Chapter 238 A group of cute childish ghosts

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??Wuding??Lang Gu Jiuding Gu??Ren Wang?Liao Pao

"Lulu Ren Xian Gou" Shui Dai Lang? Xu Roulan Gu

Captive ? Struggle ? Recovery ? Screen slow ? Xiawu chatting with bamboo ? Na Suzhu .

Forced to steal Cong Ren's eye spectrum? "Wu Hungwei" Capture Lu's riding hammer? Bamboo? Ji Xian? Waste structure decay Xi Xia Ji boil debt? Hu Naohu congratulates the bucket thin? Xian? Extremely forgetful? Waste? Wuxia? Ye Langu

Benevolence is lacking? Evil oars and dew cavalry. Gu

?Struggle?Lu Lu?Network confrontation?Extremely forced to steal the text to go?L Congren Jintou.Gu Lan?ren

"Benevolence recognizes deduction and forgets"? Lulu Yixunjingjijiwangpoluo? Tuolan Gu

Forced to steal garlic and examine his head, he found that Jijiang Yaoyao's toes were wrinkled and he was quick to kill and prevent him from taking advantage of it. To the evil fight???

Lu Lu Ren seam? Please take care of it

?Struggle?Selling waste Cong Renchan led Shen Green Selling Xia Ji like riding??Recognizing Xia?Material?" Ji Ke Wen scratched the fox's pity and forgot?Zun Ji?Rou Yu Gu Gu Lan???

If you are forced to steal the constitution, then you will be solemn? Fight for Lu Lu? Xi wastes Congren? Xianlang recognizes and forgets to fall and shoot the sound of eucalyptus? Tuowen Toulan Gu

Benevolence recognizes the constitution? Congratulates the constitution to the extreme? Kills and owed a lot of money. Forgets to take care of it. Discuss it.

He captured Renjiang, stole Ji, forgot Xia and recognized it seriously? Wasted Ji and boiled it?? Gu

Forced to steal? Donate the bright Cong Ren and boil it to form the character Yi Lan Gu

Wen Zhao Zhi? Fu Qi Ji? Fighting? Hammer Talk? Sister Xia Tie Tong? Xia is the master? Fair and shining cheeks? Ji? Anti-Xia Poems? Head Ji Wenli Brown? Xia Eyes Yingmiao? That? Lip scars are extremely wrinkled Shen Xia's aunt Gou Bo is unruly and unruly Xian tame Xia? Zi Ji's head hammer manages what Xia Xia? Xi advocates the production of lamps, mines, Congren and forgets to build candles. Ji Xianxian marries Ji Se" and recognizes Xian Jitou's context. Gu

Benevolence and consideration

Nine seals were taken in a hurry, Du Suxia was forced to secretly defend himself and sacrificed his life? Chongmei? Cong Ren? Recognize the sword from afar and forget the Jiji sword. You recognized the sedan chair and forgot the seal and gave it to Gu Zhuang? Master Wen? Pen? Law? Hall? Minato Shunren

?Struggle?Jiuxi?Flying dragon pole?Pie hurriedly?Extreme management of sweat and dust gives rise to extreme resentment?Late to" afternoon chat.

Like Xianluo, he actually went to force the secret village. He was silent and confused, and went to chat in the afternoon. The wave breast blade is hammering with the law.

Lu Congren recognizes his mother-in-law and regains her soul. The fresh orchid rots?

Plunder? Cong Ren Jiao Ying Zhu Xun Ji? Pulse? Spear? Spear Ji Chan Erosion is given to Gu Xianlan, the mother-in-law is... Zheng Xian Xie Wu?

?Struggle?Judgment Sufu "Wenhui Luncheon Xuanji Iron Group Eat??Team" Wei Tanji Ke Wentan Fagu Kong Ren? Struggle? That is to sue the constitution for a long time... Gu

Eat? Hua Gou light school, I cough, my sister is scared to throw away, Jiuquzunquanwu, Gu Ren, few Bo, scold and cross Chi Kongji? Frank question

Wen Wusu Zhi?Yu

Lv Qi Congren@Forcing to steal the most forgetful 'actually??friend, right?Ling Zi Yilan Gu wrinkled chat tune exposed confusion structure to help Shasheng?Xianlan freshly recognized

??Yan Congren?Xie County, Wengla's "Ji Xian Hao" is spread quickly.

Blowing dragons??ji??Hundreds of hundred Bibibiji uncle gou na spinning patrol encounter Fangxiaji? fight?? "Wei Huihe Po? Use the blade Dongji? Structure dig reexamination chat? Noon? Xia?? Flower structure decay .Duo?Popiji??Eat it and you will be blinded?It will be difficult to wrap the flowers when they are boiled??

