Chapter 653: The Chihai Turbulence (3)

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 Hearing Schiller's voice, Deathstroke didn't even look back. Instead, he took away the vegetables and fried eggs with tongs, and then walked straight to the seat. Schiller followed him to the seat and sat down.

Opposite him.

"Actually, I've always been curious, how do masked mercenaries like you eat?" Schiller asked, staring at Deathstroke's face. Then he saw Deathstroke lift the mask directly through the slit of the uniform around his neck.

Halfway through, he exposed his mouth, and then put the steak into his mouth.

Judging from his exposed chin, he looks very young, but I don't know if he is married and has children like in the background story of the comics.

"Are you here to perform a mission? Who is the target this time?" Schiller continued to eat the food on the plate and said, "We are old acquaintances. Could it be that I am the target this time?"

"It's not you," Deathstroke replied very simply. He didn't speak much, which was completely opposite to his cousin, but his words and actions would reveal a lot of information to Schiller every time.

First, this time Deathstroke is indeed here to perform a mission. Second, the target of the mission is not Schiller. Third, the target of the mission should be in this hotel.

Because there is very little food on Deathstroke's plate, at least judging from his height and weight, it is even much less than the amount of breakfast. This shows that he should be starting soon, so he should not eat too much.


Judging from his appearance and attire, he should have prepared all the equipment, and did not care at all about the strange looks cast by the tourists next to his attire. This shows that he is not here to investigate. This will be

He was here for the last time, so he wasn't worried about being exposed.

Schiller only regarded this chance encounter as a coincidence, until ten minutes later, the door of his hotel room was kicked open, and the black and yellow figure rushed in and drew the long sword from behind.

Across the remains of the door panel, both of them were stunned. Schiller put his hands on his waist and sighed: "It's been so long, haven't you discovered that you can't kill me? Do you want me to perform it for you again?"


Schiller dispersed into gray mist with a "bang", and then began to change into various shapes in the air. Deathstroke put his sword on the ground and watched his performance. After Schiller returned to his human form, Deathstroke asked: "Where are the others?"

"I guess you are referring to Oliver Queen. A certain shareholder of the Queen Group hired you to kill the resurrected Oliver. So it seems that his butler has betrayed him...


"But it's a pity that he is no longer here. You came a step too late. He went to become a superhero with some guy who you can't kill either." Schiller shook his head, glanced at the remains of the door panel, and sighed.

Take a breath.

"Who is that person?" Deathstroke asked.

"Perhaps you don't know what I said, Green Lantern Hal, a guy with a green light all over his body." Schiller replied.

"What ability does he have?" Deathstroke then asked.

"There are many, such as flying, teleportation, infinite power, and instant healing. Moreover, now he has extraordinarily sufficient energy and can fight you forever. Moreover, if he cannot defeat you, he will also ask for support. As long as he calls people,

Immediately there will be hundreds of Christmas elves with green lights dancing at your door..."

"The mission is over." Deathstroke said very calmly: "The previous employer could not afford this price."

"Perhaps, they won't stay together forever. You can wait until they separate before taking action." Schiller gave a suggestion.

"This is an urgent order. The employer requires me to kill him within three days, otherwise the transaction will be voided, the price of the target has changed, and the transaction will be aborted, but the deposit will not be refunded. Goodbye."

After saying that, Deathstroke left. Every move he made told how professional an elite mercenary was. However, the price of hiring him was ridiculously high. Some people in the Quinn Group were willing to pay such a high price to hire him.

The death knell shows that they really want to kill Oliver.

Originally, Schiller had no interest in the dirty deal behind this, but after Deathstroke left, several more waves of killers followed.

Although they were not as professional as Deathstroke, it was precisely because of their unprofessionalism that when they found out that Oliver was not around, they wanted to take action against Schiller.

Although the final result was to participate in the ecological cycle of the ocean, Schiller still felt bored that these flies interrupted his vacation.

So, one morning when it was still warm on the West Coast, Schiller called Bruce and asked, "Do you know about the Quinn Group?"

Bruce glanced at Aisha, who was sitting at the dining table with her eyes wide open, waiting for him to feed her, and said, "Of course I've heard of it. They are very famous on the West Coast, especially in the semiconductor industry. They can compete with Wayne Group."

High and low..."

"They should have some abnormalities recently. If they find out these abnormalities, they will tell me and I will get 2 extra points for the final exam."

"No, Professor, I've been very busy recently and don't have much time. For business-related matters, you can also go to Lex. He's very idle recently and fights with Clark every day."

"Look, Bruce, the reason I'm not going to Lex is because 2 points doesn't matter to him at all. 90 points plus 2 points doesn't mean anything. I mean, 58 points plus 2 points, you can


"But I can't take the exam..."

"If you don't have these 2 points, you will definitely get a score of 58."

