Chapter 193 Moved away

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There is a Seine in everyone's heart, which divides our heart into two sides, the left bank is soft and the right bank is cold; the left bank is emotional and the right bank is rational; the left bank houses our desires, prayers, struggles and all our love, hate and anger.

The right bank houses the imprint of the rules of this world on our hearts. The left bank is dreamland, and the right bank is life.

Although he was very reluctant to leave, Li Peifeng still had to move to the right bank of the Seine River.

But where to go? I don’t know.

Before he obtained the system, Li Peifeng thought about getting a teaching position after graduation, teaching well, and writing books well.

It doesn't matter whether I stay in the capital or go back to my hometown, make money to buy a house and a car, and then during the winter and summer vacations, I will travel to major cities at home and abroad, meet more female friends, and live my life in style.

Even obtaining the system did not change his idea. However, after falling into a dream with Zhao Qingge, Li Peifeng was a little obsessed with the beauty of the two being dependent on each other in the dream. Although his initial idea was not shaken, he had a vague feeling that maybe he and Lao Zhao

Getting married is also a good choice.

Later, when he established a trinity connection with Wu Wenyue and Xu Maning, and his relationship with Zhao Qingge in reality went beyond teacher and student, Li Peifeng's thoughts completely changed and can be summarized in four simple words.

"I want them all!!"

As for now, when he wakes up from the five-in-one dream, Li Peifeng still has the same five words. Even if he adds the sentence "fuck Huang Tianxuan to death", the meaning is almost the same. It can be said that he has found his life goal.

However, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

The five-in-one in the dream can be achieved because it is a dream, and everyone knows its absurdity. Li Peifeng is omnipotent in the dream, the whole world revolves around him, and the four girls are by his side as soon as they arrive, so

Only then can all your wishes come true.

But back to reality, it was too difficult. Even if their family factors were not considered, the four girls themselves would not agree.

In this regard, Li Peifeng had a vague plan.

If you want to be one of the five, you must first deepen your relationship with the four girls, at least as long as in the dream.

Secondly, you must have money.

Consider realistic issues realistically, dreams are extraordinary power, reality is money and status.

Li Peifeng believes that if he is rich enough and has status, the difficulty will be reduced. No matter how hard he works, he can't compare to the rich second generation like Huang Tianxuan who has 20 billion, but he still has to work hard.

You can't even afford a house in a school district in the capital, and then still want to have five houses in one, right?

Do you want to have a harem while eating soft food?

I would never dare to do this in my wildest dreams.

So you have to make money.

And Li Peifeng believes that the only way he can make money is by writing novels. The system is a waste. It is not feasible to expect to be lucky and lucky. That will provoke more and more girls and completely mess up his interpersonal relationships.

Now just try to complete the unexpected tasks that occasionally appear in the system and get a chance to win a lottery. There will be many awesome rewards that can affect reality in the future, but that is only a chance.

The most important thing right now is to keep your feet on the ground and work hard to code with your own hands!

Trying to make money with words and have fun in creating.

It's boring, but interesting, and Li Peifeng enjoys it.

"Let me pick an interesting time period."

Li Peifeng has formed a rough document on the background of DQ01 Magical Plane and the history of world changes. What he has to do now is...

"Let me choose a period of great turmoil for my protagonist. There will be wars, religious conflicts, political oppression, and revolutions. I will throw you into this maelstrom and let you find a way out and make you make decisions.

Decision makes you suffer and achieve glory, makes you mature, accepts baptism, and allows you to find or lose true love, conscience, ideals and humanity!"

Li Peifeng murmured to himself, his eyes shining strangely under his blue light glasses, and in a flash, he already had a choice.

But when I typed the first line of words, the TT prompt sounded, and an image of the moon in the night sky in the lower right corner of the screen kept flashing.

The one who came with the message: Yun Xin Yue Xing.

These two simple words interrupted Li Peifeng's thoughts again.

"Where are the photos?"

That's right, even when he fell asleep with Zhao Qingge for the second time, Li Peifeng did not reveal the fact that he already knew that Old Zhao was Yun Xinyuexing.

This kind of interesting secret would only be considered by Li Peifeng if he and his guide had a third child one day, otherwise he would choose to keep pretending to be confused.

"In real life, you ignore me, but on the Internet you still ask me for photos?!"

Li Peifeng thought for a while and typed a reply: "My instructor deliberately made me wear small shoes today and used an umbrella to throw rainwater on me, so I am very angry now."