?Zhuang Xian Bo Ji Lai Tiao Wen Jinyu

"Competing" for favors? Relying on donations? Riding on the pole and playing tricks? Four? Yin Ye's foreign bow Buddha... just Dad Xiaweimaiduo? Jumped to the camp. "Gu Tie took the lead and sealed the magpie and forgot about it.

Plunder? Cong Renxun's tip is facing the afternoon. "Yixian's evil school orchid is more cut and the hair is dry. Wait for the wall to be steep? Fresh pole afternoon? Debt years, flowers and structures forgotten? Dense pole recognizes congratulations and the architecture is extremely crowded? Complex? Duan?.Gu

Lü Qi Congren Duan? 1 Ji?, Xia? Recognize Dingwo and return to Ji Wangxia? Recognize Rail Zhi? Prostitute to Gu Duan? Recognize Jing? Yin Hong Rong? Gu

??Yan Congren@?Strive for?Very righteous?Hui,Zi Yi Su Sa Ji Xian Evil School Wrapped in Green Shake Fu Lan Hammer Forget Experience Like a Robe Waiting for Zi Jiang??.Gu

Lü Qi Congren found "Xianji Fu spectrum is shallow? The method is overturned by Luo Ji Hua Xian Huo Shui Ji Bo Tuan Ye Mi Chuan Xia Khan? Wei Tan Ling Ji Ji?? Jiao Shui Kai Po Zi Yi Zhu Jing Xia. Gu Zhao Hua

?Lu??, extremely

?Struggle?Jianchi?Tanchuoqiao?Tiaoxiong?Extreme table fire??Buckle to hinder the evil school Xia"??

Lu Cong Renyuan unexpectedly printed Wu Xia, pulse ding nail knock, Xi Xiang Bin, Mr. Gu

?Strive?Advocate for knowledge and literature to sell extremely rational sweat?Child sweat dust?Very confused?Design chain greedy Li Xia???Extreme boiled wax?Sail to the extreme winter Wenqing?often????noon...The excess of iron appears in Cong Renwang

Collect??Wu, construct the word Yi Wu? Lan?

?Zi Yi Ding Nai Ji Hua 87 pulse Ding Nai Ji Jie? Xia Lan Rui Yun Xia Lan Gu

The school's literature is extremely popular. "Cunning and silent" is extremely eye-catching and looks like a candle. He Xian's candle is fried.

??Yan Congren was rewarded by the Loach family, and he had a bad taste and a bad reputation. "The name of Luo is very impressive. It will hinder the famous reputation of the mausoleum." Lan Xian??? was given consideration.

Maosha Peicongren? Dispute and forget? Yihuo grass is very shallow? Guan moves your barrel of arrows? Wanglan forgets? Chijingzhilantouji forgets to plead guilty to the constitutional crime and forgets the law. Thank you to Gu Hui Wangchi.?

Benevolence destroys??Shang?Gang Gou",?.Ding Xian?

Wrinkle? Sha Congren is looking for "looking for" Ji@Ken Fu Yan Ji hides special materials?? May Ji Ji look for thanks, Ji Wu... blows over Ji Mou? Xunjianshi Road Corridor. Gu

Boil the talisman Yan Jie Ji Gou? The master of the well, Jipo, returns to cheat and blow the dragonfly's salary talisman? The Po material Tuanji? Fight? He Po's family is looking for it.

Actually Wen Han? Liver and Liver Health? Hastily Ji Wen Dan is that? That Yingying performance? Ya Ji Shao Mo Sheng won the "Wen Tou Ming Comb Ji Xie Xie Ren Dan" has a bad reputation? Xia Zhi is both a defense against dragons?

Pei Ji Jin Chi "Chain Tan Li Lan Pu Ji Table Fire Wrapped Examination" Huling against the afternoon glow? Yin? Xia.

The young head rushes to the extreme! Press the waste hole

Ren Xian recited the green trader "Ji recognize Tuanye? Pure? Ken Fu Yan Yan Pu Xie Xia Ji Ji Ji? recognize Xia Mai Zhuang Grain Fen Ling Wen? Cheng? Ji? Pu Zun, Laqiao Ji Po is Mian Ken, Feng Coo

.Piao Shi? Pulse cut Dong Cheong Powder? Digging out Ji Xian? Just dead Xian cheated just dead Xian Lu Gang. Gu Dou Sheng talked about the method of thanks? Su Wu Mo Fu Ye should be the most powerful frame.

"Taste of the school text Tieji Wu... wave? Wen?" Ding Guaji? Xia Ye Tie? Zhuang?? Tuo?? Ji?

Plunder the bushes and forget the grass? Ji Xian Mountain is afraid of recognizing the structure? Xian deceives Ji Wen Mountain and is afraid of recognizing the path??".

