Chapter 2104 Knight’s Fright Night (48)

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Jason's mouth is so big that he could fit an egg into it.

And Schiller's expression seemed to say, if you don't close your mouth now, your tongue will be gone.

Jason shut up decisively.

Schiller walked over slowly and put his hand on the back of the single sofa where Bruce was sitting. Just by the shadow cast over him, Bruce knew who he was.

But the situation is not optimistic, because it is difficult for Schiller to distinguish between friend and foe.

If there is really a doctor in this world who will not be bribed by the Wayne family, then perhaps it is Schiller, a visitor from another world.

And what's even worse is, if the absolutely impartial psychiatrist Clark refers to is Schiller, how did they meet? How did Schiller win Clark's trust?

Even though Bruce's thinking can't be called clear now, he can still deduce the ins and outs of the matter in a blink of an eye, because it's not complicated at all, it's simply a conspiracy.

Why did Superman come here all the way? Of course, it may be because he is a reporter and he gets the news very quickly, so he can't wait to run over to administer justice.

But it’s not that simple in fact. It may sound ridiculous, but Superman actually doesn’t have such a strong sense of responsibility. It’s not that he has never been to Gotham, but he hasn’t fought crime in Gotham because he has acquiesced that this is Batman’s territory.

, don’t intervene if it’s not necessary.

From the few exchanges between Batman and Superman, Batman knows that Superman is not interested in the Bat-family. He doesn't understand or care about the Bat-family, and anyone with a moderate IQ can see that Batman may not be a perfect father.


So why was Superman suddenly angry about the twisted relationship of the Bat-family? He even asked him to fly all the way to Washington. He didn't even go to Batman, but directly followed the procedure to find the victim Jason, with a business-like attitude.


Batman knows that Superman has a neutral preference for his opinion. It can even be said that he admires him a little. After all, it is already difficult to stay in Gotham for a long time, and Batman even wants to fight crime here. This is very important to any hero.

Every character is an inspiration, and Superman is obviously this kind of hero.

So under normal circumstances, even if Superman has doubts, he should first come to Batman to ask about the situation, instead of directly acting like a judge.

He was manipulated.

Batman immediately concluded that Superman was being used as a gun.

So who else could control him?

Batman heard Schiller say.

"Mr. Kent, I think you should seriously consider whether violent methods will worsen the situation in this situation. I do not advocate any..."

"I'm sorry, Doctor Schiller." Clark took a deep breath and said, "I couldn't help it, but you have to understand that when you see three culprits who sexually assaulted more than two dozen children in an orphanage, they died the next day.

After you are released on bail and the unscrupulous media publishes full-face photos of all the victims, it will be difficult for you to bear it."

Right, Batman thought, that's right.

"Clark, I've told you about this. It's not your fault, and there's nothing we can do to prevent such a tragedy from happening in this world."

"But if I had arrived earlier, I could have stopped the ignorant nurse from letting in those people who were obviously unscrupulous reporters, so at least they wouldn't be able to take photos."

Schiller sighed softly and said: "Clark, let's focus on this matter, okay?"

From Clark's sigh afterwards, Batman found that he was a little anxious now, which showed that he had completely fallen into an emotional trap.

It is conceivable that Schiller must have called Clark as an insider, perhaps to tell him that I saw your report on upholding justice in the newspaper, and now there are suspicious cases, and the situation is even worse than yours.

The one we dealt with before was even more serious because the perpetrator might have been Bruce Wayne.

Clark was probably left with a certain psychological shadow because of the previous incident. He believed that he could not make a second mistake, and his sense of justice and responsibility prompted him to find the victim and protect him as soon as possible, and then deal with the culprit.

The culprit.

But he was completely unaware that this might not be a crime, or that he knew it, but wanted to nip it in the bud.

A subtle psychology of post-compensation, Batman sighed, could easily be exploited, and Schiller took advantage of it.

Batman is very aware of the current situation. He is in the wrong, and Clark believes Schiller. From the facts, as long as Schiller gives full play to his professional standards and makes a realistic judgment on Jason's mental state, then his crime will be considered a crime.

Sit down firmly.

From the corner of his eye, Bruce noticed that although Jason's expression hadn't changed much, there was fear in his eyes, not the fear of Batman.

Thinking back to Jason's beautiful mental state when he reunited with him in the hotel, it is difficult to imagine how Schiller treated Jason.

From this point of view, basically what Schiller wants Jason to say, Jason will say, and the game is over.

Batman began to think about which prison in New Jersey had better conditions. The most important thing was not to be locked up with those Gotham criminals. His experience in prison was not as rich as theirs.

Clark still sat opposite Bruce, Schiller sat on the left, and Jason sat on the right.

At this time, Schiller should start asking questions, asking Jason whether he was angry because of the quarrel, whether he felt depressed after the quarrel, whether he felt resentful of Batman's silence, and whether he had been in such a mood for a long time.