Yun Xinyuexing: "What does this have to do with me? Send photos!"

One or Two Winds in the World: "I know this has nothing to do with you, but honey, can you apologize to me?"

Yun Xin Yuexing: "..."

One or two trends in the world: "Then you coax me again. I still want to be coaxed. I feel very wronged now."

Yun Xinyuexing: "What did you do to make your mentor angry with you and make you feel so wronged?"

One or two things in the world: "Honey, let's talk to each other. You apologize to me, and then you can coax me."

One or two trends in the world: "In the end, it would be better if I could say, 'Hello, master, brother, and sister will be your little slave and little licking dog for the rest of her life.'"

Of course, Zhao Qingge did not agree to Li Peifeng's unreasonable request, and did not even ask for any more photos.

Li was very sorry, but he thought that if he told the other party the news of moving out, and if he worked harder, Lao Zhao's attitude would change, so he wrote the code wholeheartedly.

There was nothing to say all night. In the morning of the next day, Li Peifeng got up early and prepared a sumptuous breakfast using the leftover ingredients from last night's birthday party.

There was lean meat porridge, a bacon cheese sandwich, two cold dishes and one hot dish, and chicken steak, but the staple food on the table was only for two people.

Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying walked to the table and sat down in confusion.

"Where's your share?"

"Yeah, what do you eat?"

"I'll eat this."

Li Peifeng came out with a bowl of dumplings. After sitting down, he said with a smile: "Sanquan brand three fresh stuffing, it tastes very good."

Wu Wenyue frowned and said, "You have cooked so many dishes, why are you eating frozen dumplings?"

"It's an old tradition, I go out and make dumplings and come home with noodles. I made them myself this time, but when I come back, you two remember to make some noodles for me, otherwise I won't come back."

"No one is asking you to come back!"

Xu Manying muttered, took a bite of the sandwich, and took another sip of porridge. Savoring the distinct texture and scalding hot porridge, she couldn't help but feel a little bit of reluctance in her heart.

Wu Wenyue was the same, but her expression was very disgusting: "When the child died, you nursed her, but when the child was about to leave, you showed your courtesy and wanted us to persuade you to stay? It's impossible, just leave as soon as possible after dinner."

"Then I won't wash the dishes."

Wu Wenyue immediately changed her mind: "Wash the dishes before leaving!"

Li Peifeng smiled nonchalantly: "Okay, hurry up and eat, don't delay my move."

"I'll just eat slowly!"

Xu Manying deliberately played the opposite tune and said angrily: "Why do I feel that you are quite willing to move away?"

Li Peifeng counted on his fingers: "Although if I move away, I won't have to cook for you anymore, I won't have to soak your feet when you're on your period, I won't have to massage my back for Wenyue, I won't have to be angry with you anymore, and

I have more time and energy to code, but I still don’t want to move... How about you give it another try?"

The separation was a foregone conclusion. The two girls did not give up their minds because of this breakfast and a few words from Li Peifeng. However, when they saw him walking out the door carrying two suitcases, they were still very uncomfortable.

The two communities of Baoyu and Jintiancheng are very close to each other, only one kilometer apart, but they still feel the meaning of separation.

The last time I had this feeling was when Li Peifeng went to Hangzhou on a business trip.

"I am leaving?"

Li Peifeng stood at the door and looked back. The two girls looked at him with a complicated look. There was entanglement and nostalgia, but it fleetingly turned into impatience or disgust.

"let's go."

"Remember to bring the car back before noon today, I still need it."

Li Peifeng pursed his lips: "How about you go with me and help me clean up..."

"Don't you have any hands?"

"We have classes later."


Li Peifeng let go of his luggage and opened his hands for a hug: "A hug before parting?"


"I haven't washed my face yet."

One of the two girls went into the side bed to change clothes, and the other went into the bathroom to wash up.

Li sighed softly, opened the door and left.

But what Li Peifeng didn't know was that after he went downstairs, the two girls returned to the living room at the same time and watched through the window as he put his luggage into Han DM's trunk...

"Yueyue, do you think he regrets it now?"

Xu Man stared at the man downstairs and whispered: "Will he regret what he did?"

Wu Wenyue hammered her aching back with her hand, and said slowly: "I don't know if he regretted it later. I only know that you must have regretted it."

This chapter has been completed!
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