Chapter 534 Schiller's Best Thing (Part 1)

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 Left or right, that is the question.

Before discussing this issue, we must clarify what is left and what is right. Some people may think that communism is left and capitalism is right. This is not entirely correct.

When this concept was first developed, the left represented radicalism and the right represented conservativeness. Later, Marx believed that the left represented the advanced system and the lower classes, while the right represented the conservative system and the aristocratic class.

In Western socioeconomics, the left represents democracy and the right represents freedom. Yes, democracy and freedom are actually opposite concepts at the beginning.

There is no need to go into too many specific details, but one thing must be mentioned, that is, the extreme left and the extreme right.

The so-called extreme left can be summarized in a not entirely accurate but relatively simple and easy-to-understand concept. It means sacrificing personal freedom without a bottom line to serve public security. Everything should be under the control of an absolutely powerful state apparatus, and individuals do not retain any freedom.


The extreme right, on the other hand, liberalizes all restrictions, cancels benefits for the weak, preys on the weak, the state should not impose any control, implements an oligarchic dictatorship, and pursues all freedoms.

I believe many people can already tell when they see this. In fact, the Superhero Registration Act is actually a left-leaning bill.

As mentioned before, only the left will pay attention to the safety of the people at the bottom, which is the so-called public safety, and advocates sacrificing some personal freedoms, supporting the weak, and achieving equality.

If it's right-leaning, then simply don't enact this bill. Superheroes are stronger if they are strong, and weak if they are weak. It is their own problem.

But the problem is that this is the United States. The United States is a capitalist country where the right wing is rampant. The reason why this is happening is also related to the concept mentioned before. The capitalists definitely hope that the government will not interfere with the economy. The less control the better, and in the end

It would be better not to provide benefits to the people at the bottom at all, so that they don't have to pay taxes.

So, why would a superhero bill be enacted in such a country? There are two reasons.

First, essentially, there is a difference between politicians and capitalists. Politicians are not gold-based, but power-based. Everything they do depends on the size of their authority. The priority of anything cannot compare with the power in their own hands.

Therefore, ideological struggle is like a gun. Fire it when you need to fire it. It is best to misfire when you don't need it. As long as you can maximize your power, it doesn't matter whether you are left or right.

Therefore, as long as these superheroes can be controlled and serve their authority, ideology is not the most important thing.

Second, the law of the jungle pursued by the right wing is not appropriate in this matter, because all ordinary people are weak to superheroes, and the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. Isn't that just giving yourself to the superheroes?

When they are strong, they will naturally advocate the law of the jungle. But when they are weak, they must propose bills to restrict and supervise the strong. This is why left and right are an eternal proposition, always in a state of swing.

Some people may say that since the left is more inclined to communism and considers the people at the bottom, in this matter, Congress played the role of a liberator and is a good person.

But it is not that simple. Left and right not only look at behaviors and results, but also look at motivations. In other words, in ideological disputes, if you want to see the essence through appearances, you must look at the first motivation.

The Congress proposed this bill, essentially not for the people at the bottom. What the congressman who presided over the meeting said before, "Public safety is the top priority of our mission," can be completely reversed.

In fact, public safety is the last thing they consider. The first thing they consider is the size of authority, the second thing is separation of powers, and the third thing is personal interests. They may only consider it in the end.

The safety of ordinary people.

Or, in fact, they have not considered the safety of ordinary people at all, because they know very clearly that once the conflict between superheroes is provoked, the resulting war may even threaten public safety, but they do not care at all


Therefore, if we want to characterize the Superhero Registration Bill, we can say that the content and logic of this bill are left-leaning, but the motivation and final result must be right-leaning.

After analyzing this point, let’s look at everyone’s choices in the original comics.

Iron Man chose to agree to the bill, but Captain America chose not to agree. This is not essentially because Iron Man protects ordinary people, while Captain America protects superheroes, but because the legislators used this bill to create a trap.

That is, they showed Iron Man the left-leaning part of the bill. With Iron Man's wisdom, he can certainly understand that this bill is actually left-leaning, and if it is effectively implemented, it can protect ordinary people.

