Chapter seven hundred and eighty-eight deadly joke (fifteen)

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 This night, the rain in Gotham was extra cold, bringing with it a sense of desolation in addition to the chill, making people shiver with cold from head to toe.

A figure staggered out of the dark alley, held on to the wall and began to vomit, and then began to cough violently, muttering a bunch of random words. When he finally moved to a step,

What was illuminated by the streetlight was Constantine's haggard face.

He burped and leaned weakly against the cold wall. He exuded a terrible stench. Judging from the two shoe prints on his windbreaker, it seemed that he continued to smoke because he had no money.

, and was kicked out.

But his drug addiction continued. The hand that lit an ordinary cigarette was so shaking that he couldn't even strike a match. He tried several times, but made no progress except wasting a few matches. Constantine sighed and

The cigarette was put back into his pocket.

Suddenly, he saw a light of fire appear at the other end of the wall, reaching towards him.

Constantine's eyes lit up immediately, he immediately took out the cigarette, put his head over it, lit the cigarette with the fire, took a long puff, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said, "Thanks, buddy."

But the next second, he was so startled that he almost jumped up from the ground, because the face that appeared on the other side of the wall was Bruce wearing clown makeup.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Constantine exclaimed, "If I hadn't turned on my spiritual vision, I would have thought it was that madman! ...Wait a minute, you're not him, are you?"

Turning on the spiritual vision again, Constantine looked at Bruce's soul from top to bottom, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Oh, fortunately, you are not him... Wait, why are you wearing this makeup? Now


Constantine gave his brain, which was still immersed in drug addiction, a slight spin. Looking back, April Fool's Day must have passed, and he has not offended Batman recently.

Constantine squatted opposite Bruce and looked at his face carefully.

He found that the makeup didn't seem to be painted on. Bruce's face seemed to have been soaked in some chemical agent. His skin became wrinkled and turned unhealthy pale, and his lips were extra red because of the chemical.

The preparation caused the skin on his lips to peel off, and the red color was blood.

Constantine narrowed his eyes. Just as he was about to ask, he saw Bruce take out a cigar from his pocket and light it. Then, Constantine smelled a familiar smell.

He opened his eyes wide, showing the most shocked expression since he was born, and then suddenly turned into anger.

He snatched the cigar from Bruce's hand, threw it to the ground, stamped it out with his foot, and said in a louder voice: "Batman!

!Are you crazy?!

!Do you know what you are smoking?!


Bruce leaned against the wall and said, "Of course I know, isn't it the kind of cigarette you usually smoke? Even the smell is exactly the same. Of course, I know, this kind of thing is called medicine here..."

"Can't you see? I'm sick." Bruce coughed twice and said, "I need this medicine, and I plan to prescribe more later..."

"F*ck is really crazy!" Constantine seemed to be stimulated by something. He said to Bruce: "Medicine??? Think about it with your most genius IQ in the world, is this thing a medicine?


"You..." Constantine squatted down, covering his forehead with his hands and said: "Listen to me, listen to me, Bruce...listen to me, kid, the reason why I smoke this thing is because I am a patient with advanced lung cancer.

, late-stage lung cancer, do you understand? That is to say, my lungs are almost completely rotten now..."

"If you have spiritual vision... forget it, you don't have this thing, but you have to know that I am about to die. This thing is not used to cure illness, but to relieve pain."

"I'm in pain right now." Bruce's tone was very calm, and there was no wave. He said, "I have a lot of things to do in the future, and I can't lose my ability to move, so I plan to regain my energy."

"But this thing can't help you regain your energy!" Constantine stood up again, spread his hands and said: "Sucking drugs will only reduce your memory and cause you to have various problems.

Hallucinations that make you want to vomit, break into cold sweats, and have no strength at all..."

"If you smoke this stuff for a long time, it may harm your male function. If you take too much, you may go into shock or die!"

At this moment, Constantine turned around in a circle, put his hand on his forehead and said: "Oh my God! How could I tell others this?!"

His fingertips were trembling a little, and he paused, then looked down at Bruce and said, "Do you insist that I tell you? You insist that I tell you like a wimp, which is actually very uncomfortable, okay?"

"I really want to vomit now, my lungs hurt so much, I will cough and vomit in less than two minutes, and half of the pain is due to this thing. Are you satisfied?!"

Constantine gritted his teeth and said, "Batman, I really have you. Your recent psychology studies are really fruitful!"

"How do you know that as long as you take yourself as a hostage, I will have to stop you like a messenger of justice?!"

Bruce stood up and wanted to pick up the cigarette. Constantine pushed him away hard, but to his surprise, as soon as he pushed, Bruce fell down.

Constantine was even more shocked. He said: "Satan! How can you be so weak?!... No, you shouldn't have already, wait, wait..."

Constantine quickly picked up the cigarette at his feet and threw it across the street. Feeling uneasy, he lit a flame in his hand, rolled it into a fireball, and smashed it towards the cigarette until it was completely destroyed.

After it was burned to ashes, I finally felt relieved.

