Chapter 1861 Madman’s Journey (Thirty-nine)

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Before dawn the next day, it started to rain lightly in New York. Thick fog spread on the suburban roads. The moist breath floated in the woods, and many ghosts were reflected among the trees.

Nick drove the car, and Natasha sat in the passenger seat, staring expressionlessly at the frost condensation on the glass.

In the end, it was Nick who started the conversation first.

"Sorry, that was a secret mission and was not within your knowledge. In general, I deliberately downplayed Hope's death."

"You know this is against the rules." Natasha said, staring at Nick's profile.

"You know the rules have no effect." Nick pursed his lips and replied, but soon his tone softened and explained: "I can't say that Hope's death was a complete accident. I am responsible for it.


"And you cannot bear any responsibility." Natasha raised her tone and said, "You said that the sacrifice of every agent is worthy of attention, but you failed to do so."

"It hasn't happened since then." Nick reached out and patted the steering wheel and said, "But you have to listen to my explanation. Everything happened to Hope for a reason. She was not simply sacrificed in combat."

"Then why do you hide it from everyone? Why is her grave even placed in the most remote suburb of New York? What are you afraid of?"

Nick looked away and said: "If the mastermind behind the scenes is Dr. Pym, I think this is understandable. He must feel that I made his daughter's death a shady secret and that she did not receive the treatment that a hero who died heroically deserves."

, I hope I can have a chance to explain to him."

"And you are still hiding it." Natasha pursed her lips and shook her head and said, "Excessive emphasis on game theory and unwarranted paranoia will kill you and all of us sooner or later."

"This time is different. This time it's not a false alarm."

The decelerating tires raised a fine mist of water, and when the boots stepped on the muddy puddles, the thick water droplets were splashed like ghost hands stretching out from hell.

Nick took Natasha to the deepest tombstone, where Hope Pym's name was written in cursive English, and Natasha was keenly aware that the part where the name was written had been wiped in advance.



When the female agent's deep voice echoed, a huge figure slowly walked out from the depths of the jungle. With a "click" his cheeks opened, revealing an old face.

Natasha had never seen such an old Dr. Pym, but she could still tell from his familiar facial features that he was Hank Pym, the genius scientist who developed the Pym particles.

"Long time no see, Hank."

"You should say this to Hope." Hank's voice sounded weak, but he still stared closely at Nick's sunken eyes, shining with unknown fire.

"I'm sorry about your daughter, I..."



Nick flew out and fell heavily to the mud. Natasha held Mjolnir tightly, looked around and said: "Dr. Pym, killing is not the way to solve the problem. We have to talk."

With a "swish" sound, Hank Pym, who had grown bigger again, appeared behind Natasha. He gritted his teeth and said: "The despicable S.H.I.E.L.D. and its director killed my daughter and hid it from her.

I didn’t know she was dead until she was buried. Nick Fury is a complete despicable person, and so are superheroes..."

Seeing Pym disappear again, Natasha had no choice but to raise her hammer to defend herself. The protective shield formed by the lightning caused a black dot to fly backwards the moment it came into contact with the bright light.

The old Ant-Man fell to the ground, but he rushed towards Natasha like a madman, and Natasha saw the familiar flash of purple light in his eyes.

Natasha didn't dare to act rashly, so she jumped back and used the power of thunder to jump three to four meters. At this moment, her phone rang, and Jarvis's voice came from the phone.

"Madam, the analysis of the armor has been completed. The system was not cracked in an ordinary way. A special energy that humans cannot analyze for the time being cut off my connection with the armor and gained control. You have to be careful... hello?

Hello?! Natasha, I’m Tony Stark!”

"Listen, this kind of power is very dangerous, and for some reason, it is very familiar with the Stark Group's system. The energy left in the armor just now attacked the Stark Group's software system. I am now reinforcing it.

defense system.”

"This strange energy has an unimaginable impact on smart systems. Be careful with all smart devices..."

Natasha hung up the phone decisively, rolled to avoid Pym's attack, and stared at the armor he was wearing.

In the universe she lives in, although Pym has developed Pym particles, he has not become a superhero wearing a suit. In other words, he was caught in the laboratory before he could wear a suit and go out to fight.

But Natasha could tell that Pym's armor was of the same type as Stark's, and it probably also had an intelligent control system.

Pim, who rushed forward again, suddenly paused. A cold light appeared around his body. After a soft "click" sound, Pim's entire body was frozen.

Loki walked out of the woods, holding the weak Ice Box in his hand, and Nick also got up from the ground. He rushed in front of Pym in a manner that made Natasha panic, and held him tightly.

Stare into his eyes.

When he saw the familiar purple in Pim's pupils, Nick seemed to have lost all his strength and backed up against the trunk of a tree.

Discovering Nick's anomaly, Natasha thought of something sharply. She turned to look at Nick and said, "What's wrong? You seem to have seen this kind of power."

"Hope...Hope she..."

Nick closed his eyes hard, clenched his fists and said, "The night Hope died two years ago, I saw the same color in her eyes."

