Chapter 177 The Phantom of the Opera (Part 2)

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"Although the process is complicated, the summary is that the Court of Owls does not deal with people."

"They faked your personality, but they didn't tell you the truth, making you think you were really Falcone's son."

"But Falcone felt that his son had been replaced and that you were a monster they had given him, and he felt hatred for you.

"Falcone lost his son and you lost your father. It is indeed a tragedy."

"But there's only one innocent person in this story..."

Alberto lowered his eyes and said as if he was mocking himself: "When Evans is awake, I can see everything he sees and have his memories, but he can't see mine, so he doesn't know anything."

You know, he thought he really had a brother, and even missed him very much."

"If you really want to seek revenge on Falcone, Evans will lose his brother and father at the same time. Although Falcone does not regard you as his son, Evans really regards you as his brother."

Alberto was silent.

He was a personality created out of thin air, a rootless fly. Farfalcone felt that he was occupying the magpie's nest and that the Court of Owls only used him as a tool to realize their plans.

At his funeral, no one grieved for his death. If this piece of duckweed has only one root system, there is only one person who truly missed him after his death and created evidence of his existence, that is

His brother Evans.

Seeing that he was silent, Schiller turned his target to Batman again. He said: "Although your alliance is split in two, it doesn't matter. We can talk about something happy. Guess how big the Court of Owls will fall."


"That lunatic plans to go against the court. What reason does he have to do so? What ability does he have to do so?"

"Don't you understand yet? He is completely different from the lunatics you see on the street who go crazy because of the rain."

"Then I don't think he can deal with the Court of Owls alone."

"How about we make a bet? I bet the Court of Owls will be miserable."

With that said, Schiller picked up the remote control, turned on the TV again, played a boring TV series for a while, and then started the news report.

However, before the news host had even announced a few pieces of news, he suddenly showed a fearful expression, and then with a "bang" sound, a hole was opened in his head.

There was a burst of laughter, and the familiar figure appeared in front of the camera again. The first sentence he spoke was: "Oh! I am a criminal! I killed someone! What should I do?"

"Batman! Come and arrest me. I know you must be watching here from a corner. Come and arrest me, a murderer..."

Batman on the hospital bed clenched his fists. He immediately wanted to stand up, but then, the Joker leaned his head in front of the camera and said: "Did you clench your fists? You wanted to stand up very anxiously, and you wanted to run over and beat me."

A meal?"

"But you can't do that..." He limped back a few steps, then walked to the body of the male host, grabbed his collar and dragged him to the camera.

"Look, this dead man was shot to death with a pistol. I happened to have a pistol in my hand."

"But you can't catch me, do you know why?"

"A bullet flew to his head, and then I appeared on camera with a pistol in my hand."

"But no one saw me shoot. I was just an innocent passerby who happened to be holding a pistol with the same bullet type and passed by a body that was killed by pistol bullets."

"What are you going to do? Come and beat me up? Beat me up, an innocent passerby?"

"What?" The clown turned his head and put his hands behind his ears as if listening.

"You said, I just admitted that I killed someone, and I just said that I was a criminal?"

"But so what? I also said that I am a frog, or a woman, a stripper..."

The clown twisted and spun around in front of the camera, then blew a kiss to the screen.

"Look, that's it. If you want to beat me, I will, wuwu..." The clown started to fake cry, beating his chest and howling on the spot. He said: "In this way, the audience will see a person wearing tights.

Perverted, beating up a weak and poor passerby..."

"Oh, wait." He suddenly froze, then grabbed his hair and said, "No, I'm not here to do this. Well, playing with bats was so interesting that I almost forgot about the real thing.


He let out a series of wild laughter and said: "Do you know the Gotham Grand Theater? You must know! I have prepared a big, big, big surprise for you there!!!"

"Did you hear that? The great comedian Jack is now selling tickets! At midnight tonight, each ticket is $20! You can also receive a bucket of brain popcorn with your ticket stub!!"

As he spoke, he took a few steps back, tore off a small note from the manuscript on the host's desk, and said, "Look, this is the ticket!"

Then he clumsily tore all the manuscripts apart and threw them into the sky. The pieces of paper fell down like flowers scattered by a goddess. He said: "Call here to buy tickets! Now! If it's a little late..."

There was a burst of laughter, and he continued: "You are about to miss the greatest comedy show in history!"

A burst of snowflakes returned to the screen again. Schiller yawned and walked to the desk in the ward. He said to himself: "What's the phone number of the TV station?"

As he spoke, he turned out the yellow pages of his phone, then dialed in circles. After the call was connected, he said: "Hello? Is this the comedy artist Jack?...Oh, you are so humble. I think your performance just now can be called an artist.

These three words..."

"Yes, I'm here to buy tickets. It's twelve o'clock tonight, right? I want three tickets, uh... maybe four. I have a friend with a dual personality. He has to buy two tickets, what?

Buy three and get one free? Because I’m the first? That’s really great, thank you.” Gu Sha

"How do I get my tickets? From the TV station's mailbox? Okay...I'll put the money there then..."