Constantine knew that he could not use violence to stimulate Bruce, so he lifted Bruce up from the ground, helped him to the next step, then half-knelt down opposite him, pressed his shoulders and said:

"Bruce, I know, you think I am an unreliable person, okay, I admit, I am a bad person, I got addicted to drugs when I was 14 years old, just for fun at that time, you know, my

My classmates all play this."

"I'm different from you. I wasn't born in a wealthy area, and my parents don't care about me. I've taught a lot of bad friends since I was a child, and they took me to play this. I also find it very interesting..."

" was great in the beginning. God, I thought I could lie on the couch all day. But at that time, I was too young. Just like you, I didn't realize it.

How dangerous is this...”….

Constantine let go of his hand, then put his hand on his knee and said, "Whoever brought you to play with this, you can stop now before it's too late."

Constantine took a puff from the cigarette in his hand, then snapped his fingers and blew out a puff of smoke.

Suddenly, a demonic figure appeared on the street in front of him. Constantine walked over and pointed at him and said, "Look, I can summon the demonic entity. This is the reason why I dare to do these bad things."

"If one day I don't want to be so bad anymore, I can sell my soul in exchange for a stable life for decades to come, but Bruce...Bruce...look at me..."

Constantine put his hands on both sides of Bruce's head, turned his head over and said, "Can you summon the devil? Do you have magical talent? Can you turn back time and start everything over again?"

"If you can't, don't do it!"

"But everyone here is doing this kind of thing." Bruce said, looking at the lights on the street in front of him: "They use this kind of thing as medicine to cure their ills. People who sell medicine really think of themselves as

Doctors, people who take medicine really think of this as medicine."

Constantine was silent because he suddenly understood what Bruce was saying. He said: "Are you sympathizing with these people? Do you think they can't afford medicine, so they can only do this? Do you feel sad about this?"


Then, Constantine saw Bruce showing a smile, and the cigarette in Constantine's hand fell directly to the ground. When the ash hit the ground, it looked like brilliant fireworks.

"No, I'm happy about this..." Bruce's lips began to tremble a little, and he speeded up his speech and said excitedly: "I'm happy that I am in it and working hard to become one of them..."

Although Constantine couldn't understand

This metaphor, but he could understand Bruce's current state because he could see the soul directly. He squatted in front of Bruce again, hugged his knees with both hands, lowered his head and said:

"Batman, do you know why I stopped you from doing this?"

Bruce looked at him, there was no doubt in his eyes, but his eyes were very focused. He became better at listening to others than before.

Constantine moved his hands and said: "I know, it may be a bit disgusting to say this, but I have lived and died for so many years, and you are the first person who sincerely wants to save me."

"You know what? I was very confused about this at first." Constantine sighed and said, "I really don't understand why you have to save me?"

"Of course, there are many people in this world who save my life and want to repay their kindness. They all know what kind of abilities I have. Some people are my friends just for the sake of immortality. Some people show kindness to me just for the sake of immortality.

In order for me to help him kill people."

"It's not difficult to see through these emotions, because I can see directly into people's souls. I can tell whether you are lying. I can tell what emotions you are feeling when you say this... Yes, I can read minds."

"But when I first read your soul, I discovered that you just wanted to save me, and the reason you saved me was that you wanted to save everyone in this world."

"I'm shocked because you are serious." Constantine looked into Bruce's blue eyes, as if he saw the bottom of the sea at a glance. Through his soul, he was speaking to the little boy lying under the black tide.


"You shouldn't be so kind. What you get from this society is far less than what you give to it, so I am very surprised."

Bruce shook his head and said, "Hasn't this society given me enough? Endless wealth, excellent living conditions, and no need to worry about the confidence to make a living..."

Constantine was stunned for a moment and said: "But this is not given to you by this society, this is given by God. You can't decide where you are born, and neither can anyone in this society."

"...I took these things and had a very long dream. In the dream, I turned into a bat, hanging high in the attic, worrying about my mission of revenge..."

Constantine's eyes became gentler. He looked at Bruce and said, "Are you feeling guilty for not saving the world as soon as possible?"

"No, I just think it's funny." Bruce showed a very stiff smile, as if the muscles on his face were not used to his expression, and he said:

"While I was staying in the house, the owners here were dying by the thousands, and I was just hanging in the attic sleeping, moved by the logic in my dream."

"During this period, many people made a lot of noise to remind me. They said it was time for me to wake up. I said they were crazy."

"The owners of the house finally couldn't stand it anymore and kicked me out. I still couldn't understand them. I thought they were so stupid, short-sighted and easy to believe in rumors."

"I said to myself, I don't need that house. I want to stand on the roof and save them. After I found that this didn't work, I found a small door and sneaked in."

"Then, I finally discovered the truth. It wasn't that they didn't take their lives seriously enough, or that they were used to treating everything like a game and laughing in a frivolous and ridiculous way."

"Rather, in the lives of ordinary people, all the unexpected things that happen are so absurd and humorous. Nothing is completely under their control. So what can they do in the face of suffering?"

Bruce looked into Constantine's eyes, and the light of the streetlight shone in his eyes, like the sunset in Gotham, and he said:

"They can't cry because crying takes up too much energy..."

"Then what else can they do except laugh?"


Yumu Burning Rope reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it【

, you can read it anytime and anywhere without hindrance....

This chapter has been completed!
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