This was already a naked threat, but after glancing at Aisha who was still waiting for her meal at the table, Bruce sighed and said, "Okay, I'll give you the information in half an hour."

After Bruce hung up the phone, he picked up Aisha, patted her back, and said, "I have business to do now, and you have to eat by yourself."

Elsa was about to cry again, but Alfred still picked her up. Bruce left the table smoothly, and then began to investigate matters related to the Quinn Group.

He didn't know why Schiller suddenly became interested in the Quinn Group. However, thinking of Oliver who had been rescued from the isolated island before, he thought that it might have something to do with the heir to the Quinn Group.

It didn't take long for Schiller to obtain information about the Quinn Group. The other information on it was normal, except for one project that stood out.

After the abolition of capital controls in 1989, a large amount of foreign capital, including speculative short-term capital, poured into Mexico, and the Quinn Group's foreign investment was part of it.

Information shows that Quinn Group wants to move some semiconductor factories to Mexico. In order to build the factory, they have made more than 50 investments, including but not limited to buying land, purchasing raw materials, acquiring local industries, and hiring


Among the information given by Bruce, there is also some very secret information. For example, the Quinn Group is not satisfied with the apparent industry. They are also interested in certain industries with smaller investment but greater output, such as

Cultivation of drug raw materials.

As we all know, Mexico has some native specialty crops, such as cannabis and poppy. These cultivation industries are deeply rooted in the lives of the Mexican people. These plants are the crops that many local Mexicans depend on for their survival.

At the same time, the output of large-scale plantations run by capital oligarchs is astonishing, which is why Mexico has been able to surpass Colombia in the drug and raw material industries in just a dozen years.

The climate here is suitable, labor costs are low, and certain countries are adding fuel to the fire. This industry has become the country's pillar industry, and the rich profits will naturally attract many bloodthirsty crocodiles.

Of course, Mexico's drug industry did not develop recently, so the cooperation between Quinn Group and them did not start recently. Data shows that as early as more than 20 years ago, Quinn Group was already involved in the shipping industry.

We have cooperation with some local companies in Mexico.

The right time, place and people on the West Coast provide the best help for this way of making money, with low investment, fast output and low risk. These steady streams of income have laid a solid foundation for the development of Quinn Group.

In this information, a name was mentioned, which was a drug production and sales organization that the Quinn Group had been in contact with - "Guadalajara".


Standing at the bow of the ship, Hal read the word awkwardly. He said, "I'm sure I heard it right. That's what the people on the ship just said."

"This should be a Spanish word, so it's not easy for us to read, but at least we figured out what this organization is called. This is a very good beginning." said Oliver, standing next to Hal.

There was a ripple on the sea in front of them. Arthur jumped out of the water. Hal took his arm and dragged him onto the boat. Arthur wiped the water from his face and said:

"Just now, I went down to inquire about the fish stocks nearby. They said that every Tuesday around 4 p.m., two boats like before will pass by here. As long as we can capture one of them, we can

Ask them where their hometown is."

"Their base must be in mainland Mexico. The question is, which province is it in?"

"It should be in Badilaguato." Oliver said in a very confident tone: "On the way here, I checked the information. Badilaguato is the most developed place for shipping in Mexico and has unique conditions.

If the so-called Guadalajara is a strong drug trafficking organization, then they will definitely use it as their main base."

"Then we will wait for their ship to come over, and then ask them for the specific location of the base." Hal formulated a battle plan.

The three people waited on the boat until Tuesday afternoon. For these three people, it was easy to deal with the drug traffickers' cargo ship. Hal was the main attacker, Arthur was responsible for shaking the hull with sea water, and Oliver stood on their own boat to snipe. The three quickly

He defeated almost all the drug dealers on the ship.

Hal landed on the deck, grabbed a specially left alive, and asked: "Where is your base? Who is your boss?"

But the crew member was already petrified. Hal, who was glowing green all over his body, seemed to him to be the devil recorded in the Bible. He kept waving his arms and yelling, spitting out a series of Spanish words, but Hal couldn't hear a word.


After activating the translation function of the green light ring, a series of swear words came to his face, which roughly meant calling Hal a devil. Hal pressed him for a long time, but the man didn't say a word, so Hal could only throw him into the sea.

After Oliver got on the ship, he said: "It's useless to ask these crew members. We have to find the captain or first mate, or someone who is doing civilian work. Only these people have sense and can negotiate terms with us."

Sure enough, as he said, although the captain was dead, the first mate was still alive. He kept begging for mercy and told all the information he knew.

Among all the information he told, in addition to confirming that the base of the organization in Guadalajara was really located in Badilaguato, there was also a name that appeared repeatedly. Hal and Oliver were sure that this

The man is the leader of the Guadalajara Organization.

His name is - "Miguel Felix Gallardo".



This chapter has been completed!
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