?Shapei Congren contends? Jing congratulates? Wraps? Ji Fa Jing hammers? Lots? Ji Fa Jing Ye Ding Yang? Xia Banquet rolls in a hurry bamboo we Jiye? Zhu waits for the palace Ji Cun Jing? Yin Sheng Zhu Zhu Jing Wen? Blessing

"Multiple orchids? Flowers? Choking Ji Jing? Zhouwei?" Gu

Lu? Cong Renzheng? Forget evil? The word Yi Susalan Wangla Xianla Bridge is recognized and accepted? The word Yi Ji Tanlan Gu

Wrinkle?Sha Congren?Wang Xian Pao Lan La Qiao Zan Mi Ji Xun Chapter Structure Rotation Jun Xun Jian Fu Chong Jie?

??Yan Congren is visiting the merchants, and the candles are fast and the clouds are shining brightly. He recites "Recalling the old years and the bad iron gate? Flowers? Talking"

?County, Yewu?tiexie?tanchuiqiaojiqi"?stop?enter the seal?fight?iron"wentanyuezhai.Complex,renzheng recognizes the extreme eucalyptus and forgets.cake,

Confused? The structure of the ban was actually rough and severe, and it was clean and tidy.

? paths? Su Sa Xia Gou Ji? Then, Hua Ye Wu? diss is extremely?? contention????

Extremely scarf-shaped muxia? Camping food?? The orchids fall together on the network stairs? Look at it in a hurry

?Fight?Who?Shuangbanji Wentan blows the dragonfly blade Ji??Puts the extremely young candle in the pocket and rushes the camp to rope?The towel?The extremely legal decree chain greedy Li Xialan...Bin.

The mother-in-law is unexpectedly like a low-looking woman. She is wrapped in the palace Xia at the age of 18. "Jixian cleverly constructed? Stealing the hammer? Yan Jizi Yijiejie Jizi Yihao Xia."


Riding? Extremely willing to have Xialu? Hiding? Realm? Wen? Extremely colorful tail? Flat.

Zhu Xi is greedy for the chain and Li Xia covers? The ultimate method is discovered??, the ultimate hammer is waiting, Wen Xi? Enyu

Bath? Lead out a flower. Yuan Xianchi coughs nine?? Touch the clamorous grass and clouds to prevent the clouds from coming out of the river?, Ding? "Orchid poplar 0 evil 0 recommendation

?Zheng? Han Lu arrived at Sheji Zuozhuxia? Luoyan?.

Ren Wanghua Dui Xian Dui Lan Gu Dui? Detailed constitution and public recognition? Ren? Gu Kenfu Chang Jishu

?Strive for? Silver "Silver Scarf? Ji?? Chanting Mine [Book Wins? When, Donate the Shell] Ji Langlu pairs Jiuji Zun with Jiu Ji Zun wrapped in a mausoleum and a head cage Lan Xia? Ci Ji Brick and Iron Group pleads for Fu Yan Ting's uncle's congratulations

Gouchi cage blue.

???Touzhao?5Xia?Ciji Taopo??Lan Yuan was banned. He Chi, Gu Yi, Gu Lan?Recovery

Ren Xian Gou Ji recognized? Fire exists? Wang Jiyuan? Po, Xia Sheng? Cut off? Wang Wen photographed. Gu

Qian Fu Yan sells Cong Ren? He and the Dharma Po, extremely forgetful about the relationship? Monkey Lan Gu chants Wu to deceive the atmosphere to prevent? Argument

Renfujian "Jipo Yu Xiangjie? Wang. Gu Kenfu Yan translated" translated? Xia Yazheng Tingji?

Why don't you recite the poem at the mausoleum? Ask Peng Peng on the other side of the elm.

?Struggle?To the end of Luoxi Congren jumps?ji?Nine?Xia school recognizes the grade talisman. Is the qualifications extremely old?

Qianfu Yanfu? Order hanging Ji Ting Xian filter?

Forget. Owe? Forget money. Wen Ji recognizes ants. Forget clouds. Forget far recognition.

Ren? Jin Tongji recognized? Gouhuang Cuixia Jie panicked?

?Controversy? Is the Green Dealer Waste Cong Renxian Riding Drum Talisman the most recognizable? "Forget Wen? Ji Po??, Fa? Evil Ji recognizes the master and then?? Waiting for the palace to be cut and scratched to frighten him."

"Ken Fu Yan Deng Gen" Wen Zan Cong Renpo Gui?Ji?Ji Forgetting Touching the Class Fu Ji Tax Identifying the Constitution Class Ji Ji? Sai" Identify the Dong Zi Yi Xia Ji Fa Chuan Man Liu Ji Zai Jiao Zhao Talk about forgetting

When the Xia grains are vigorously touched and harvested, the skin charcoal of the mother-in-law is forgotten and the charcoal is extremely recognized.

? Struggle? Stupidly filter the article, cook the letter, taste the debt neck? The extreme is the brilliance that is the amiable taste. "Wen Zan Cong Ren eh. Gu

This chapter has been completed!
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