Chapter 2089: Night of Knight Horror (33)

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Batman's thoughts are electric.

"Take away our power to choose to turn a blind eye to certain transactions", this sentence can analyze too much information.

Of course, Batman is very aware of the rules by which this country operates. In the United States, the norms of all law enforcement agencies are to maintain order, not to uphold justice.

This can basically be translated as U.S. law enforcement agencies safeguard the interests of state beneficiaries, because social order is their most important interest.

The people they protect will naturally give them power, but this power is not used to arrest them, so the FBI has an absolute white list of arrest targets. Above this line, no infringement is allowed.

But since there is a line, there must be a little room for floating up and down. Since there is room for floating, there must be someone using it to gain greater power.

The way to gain such power is not to arrest someone, but to choose not to arrest them, and to turn a blind eye to certain things that hover on the edge of the bottom line.

But the prerequisite for this is that they have the ability to arrest the other party but fail to do so.

Just like a senior colleague has the ability and evidence to accuse you of fishing at work, but he chooses to do nothing, you will naturally accept this.

But if you are new or unpopular, your boss won't believe what you say, and if he doesn't report it, you will just think it's natural.

Therefore, the most important factor to ensure that you can obtain power in this floating space is the prestige of being able to arrest everyone.

Americans are accustomed to the FBI's rough and reckless intrusion into everywhere and arresting everyone. Sometimes the FBI even does this deliberately to emphasize its absolute law enforcement power and establish this prestige.

Only then did Batman realize that the far-reaching impact of Gotham's disaster was much more significant than he had imagined.

Because the FBI paid attention to it for the first time, but did nothing. It came, but left in despair.

In fact, the FBI has always avoided talking about places like Gotham, which has aroused the suspicion of many people. But as long as it is kept secret, it can be said that the matter is not serious or we don't care.

But the problem with doing this is that you either completely ignore it and treat it as if it doesn't exist. As long as you take care of it, it must work, otherwise you will show your cowardice.

This time the FBI has completely shown its cowardice.

Amanda made a wrong decision. When Peter provided her with clues, she chose to send people there. Of course, they knew they wanted to catch the military's little tail, but others didn't know that.

What they saw was that the FBI sent a plane over, conducted an investigation and then left without saying anything, and then did not send a large number of agents to rush into Gotham frantically to arrest everyone related to it.

Like they used to do.

It's like a sign of weakness, and there's no room for weakness in anything Gotham-related.

This is also like a mockery of some people who have handed over their benefits to the FBI as protection money. You are showing your teeth in front of us, making various threats, saying that as long as we give enough benefits, you can turn a blind eye.

Close one eye.

But what about now? It turns out that there is a place within the country where we don’t have to pay anything and you can’t control it? So all the smart people have gone there, and we are the only ones taking advantage of it?

The Penguin's publicity was quite successful. He had tangible evidence. The FBI helicopter that Batman forced to stop and the images of those agents appearing in the Batcave were like fatal bullets that eventually cut off the giant's head.

Cum and penetration.

What about the shareholders of Wayne Group? Batman thought, how would they react in this situation?

It is the nature of businessmen to pursue profits, not to mention that many of them are not just businessmen.

If many people now realize that Gotham is actually a lawless place in the United States, not only a paradise for those low-end criminal murderers, but also a paradise for their black gold trading, official gold trading, and power exchange, what will they do?

Yes, they will come, but they are afraid of death and must be assured that there is still order here before they dare to come.

And what will they bring when they come?

This is a question that Batman doesn't even have to think about. There is always an FBI in the world, so why can't it be the Wayne Group, a local company with a conscience?

The temptation to make rules is too great.

If Gotham becomes the home of gray transactions in the United States, especially those involving power transactions, even a spoonful of soup can make a person fat in one bite.

Therefore, even if those half-buried shareholders are dead or buried, they have to lift the coffin boards, dig up the piles of loess, and shout "Bruce Wayne, you did a good job!"

Batman wants to say that he didn't do this.

But he is really not very good at talking, let alone explaining, and he knows that since Amanda has already said this, there is no point in explaining.

Looking at Bruce Wayne who remained silent, Amanda collapsed and said, "You don't want to say that you don't want to pay any price, do you?"

Batman continued to be silent, but in fact he didn't know what to say, and he was still thinking about how things came to this point.

Amanda nodded, took two steps back, opened her arms and said, "You know what will happen to me if I get nothing from you, right?"