Although Batman has never experienced it, he is still very familiar with this set of procedures because he also underwent such an examination when his parents died.

"That's enough." Jason said.

Judging from the tone of voice, this seems to be a stress reaction under extreme stress.

"I don't want to talk to you about this anymore, because you treat me as a victim and a child from the beginning to the end, and feel that all the judgments I make are influenced by others, but I am not."

Jason had never spoken so fast, Batman thought, not even when they were arguing.

"You think, oh, Batman must have abused me, and then he manipulated my mind, controlled my brain, and asked me to beautify his behavior and defend him."

"You think I accept his shortcomings because he beautifies them or suppresses me and forces me to accept them, but I am not."

"Don't you have this experience? You accept a person's shortcomings because his advantages are enough to make up for it all. He gives me more than he takes from me."

Jason stood up, his tone unimaginably cold and firm.

"You think that in fact, he took a lot from me. He got my labor and my time, but apart from providing me with the resources to survive, there was nothing else."

"But you never thought that as an orphan living at the bottom of Gotham, with both parents dead and homeless, this society would take more from me."

"The group of people represented by you kind-hearted people not only want to take away my labor and time from me, but are also unwilling to provide me with the most basic survival resources."

"At the same time, you even ask me to provide emotional value, to play a victim and a pitiful person, so that you can exude compassion. You take everything, give a little, and then use it as evidence to accuse the person who saved me from this fate.

, it can be said to be extremely shameless.”

"Whether it's me or Dick, there are more injustices in this society that make us lose everything, and you choose to focus on the small ones, because as long as you write down the things you dare to talk about, you can take up everything.

pages and people’s brains, so they won’t pay attention to things you don’t dare to talk about.”

Jason pointed his finger at his temple and said: "If you don't give enough, if you don't give well enough, it's a question of degree; if you don't give or even want to take away, it's a question of social order; not only do you take away, but you also blame those who try to

To give to those who don’t give enough is to break the banner of justice and help evil wave its banner.”

Jason turned to look at Clark and said: "What you call justice is another way of talking, because without experience, you have no right to speak."

"If you were to be an orphan for three months in one of Gotham's poorest neighborhoods, you would know the torture you imagine me going through at the hands of super criminals, some of whom go through it every day, and some who don't even

Opportunity experience.”

"The clown would give me something to eat every day. He would keep me alive in order to torture me. Believe it or not, I went to the street where I grew up and waved my arms. People who were willing to replace me at that time could fill the entire street.


"If you really want to do justice, the last thing you should get thrown out of the window is the spectacle in your head of Metropolis, the way you laugh at the way Gothamites solve problems or the way I approach our relationship, but

I never realized that this was our optimal solution."

"When I chose to leave the flock and embark on a journey alone, I was prepared to die on the way. I can survive now, even with scars all over my body. You can't call me a good father or a perfect hero.

The Batman is the most important factor."

"You have never considered that for the people of Gotham deep in the quagmire, Batman does not need to be a perfect father and hero. It is already a miracle that he exists."

"And if you've never had a clear understanding of why Gothamites think the way they do, and you genuinely feel like we're all a bunch of lunatics, then don't fucking represent us."

"The debate is over." Jason made a cross with his hands, took two steps back, then turned and walked towards Batman.

Both Superman and Batman were stunned by Jason's remarks.

First of all, Superman is not a Gothamite. He really can't imagine how Jason could say that if he went to the poor streets of Gotham and waved his arms, someone would be willing to accept the torture of the Joker in his place.

Is he lying? Isn't he afraid to confirm it himself?

But if what he said was true, how could it be so ridiculous?

This is where Batman was shocked. For the first time, he realized how different his and Jason's origins were.

So the scenes he imagined of Jason being tortured and collapsed by the Joker, in great pain, were they not even comparable to the suffering he suffered when he was wandering in Gotham as a child?

Batman found that when he thought about this question, he really couldn't give himself a definite answer.

The Joker is indeed the most difficult super criminal to deal with. If he is so good, if his ferocity is cut in half and then half again, or even reduced to only one tenth, will he be at the level of the criminals at the bottom of Gotham?

If so, then he faced only one clown. How many one-tenth clowns did Jason face?

Jason lived alone until he was 10 years old, until he met him.

Bruce and Clark looked at each other in perfect understanding and understood each other's meaning, so now, are we being pretentious?

Jason took a deep breath and said: "Okay, gentlemen, if you still have any sympathy, shut up those stupid reporters!"

"If anyone dares to put a phone in my mouth and ask me how Bruce Wayne hurt me, I have to talk to them about how the orderly and civilized society they say hurt us.


"Believe me, by that time, I will definitely use what I saw at the bottom of Gotham to make everyone in this country unable to step down, including you two."

"Now, go and enforce justice!"

Fake shit bombing: Let the criminals out

The real shit: hand over the microphone to Erbong

This chapter has been completed!
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