Chapter 774 Deadly Joke (1)

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After hanging up the phone, Batman froze on the spot, wondering what nonsense Schiller was talking about.

He glanced at the flute player whom he had thrown into prison, thought for a moment, and decided to finish the paper first.

In the past few days, Schiller's pressing step by step allowed him to develop good study habits. At least he was able to do today's tasks, finish today, and finish revising the paper due today.

Bruce returned to school and spent another afternoon in the library. He corrected all the mistakes in the previous paper. At the same time, he reorganized the logical chain and deleted all the parts that had nothing to do with the topic. This time

, he is sure to pass it in one go.

So, just after seven o'clock in the afternoon, Bruce came to the office building again. Just as he was about to knock on the door, the office door was opened.

Schiller was walking out with a pile of materials. When he saw Bruce, he showed an unexpected expression, looked him up and down, and then focused on the content of the paper in his hand.

Just as Bruce was about to speak, Schiller said, "Put it on my desk and I'll look at it tomorrow morning."

After saying that, he was about to leave, but Bruce stopped him and said, "Professor, are you okay now? I have a few questions..."

"If you have any questions, go read a book." Schiller said without looking back: "Have you finished reading the Jungian theory I asked you to read before? If you haven't finished reading it, go read it quickly. You don't even understand the basic theory, so where do you get it from?

So many questions?”

After saying that, he left quickly, leaving Bruce alone. The windows at both ends of the corridor were open. When the cold wind blew by, Bruce felt what it meant to feel a chill in his heart.

People are very strange creatures. When another person pays a lot of attention to you, you will feel very stressed and annoyed. But if he suddenly stops paying attention to you, you will wonder, what happened to him?

But in fact, this sudden attention is unnecessary. However, in the process of being noticed, people will domesticate themselves and adapt to this rhythm. When this unnecessary attention disappears, there is still

You will feel a sense of loss.

It was difficult for Bruce to describe his current mood. He should have been happy that he was finally freed from the terrible academic pressure, but now, he was holding this thesis and didn't know what to do.

Bruce didn't know if he had ever felt proud of Schiller's special treatment. After all, he knew that Schiller would put so much pressure on him because Schiller knew that he had the ability to achieve good results.

The professor affirmed his talent and believed that he was different from other students.

When a person is recognized by a top person in a certain professional field, he or she will have the illusion that he must have a unique talent in this professional field, so he will be treated differently.

But in fact, from a macro perspective, the other party may just have no better choice.

Schiller doesn't necessarily focus on cultivating Batman because he is the protagonist of the comics, but because of Gotham's student conditions, he really has no better candidate.

No matter whether Bruce has the talent to study psychology or not, at least his IQ and understanding ability are here. The upper limit is unknown, but the lower limit must be very high. No matter which major he is in, he has great training value.

However, now and then, a person cannot be seventeen forever, but someone will always be seventeen. Bruce is twenty this year, but Jason is only eleven this year.

At present, Jason's mental state is much healthier than Bruce's. Although neither of them has parents, Jason does not have so many extreme emotions.

Perhaps it's because when having enough food is a problem, philosophical thinking about sin, life, revenge, and law have to be put aside.

Only when people are very free will they think about life and produce so many extra emotions that are useless for survival. Jason, who is struggling at the bottom of Gotham, is busy surviving every day, but this makes him have

A more stable mental state and a more self-consistent logic.

If a person's own mental state is unstable, then he cannot treat others, because if he cannot actively accept the emotions of others, then there is no way to gain anything from the act of listening to the patient's psychology.

To get the key to enlightening others, you must be calmer than the patient in order to calm the patient.

The reason why Schiller keeps asking Bruce to improve his academic level is because, judging from Batman's mental state, even if he can study psychology, he can only specialize in theory. He cannot really face patients, because he is also

a patient.

Moreover, Batman also has a disadvantage in terms of language output. His personality is destined to not explain too much to others, and he is not used to expressing the emotions he receives to others, which makes it impossible for him to accumulate experience in practice.

However, Jason is extra talented in this area.

He can quickly sense other people's emotions and then output what he feels through language. At the same time, he will not be too involved in the process and cause a mental breakdown.

And just now, Schiller discovered that Jason still has a strong memory ability. Jason said before that he didn't like reading. Schiller thought that he was not an input personality, but now it seems that he may have just not found his feelings.

As for what he is interested in, he prefers liberal arts to science.