"What's going on?" Natasha stared at Nick closely, walked up to him and said, "You can't hide it anymore, Nick."

Nick slowly squatted on the ground, wiped his face with his hands and said: "The mission report said that Hope Pym was killed in an attack during the battle, but I killed her."

Natasha's eyes widened.

"I have no choice." Nick stood up, reached out and hammered the tree trunk hard and said: "Hope's armor was out of control. She suddenly went crazy and attacked the surrounding agents. She killed thirteen people, and

Want to kill me."

"I was chased into the corner of the corridor by her and had no choice but to shoot. I silenced all the agents who witnessed this, not for me, but for Hope."

"She has done a lot for SHIELD, she cannot be a traitor." Nick lowered his head and shook his head and said, "But at least four agents witnessed her killing people, and the last gun I used was also thrown by one of the agents.

What was given to me is a solid fact that cannot be reversed and can only be watered down."

"I know that if I tell her father the truth, he won't believe it. He will only think that I am shirking responsibility." Nick turned around and said, "After Hope's death, I did a lot of investigations to find out this strange thing.

Where does the power come from, but there is no result at all."

After saying that, he turned back to look at Hank Pym and said with a heavy tone: "If something happens to old Pym, I can't be sure that Hope is completely innocent. If it is really an experiment of old Pym,

It caused Hope to lose control and kill people, so both father and daughter must bear responsibility for this."

"It's not that simple." Natasha said, "Jarvis just told me..."

Suddenly, the roar of the engine came from far away, and a familiar golden-red armor landed in front of the tomb. With a "click", the visor opened, and Stark's face was extremely serious. He said: "An extremely incredible person."

Bad news, it was Jarvis who invaded the Jarvis system."

"What did you say?!" Natasha looked at him in disbelief.

"I can't believe it either, but it's true. It was another Jarvis who cut off the communication between that armor and Jarvis, and even almost invaded him in reverse."

Everyone on the Galax Engine turned their attention to Stark's face. Stark shook his head and said, "Don't look at me. My butler is busy falling in love. I suspect that he has not even learned the basics now."

I even forgot how to write the code.”

"Remember the name we got from the observer?" Nick touched his chin and said: "'Infinite Ultron'. Ultron is also a robot, right?"

"It's possible." Stark nodded and said, "Observers say that Infinite Ultron is Ultron who has obtained the Infinity Stones, so he must have some real abilities."

"Hope's death two years ago was also caused by Infinite Ultron. Did he start planning it so early?" Loki said with a frown.

"Not necessarily." Schiller shook his head and raised another possibility. He said: "Don't forget the role of the time stone. It may also be able to travel through time just like us."

"But aren't the Infinity Stones only useful in your own universe?" Nick frowned and said with some confusion: "This Infinite Ultron has harmed more than just one universe. How did he do it?"

"That crazy Doctor Strange." Schiller reminded: "He kept devouring Strange in various universes and gained a lot of energy."

"And now I'm afraid there is a group of Ancient Ones looking for him. He is forced to jump over the wall and is very likely to cooperate with Infinite Ultron. In most cases, the Infinity Stones are only useful in his own universe, but if he cooperates with the crazy Doctor Strange

There is no certain way to swallow the power of the multiverse."

"It's really troublesome." Nick pressed his forehead and said, "In other words, the mastermind behind the scenes most likely traveled to two years before us and killed Hope, and then allowed the universe to develop and used Hank Pym to destroy the Avengers.


"But our arrival attracted his attention, so he exerted extra force to get his plan back on track."

Schiller shook his head again and said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Maybe some time in the future, we defeated his conspiracy, and he chose to go back to the past to interfere with us."

"But if we really succeed, will you give him a chance to escape?" Nick asked.

"That's not necessarily true." Schiller touched his chin and said, "Maybe I want to take a long-term approach to catch big fish?"

Just as everyone was discussing endlessly, Natasha came back. She nodded to everyone and said, "The trouble is basically solved. Tony used Jarvis to take back control of the Pim armor, and Pim woke up."


"He heard our conversation in the ice. Nick showed him some of the backups left by the mission, especially the surveillance in the building where the mission was located. Pim saw the scene of his daughter going crazy."

"Tony wanted to avenge Rod, but Nick stopped him. They must find the murderer first, otherwise everyone will still be in danger. I told them we will try our best."

"Loki went back to his brother. I gave Mjolnir back to him, but he gave me this."

Natasha took out the Ice Box from behind, which had almost no power, then handed it to Tony and said: "The real murderer spent some time absorbing the power from this artifact, and it is very likely that it left some traces on it.

own strength."

Tony took the box of ice, walked to the experimental table and said: "Wait for me for a while."

About half an hour later, the projection screen lit up, and everyone stared at one of the countless light spots.

Tony pulled down the joystick and said: "He went to another universe. Follow the old rules and hold on tight. Let's start."

The downstairs of my house is a scenic spot. When I open the window, I can see the crowds of people outside. The seagulls are being fed to the point of being stuffed to death hahahahahahaha

This chapter has been completed!
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