But what they saw to Captain America was the far left part of this bill, which was excessive sacrifice of personal freedom to achieve power, including the failure to implement it effectively, which would lead to a lose-lose outcome for both parties.

Essentially, the two of them saw different parts of this plan. It cannot be said who is at fault. If we must find a culprit for the civil war, it would be the one who came up with this bill and used word games and information differences to divide the two.

that person.

From this logic, there are many ways to solve the problem of the Superhero Act leading to civil war.

For example, acting as a bridge in the middle makes the information gap between two people disappear, that is, allowing them to understand what the other is pursuing and what they are worried about.

There is a high probability that this method can ease the conflict and allow them to sit down and talk, but the final result is very likely that the registration bill will still be implemented, but it will become softer, from a left-leaning to a left-leaning center line. Then

The ultimate purpose of the bill will also change from expanding its powers to stabilizing it.

On the surface, this is a win-win situation for all parties, but in fact, the superhero still takes a step back. If there is a first step, there will be a second and third step.

But in fact, there is a more labor-saving way.

Left and right are contrasted just like directions in reality.

Compared with the extreme right, which demands that the government not interfere at all and implement an oligarchy, the right-wing, which only demands that the government not pay too much attention to the economy, appears to be very left-wing.

Similarly, compared with the radical far-left Schiller who requires superheroes to completely give up their freedom of personal information and hand it over to the state for forced control, the entire bill appears very conservative and right-leaning.

The so-called solution to this problem is actually that when the bill appears to be very left-wing when compared with the extreme left, then the information seen by Iron Man and Captain America will actually be the same, and there will be no so-called one view.

Content, an information gap that depends on motivation.

At the same time, due to contrast, Iron Man, who was originally slightly left-leaning, and Captain America, who was more conservative and right-leaning, were pushed to the right wing by the extreme left-leaning Schiller, and they naturally stood in the same camp.

As long as you are not on my left, you will always be on the right.

The question is, how can Iron Man and Captain America be further to the left than Schiller?

Schiller is no longer left, he is planning to carry America on the car, turn the steering wheel to the left, and then kick the accelerator...

Asking means to speed up.

After hearing Schiller's outrageous plan, Captain America definitely couldn't agree. He slammed the table, stood up and said:

"I disagree! Schiller, you are crazy!"

"Captain America..." Schiller sighed, and his tone returned to calmness. He was no longer so fanatical, but more dangerous. He walked out of his table, came to the center of the venue, and looked into Steve's eyes.


"You have participated in so many wars. When you see your comrades injured, bleeding and dying on the front line, will you feel sad?"

Steve also walked out and said, "Of course I will, and precisely because I don't want my current comrades to repeat this tragedy, I don't want them to become tools of government control."

"So ask yourself, will they regret it?"

Steve pursed his lips and said, "No, of course they won't regret it. They are all real steel warriors. They shed blood but not tears. How can they regret it?"

"So why don't they regret it?"

Steve looked at Schiller silently, and Schiller stared at him. Steve saw a light that was somewhat familiar to him in Schiller's eyes.

"They don't regret it because they know that they are fighting and bleeding on the front line to protect the ordinary people behind them. They are sacrificing themselves for the hundreds of millions of lives behind them."

"So, why are you, who fought side by side with them, unwilling to sacrifice yourself for the ordinary people behind you?"

"The registration bill doesn't even ask you to bleed and die. It just requires you to hand over your information and accept supervision, which is as it should be."

"Your comrades have sacrificed so much, including their most precious lives, just to prevent ordinary people from falling into the flames of war..."

"And now, by rejecting this bill, you are putting ordinary people in constant danger of the sudden outbreak of superheroes. You have not set back the times, but you have set back the spirit."

"Captain America, you miss that era, but that era may not miss you because you don't deserve it."

Stark, who was sitting on the other side, saw a painful expression on Steve's face.

It is difficult for you to argue in front of a psychiatrist who has treated you before, because he will always use your previous weaknesses as sharp swords. At this moment, words are more powerful than fists.

"Stop it, Schiller!" Stark came out from behind the table and said, "I don't mean to question your beliefs, but the method you mentioned is too ridiculous and no one will accept it.