Moreover, he is younger, the age at which he absorbs knowledge and understands the world. His personality is more malleable and it is easier to explain.

Schiller prefers to get along with people who are more straightforward in their expressions. It is already tiring enough to test patients in roundabout ways. In daily interactions, the Riddler should get out of Gotham.

After drawing the Jason card, Schiller decisively threw Batman away as a warehouse manager. Originally, university teachers did not necessarily have to chase after a certain student to make him study, but letting Batman return all depended on his own consciousness.

Go live your life freely.

Just like that, Schiller disappeared into Bruce's world at an unparalleled speed. His speed caught him off guard, and his firm attitude left him confused.

Schiller told him that as long as he handed in a paper that he could read before graduation, he could make up for other assignments as much as he wanted, and retake them as much as he wanted.

This freedom came so suddenly that Bruce didn't know what to do for a moment.

Standing at the gate of Gotham University campus, with the cold wind blowing for three minutes, Bruce realized that he should go home now to see Alfred, whom he had not seen for several days.

But when he returned to Wayne Manor, he didn't see Alfred. The huge Wayne Manor was empty, with no Alfred, no Dick, and no Elsa.

Bruce had to admit that when he saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat.

But within two minutes, Alfred came back. Seeing Bruce, Alfred smiled and said, "Master, are you back?"

"Yes, Alfred, where have you been?" Bruce asked.

Alfred took off his gloves, hung the scarf on the hanger, then turned around and said, "Did you forget? I called you before to discuss Elsa going to kindergarten, but you were very busy at that time...


"The two kindergartens in the southern district have very few places. If you want to catch up with the start of school this year, you have to go to the adaptation class in advance. I was afraid that Aisha wouldn't be able to register this year, so I sent her to the kindergarten in advance.

I’m in the adaptation class, and today is already the fourth day of school.”

Bruce said in a daze: "Oh, she went to kindergarten, so how is she adapting? Will she want to come back?"

Alfred smiled happily and said: "Miss Aisha's social skills are stronger than I thought. Although she is not very good at talking, she has fun with the children and likes to dance with the teacher...


"Then she doesn't need someone to tell her stories?" Bruce asked.

"Dick told stories in the past two days, but later, Miss Aisha was very tired from playing in the kindergarten. She fell asleep when she came home and stayed up all night. She was more focused on eating than usual. Master, Aisha has really made progress.

A lot."

Bruce was silent for a moment, then asked, "What about Dick?"

"Dick rejoined the choir of his new school. The choir teacher recommended him to join the dance club because his flexibility is very good. Now they are rehearsing a ballet, with Dick playing the leading role..."


By the way, Alfred, how is your health?" Bruce looked at Alfred with some worry. Alfred shook his head and said, "It's just a common cold. It's gone long ago. Don't worry.


Bruce nodded and said, "Everything's fine, right?"

Although his tone was affirmative, there was still an inexplicable emotion. Suddenly, he said as if he remembered something: "Where is Selena? Has she been here recently?"

Alfred shook his head and said, "Miss Selina hasn't been here for a week, but she has called twice."

"What did she say?" Bruce asked.

"She asked you to go to her place if you are free, but you haven't been free in the past week..."

As soon as Alfred finished speaking, Bruce turned around and went out. He quickly walked into the car and drove to Selina's house.

Selina has been living in a relatively good apartment in the East District. Although it is a bit shabby, it is much better than other places. When Bruce walked into the corridor, he saw that the door of Selina's room was open.

, there is still light coming from inside.

Bruce frowned and walked over. Just when he was about to approach the door, there was a "bang" and a bottle was thrown out and hit the opposite wall.

Bruce hesitated for a moment, took a step forward, and with another "bang", several magazines were thrown out.

Bruce walked to the door and peeked in. Selina was cleaning up the house. A lot of messy garbage was thrown out. Looking closely, she seemed to be packing luggage instead of cleaning.

When Selina heard the sound, she looked back at Bruce and said, "Are you here?"

Bruce nodded, looked her up and down, and said, "You're looking for me?"

"No, I'm not looking for it now." Selena quickly stuffed a pile of clothes into the suitcase, and then said, "You're not free anyway."

"I was quite busy some time ago, but now that I have time, where are you going?" Bruce asked.

Selena opened her mouth, took a deep breath on the spot, then stood up with her knees in hand, looked down at her suitcase and said:

"I'm going to Hollywood."

This chapter has been completed!
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