Batman finally opened his mouth: "You can go to Gotham."

Amanda froze.

She stared at the man in front of her in disbelief. She had never looked at his face so carefully as she did today.

Bruce Wayne is very handsome, but now he looks even more terrifying.

In fact, in the minds of Amanda and everyone else who learned the news and planned to participate, no one other than Bruce Wayne could plan such a shocking feat.

But there are actually traces to follow, isn't it? Wayne is so successful in business, and the whole world knows how talented he is, so he wants to be more than just a scientist and businessman, but wants to control the country and the country more closely.

The world is not incomprehensible.

If this was a game that the super-genius Bruce Wayne had been orchestrating for twenty years, what else could they do but enjoy it?

Amanda's arms dropped to her sides and she said, "It's not that simple, Bruce. You know it's not that simple."

"I can get you out of here alive."

It sounded very tempting, Amanda thought. It sounded like she couldn't refuse it. As early as the moment she was tempted, Batman had settled all of this.

As the first lamb to step into the trap, she has nowhere to go now, because she violated the FBI's consistent style of ignoring Gotham, and it was her greed that caused the current situation.

Power can make people crazy, and losing power can make people even crazier. Amanda has no doubt that her boss will kill her, so living becomes a tempting enough option.

"Don't treat me like a beggar, Bruce." Amanda took a step forward, got very close to Bruce Wayne, looked directly into his eyes and said: "Tell me my position, at least my mistake will be the end of your plan.

A piece of the puzzle, you have no right to leave me in the open.”

Batman, who has gradually understood everything, understands what is most tempting to Amanda. Apart from living, she only wants to catch super criminals.

Amanda heard Wayne say: "The United States will have a paranormal management department that will be a direct department of the United Nations."

Amanda's eyes suddenly widened. It was like she had just met Bruce Wayne for the first time, or in other words, it was the first day she realized that Wayne owned the world, and that was how he should be.

As a true helmsman, he can so easily decide the future and destiny of all things, from the direction in which the lighthouse shines to the individual's coming and going.

Or maybe he has always been like this, and just hid these ambitions under crazy behavior until he decided to win or lose.

Amanda took a deep breath, turned her head to the side, showing her weak attitude that she accepted this arrangement, she turned around, her fingers still stayed on the table and said: "This is just the beginning, Bruce, be cut away the biggest

The military takes the cake, and if you can't withstand their pressure, everything will be in vain."

Batman remained silent, and Amanda finally couldn't help but look at Bruce Wayne's expression, but it was still unpredictable and unclear.

Sure enough, Amanda thought with some despair, the cynicism was just superficial and everyone had been deceived.

Of course, Batman knows that he shouldn't use Bruce Wayne's face to show Batman's posture, but Bruce Wayne has nothing to say in this situation. This is obviously not a situation where telling a peach joke can fool him.

There was no point in pretending to be stupid, and there was no time for him to adjust his personality and find a way to solve the problem without damaging his image, so he could only adopt the most conservative strategy, keeping a cold face and not saying a word.

Batman thinks this is okay, but he obviously underestimates human beings' ability to associate.

"Okay, egomaniac." Amanda sighed and said, "If you can help it, I won't be too arrogant."

"But let me emphasize to you again that some people's transactions are carried out under the protection of the military, and the military does not have the same domestic law enforcement powers as we do, so they take it more seriously and use different methods.

It must be more vicious and radical.”

"Think about your weaknesses, Mr. Wayne. I hope my first trip to Gotham isn't to attend a funeral."

This time, Batman considered the problem only ten seconds faster than Amanda.

He must have touched many people's cakes in this incident. Although Batman still doesn't know how he moved, there is no doubt that not everyone is a toothless tiger.

Batman asked Amanda to find him a safe room, where he called Gordon. As soon as he turned on the phone, he heard a crackling sound over there, the roar of the wind, the sound of gunfire, and the sound of gunfire.

"What's wrong? Gordon?...Gordon?"

"Sorry! Batman! I'm not in a good position right now!" Gordon almost yelled.

Batman's heart tightened.

"Tell me what's wrong now! Gordon!"

"It's hard for me to explain to you!" Batman heard Gordon take a deep breath, and then the always gentle police chief's angry roar came from the phone.

"Now! Your assistants! Are snatching your cape in Gotham!!!!"

Or a knight's night of terror?

This chapter has been completed!
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