ago. Besides, if I invent a bomb that can easily fuse the steel bars of building standards, I will be criticized.

Despite the humanitarian condemnation of international public opinion, Pepper would yell at me for a whole week, 'If you can't do your job, don't cause trouble!!!'."

"But ordinary bombs can also destroy buildings, right?" Pietro, who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, raised his head and asked.

Stark nodded and said: "That's why I feel confused. If a bomb is developed just to collapse the building it destroys in another way, or even collapse faster, then what's the point?"

Soon, Stark and everyone in the room knew what this meant. The answer was an arms race.

As we all know, the original source of the gang's firepower was imported from Eastern Europe by Harley Quinn and Harley, the two newly appointed arms dealers. However, the people of Gotham have nothing else but a strong spirit of self-reliance. They feel that they have been counting on imports.

It was so unreliable that they decided to produce it themselves.

But military production lines are different from ordinary industrial production lines. Even though Gotham is an important industrial city, it is more inclined to the chemical industry and lacks a large part of the production lines and raw materials needed for military production.

Harley Quinn and Harley are indeed very powerful, and they did get some of the inheritance distributed by the prodigal sons during the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but most of them were useless, and the ones that were successful could not be brought in.

Faced with scattered machines and workshop components that didn't even have control assemblies, the Gothamites' amazing wisdom and tremendous courage allowed them to create miracles again, mainly relying on the latter.

Gotham people always have a kind of mysterious confidence when facing this kind of thing, that is, although I don't understand the principle, the advantage must be mine. Although these things can't even move, I can just use a screwdriver and screwdriver to transform them.

Pressing down on the accelerator can push the earth away.

The strange thing is that although 99% of the experimental machines were destroyed and killed, among the tens of millions of people in Gotham, there are still a few geniuses like Jason who used to pry the tires of the Batmobile with his bare hands.

After a lot of tinkering, they finally succeeded.

However, how can the crazy little heads of Gotham people who are soaked by rain be satisfied with ordinary arms? Although they understand neither magic nor science, they just think that knocking the bomb to plus sixteen and then enchanting it with fire is enough.

Storms were cool, so they did it.

Not all of their surprise inventions have practical value. For example, the bomb that Stark discovered that seemed to have a special burning effect on metal did not improve the efficiency of destroying buildings, but Gotham's arms race was originally

Just comparing who is cooler.

When a gangster starts to get involved in the military industry, the other ninety-nine have to keep up with him, because in Gotham, you can live without it, but you can't live without it.

How much territory they grabbed, how much money they earned, and how many people they had under their control were just items for competition among gangs in the early stages. When gangs develop, what they compete for is fashionableness.

You have to admit that the image of a godfather with a black suit, black leather shoes, and a poppy on his chest, who always says "I will make you an offer you can't refuse" has changed the world's perception of the Mafia to some extent.

view, so that they can be completely distinguished from those street gangsters.

In fact, the Mafia is not that beautiful at all, but as long as there is enough fashion value, it will be difficult to change the stereotype once it is formed.

Therefore, after passing through the initial period of chaos and reaching a strange balance, many gangs entered the era of technology and image. Although all this developed too fast, it was not completely without reason.

First of all, one of the two top warmongers in this city is the former Batman and the former Joker. After they split into two gangs to start the film, the attributive "former" has to be put into question.

Batman and the Joker will always compete in all aspects. They soon get tired of the ordinary daily life of you beating me and me beating you, and enter the field they are most familiar with - a comprehensive contest in every field known to mankind.

A beauty that doesn't care about anyone's life or death.

And just like what is mentioned in the Gotham Laws, sooner or later something will happen to this hellish place.

"what is that?"

Stark in front of the screen keenly captured a floating thing on the skyline, so Wanda asked Harley in her mind, but Harley had just come back and couldn't figure out the current situation, so she opened her mouth and asked.

Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn covered her eyes with her hands and said, "Oh, that, I heard it is the base of the famous Neville family."

"Why are you flying in the sky?"

"Maybe I feel it's not safe on the ground."

"I mean, how did it fly in the sky?!" Wanda repeated it in Harley's mind. This time, Harley didn't ask Harley Quinn. Instead, she asked with some confusion: "How did it fly in the sky?"

In the sky? Once you leave the ground, you will naturally fly into the sky."

"Ask her about the anti-gravity system," Stark said.

"Does this sky fortress use an anti-gravity system? Is this a special technology developed in your universe?" Wanda turned her head and glanced at Stark, probably asking him to confirm whether there was a problem with her question.

Stark knows the origin of Batman, and he also knows that this may be the universe where Batman lives. However, when dealing with Batman, Stark knows that the technological level of the civilian field in his universe lags behind

The level of this universe is almost the same as the level of this universe a few years ago, that is, when there was no air transportation system and no solar system development plan.

So what's going on with the flying fortress that this mafia family took out? It's impossible for them to become enlightened overnight, right?

"I don't know about this, but I know people from that gangster family. How about I call you and ask?"

Harry endured her headache and said that she felt that the voice in her head was quite compatible with her. Maybe one day she would be able to help him when she went to this universe again, so she was happy to do him a favor.

Harley asked Harley Quinn to borrow her cell phone, pressed a few numbers on it, picked up the phone and asked, "Hey, are you Jason? Uh, are you the big one or the small one? I can't hear you very well.

Know your voice..."

"Oh, I understand, you are not the one from my universe. Yes, I am Harley. I called mainly to ask what happened to the, uh, air base you created?"

"What? There are too many monsters and monsters on the ground? What happened during the time I left... Well, it's like this. A friend wanted me to ask some technical questions, about the anti-gravity system and so on."

"Oh, it's the system of the Bat Fighter, right? Well, you made some modifications. Tim drew the design. I didn't expect him to have such ability. Yes, yes, I know it was you who actually operated it.

,Are you awesome?"

Stark waved his hand in front of Wanda's eyes, lowered his voice and said, "Ask her how to solve the material problem, especially the metal aspect."

Wanda closed her eyes and began to focus on asking questions. After a while, she opened her eyes with some confusion and said.

"He said they were using metal from Gotham's buildings."


This chapter has been completed!
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