Schiller also looked into his eyes and said: "This is like a balance. On one side is your personal information and on the other side is public safety. Do you think your personal information is more important than ordinary people's lives?"

"I didn't think so." Stark denied, but he still couldn't say the words "can consider" that had been on his lips before.

Schiller set the tone too high. If he follows Schiller's words now, the next step will be to liberate Washington.

What's more, if others don't know, doesn't he know? Schiller is already crazy enough to want to resurrect the Soviet Union. Now, Schiller has his foot on the accelerator, and he will do everything possible to find any reason to step on it.

Tucker must not give Schiller this opportunity.

Therefore, although Stark agrees with the concept of this bill, he cannot express his agreement now. He said that he agrees, which is equivalent to filling the gas tank with oil. After the oil is filled, Schiller steps on the accelerator, and the red ghost

It really has been resurrected in North America.

So Stark and Schiller began a debate.

However, as we all know, the more extreme the speech, the more offensive it is, and the more advantageous it can occupy in the debate. Schiller has firmly grasped the core idea of ​​the extreme left, that everything serves the public, and everyone will be selfless, becoming

National parts can achieve true equality and democracy.

So, if Stark still holds on to the right-wing theory, it is impossible to defeat Schiller. Therefore, he must go further and further to the right until he reaches the extreme right before he can possibly compete with Schiller.

So the question is, can Congress accept the extreme left? Or can it accept the extreme right?

In fact, they couldn't accept it.

The extreme left means that the red ghost is about to resurrect, and the extreme right means that the government's powers have been weakened to a minimum and the economic oligarchs have the upper hand. This is not what they want at all.

It's like asking them to choose between shit that smells like shit or shit that smells like shit.

In fact, they just wanted to introduce a bill to make the superheroes and SHIELD internally conflict with each other to enhance their own power. How come it suddenly turned into a life-and-death ideological struggle?

But now, the ceiling has been lifted by Schiller, and the superheroes present are all involved in the increasingly heated debate between him and Stark.

Debates between smart people are often very inflammatory, and the atmosphere has been set up to this point. If the future direction of the United States is not decided today, it will never end well. At least this is what the superheroes who are onlookers think.

But the problem is that Congress is not trying to engage in ideological struggle at all. Everyone knows that once this kind of struggle begins, everyone here, whether they are on the left or the right, will not be able to escape the horrific purges.

Finally, the moderator of the Congress couldn't stand it anymore. He slammed the table and said: "Both sides should return to their seats! Be quiet! Listen to me! Stop!!"

What he was going to say next was to ask both parties to think calmly and not to escalate the situation to an extreme level. Then he would say some common clichés used to start a fight and declare the meeting to be over.

Hold another meeting another day, exclude this extreme Moon Knight, and then use other reasons to drive a wedge between Iron Man and Captain America.

But just when he was about to say this, Schiller pointed his finger and a silver light hit the congressman. He suddenly found that he could not make a sound.

At this time, he heard Schiller say:

"In order to prove that I am not just talking, I am willing to set an example and be the first to announce my true identity and specific abilities, which has shown my determination to safeguard public safety."

As he spoke, the silver on his body slowly receded, and even the iron shield around his mouth disappeared. After Schiller revealed his face, not many people recognized him, because he did not often appear in front of the curtain. Next, he

Started introducing myself.

"I know that not many people know me, but I have to introduce myself. My name is Schiller Rodriguez. I am a psychologist and a psychiatrist. You can read it in major journals.

When it comes to my thesis, I can’t say modestly that my academic level is pretty good.”

"At the same time, I also work as a psychiatrist for SHIELD. This Iron Man has received 230 hours of treatment from me. This Captain America has made 130 appointments for treatment with SHIELD, but he only comes here.

Less than half..."

"The rest..." Schiller pointed at the superheroes present and said, "You should know that being a superhero is also very stressful. They are all my frequent visitors."

When it comes to this, everyone's expressions have changed. SHIELD's psychiatrist is an extreme leftist, and every superhero present has received treatment from him...

Is it therapy or missionary?!

But then, Schiller's words really made them feel scared.

"And my abilities... maybe you know someone. My special abilities, from type to intensity, are very similar to him, that is -"

"Professor X."

This chapter has been completed!
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