"Then I wish you a successful performance, thank you, and goodbye,

After he put down the phone, he found that Batman and Alberto were staring at him. Schiller shrugged and said, "What he has to deal with is the Court of Owls anyway. Why don't we watch the fun?"

"Also, even though your Avengers are unfortunately split in two, they still need a breakup dinner, right?"

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Schiller got out of the car at the entrance of the theater. Before he could enter, he spotted an acquaintance. He walked up to him enthusiastically, held Gordon's hand and said, "Detective Gordon, you are here too."


Gordon said angrily: "Even if there are crazy people in Gotham, this one is too crazy this time. Do you know how many calls the police department has received in the past few hours?"

"Oh? What's wrong?"

"This lunatic asked the people of Gotham to call the police for help!" Gordon laughed in anger. He said in a more serious tone: "He told the people of Gotham to call the police for help!!!"

"This is a good thing, it means that tonight will be the most normal night in Gotham."

"Normal?" Gordon paused, and he heard Schiller say: "Detective, I know you don't agree with using violence to fight violence, but the best way in Gotham is to fight madness with madness."

While the two were talking, a stretched luxury car turned into the alley. The car stopped at the entrance of the theater. The driver got out and opened the door. It was Falcone who walked out. He saw Schiller and Gordon, heading towards them.

Came over here.

The old godfather arranged his cufflinks and said as usual: "Tickets are a little hard to buy, right? When I called, he actually told me that there were no more tickets. It's really interesting."

"You haven't been rejected in years, haven't you?"

"That's true, but he heard that I had some prestige among the gangs and decided to give me some special treatment."

Then, Father Daniel also walked out of the car, crossed himself on his chest and said, "Thank you Carmine, he brought my share, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to buy the ticket."

Schiller said to several people: "You go in first, I have two friends waiting."

Except for Schiller, everyone got in first. After a while, the Batmobile slowly drove over. Batman got out of the car, and Evans followed him. Evans said happily: "It's been a long time since Gotham."

The play has been performed, who is here today? Do you have a play list? Can you show it to me?"

"I guess he should have given you some popular courses on the history of European theater, the history of modern opera, and vocal techniques on the way." Schiller walked over and whispered to Batman."

"Not only that, he also demonstrated it himself." Batman said with a straight face.

"How's the singing?"

"Alfred would love it."

"You mean he's too old-fashioned?"

Evans caught up, and he happened to hear Schiller's last words. He said: "Hey! How can you say that? That's called following the classics. I have always felt that those so-called new operas are simply blasphemous..."

The three of them walked into the theater door together. After entering, they faced a huge poster, which showed a group of owls with their feathers plucked, hanging on a frying pan, with two hands underneath.

Holding a knife and a fork respectively, they seemed to be preparing to eat a big meal.

"Opera and painting?" Schiller murmured to himself while standing under the poster: "Is it the artistry hidden in the personality? Or is it the underlying artistic vision and fantasy?"

Schiller shook his head. He finally knew why Harley Quinn in the original work was crazy. The crazy personality from the clown is the best research material for any psychologist. When you come into contact with him, it is difficult to

Don't analyze and explore.

Schiller held up a map of the theater and said: "My manor is not far from here. My neighbor gave me a map before and asked me to look at... the ticket window... Oh, go this way and turn left.


Turning along the left side of the poster, there was a ticket window on the right. He found that there were indeed some popcorn buckets there, but they were obviously not from this old theater, but no one would eat popcorn while watching an opera.

Does this confusion come from his own personality's lack of understanding of art, or from the chaotic thinking caused by madness? Schiller couldn't help but begin to guess the reason.

He leaned forward and looked inside the ticket office. Suddenly, a dummy bounced up from the floor and jumped straight in front of Schiller. Schiller looked at the dummy up and down and found that it should be left in the opera house.

A shabby puppet in the warehouse was used as a background in stage plays, but now it has a smiling face painted on its head.

Schiller stretched out his hand, pulled the puppet over, then looked it up and down, and said a little disappointedly: "Where are the lines? Why isn't there that classic line?"

While he was studying the puppet, Evans took out two buckets of popcorn from the ticket window. He took a look and said in surprise: "Why are the popcorn buckets filled with paper balls? Where are the popcorns?"

Batman stood behind the two of them, feeling out of place with them.

Evans handed Batman a bucket of paper balls and said: "Although there is no real popcorn, this is okay."

"Didn't you say that new operas are blasphemy against the classics? Are you really planning to go to the opera with a bucket of popcorn?" Schiller turned around and asked him.

"I just like to eat popcorn. I can never buy popcorn when I go to the movies. My dad won't let me buy it because there might be a bomb hidden in it."

Batman opened his mouth. He especially wanted to remind Evans that the bucket you are holding has a higher chance of containing a bomb than in an ordinary movie theater.

Schiller seemed to see what Batman wanted to say, and he said: "Why don't you understand yet? He won't do such boring pranks. If it's not exciting enough, it's better not to have it at all."

This chapter has been completed!
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