Chapter 256: Nothing to say!

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At 10:22, Zhao Qingge and Li Peifeng drove to the Kowloon Resort.

After arriving here, Li Peifeng discovered that this resort is really good.

It is far away from the urban area of ​​the capital and is located between mountains and rivers. It has green mountains and green waters, is beautiful and elegant, and has an elegant environment. Two rows of French villas are scattered in a well-proportioned manner. The village is also close to a natural river, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and it feels like you are in a... In "Utopia".


Li Peifeng took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, smelled the fresh air, and felt relaxed all over.

This is the first time he has been away from the urban area since he acquired [Sense of Smell]. It is also the first time he dares to use this skill at full power, completely freeing his nose. It feels very good!

"Let's go to the hotel. I bought the tickets online."


The interior decoration of the resort is probably built in accordance with international five-star hotel standards. The lobby facilities and decoration are grand and layered, and every corner exudes luxury.

"Hello, sir, madam, please put on your mask and show your green code."

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped by a female doorman. She looked pretty good, but she kept staring at Li Peifeng.

Green code? I am not a green code! I am a dark horse! I just want to escape from that steel city, run wild in the mountains and rivers!

"Eh, I forgot."

Li Peifeng didn't go out for so long that he really forgot about this. He took out the mask that was already pilling from his pocket and put it on. Then he scanned the QR code with his mobile phone and gave the other party a look: "Here."

Zhao Qingge followed closely behind, and also asked the female doorman to look at the green code, and then the two of them entered the lobby.

"I'm going to get the pass hand card."


Zhao Qingge scanned the code with the service staff at the front desk to pay the ticket and received the hand card.

The long-lost system prompt also appeared in Li Peifeng's mind and eyes.

[Zhao Qingge entertained guests and spent 888 yuan, leaving 42,640 yuan left before the lottery starts...]

Li Peifeng didn't take it seriously and continued to look at the panoramic map of the resort on the wall, trying to write down the approximate locations of each area to avoid getting lost.

"Pei Feng, let's go."

"Shall we go pick fruit first?"

"Yes, I'm a little thirsty."

"It's been a while since I've had a good time eating fruit."

This time, it was Zhao Qingge who took the initiative to hold Li Peifeng's hand, and the two of them walked towards the door.

Perhaps due to the epidemic, there were not many tourists in the resort. There were also service staff guiding us along the way. While looking at the scenery in the resort, we took a walk and arrived in front of the picking garden in a few minutes.

"You two can go in. You can eat as much as you like during the picking period, but don't waste it, let alone take one bite and put it back. If you don't eat enough, you can take it away, but if you take it away, you will have to weigh it and pay extra. Money."

In front of the greenhouse, an aunt in work clothes checked their cards and gave them each a small fruit basket. Li Peifeng and Zhao Qingge then entered the greenhouse.

There are two completely different climates inside and outside the greenhouse. As soon as people enter, they feel the spring breeze coming over them. The first thing they see is a narrow dirt road that goes straight to the end of the greenhouse, about 60 meters wide and 78 meters wide.

On the left are strawberry bushes, planted in rows horizontally, filled with a strong earthy smell and the faint fragrance of strawberry fruits.

In addition to the two of them, there were three other tourists who had arrived in advance and were busy in the greenhouse.

"Be gentle when picking strawberries, they can be easily crushed. There is tap water inside so you can rinse them."

Zhao Qingge reminded him, and then led Li Peifeng forward, skipping over the strawberries that others had picked, and then leaned over to pick the fruits.

Li Peifeng leaned over and took a quick look. Some strawberries were as big as lychees and were white all over. These were obviously young fruits. Although some strawberries looked quite big, only the buttocks were red and the tips of the strawberries were still white. , this kind of thing is still not mature enough.

There are only a few that are completely ripe. They are quite big and all red. They look so tempting that you can't help but want to pick them off and put them in your mouth immediately.

"really not bad!"

Li Peifeng was a little greedy, so he squatted down and walked inside, looking for ripe fruits. He found one, broke it off from the connection between the fruit and the stem, wiped it with his hands, and put it in his mouth.

The taste is tender on the outside and even tender on the inside, with overflowing juices. The thick and sour strawberry fruit explodes in your mouth, and there is a slight milky aroma after swallowing.

Two words to describe it, delicious!

Li Peifeng couldn't stop. He picked and ate each one. He wiped the first few with his hands, and then he put them in his mouth without even wiping them. There was no empty strawberry in the fruit basket. He didn't know how many rows of strawberries he had walked away. He found out A particularly large, bright red strawberry.

“This must be delicious!”

Just as Li Peifeng was about to take it off and put it in his mouth, he suddenly thought of something. After a delay, he raised his head and said with a smile: "Director...wife, come and try this."

Zhao Qingge disappeared from his sight, and he turned his head to the right again. It turned out that Old Zhao had already walked to the dirt road near him and was walking towards him.

The fruit basket Zhao Qingge was carrying was less than half full, and he was holding a strawberry in his hand that was bigger and more beautiful than what Li Peifeng had seen. Not only had the roots and leaves been removed, but it seemed that it had just been washed with water. The fingertips of Zhao Qingge and Zhao Qingge were dripping with water.

"Try this first." Zhao Qingge took the strawberry and handed it to Li Peifeng's mouth, pursed his lips and said, "This should be delicious."

"...You don't need to eat it, it's very sweet, please wait." Li Peifeng smiled even more, and as he spoke, he picked off the one he liked, trotted to the faucet in the greenhouse, rinsed it, and took off the leaves. Then he turned back and put it among Zhao Qing singers.

"You eat mine and I eat yours."

Zhao Qingge groaned, picked up his piece and put it in his mouth. While chewing slowly, he looked at Li Peifeng. He had already swallowed the piece he gave him and was staring at him intently. Zhao Qingge didn't know what to say and was simply indifferent. Just smile sadly.

There is poetry in this feeling and scene;

At this time, spring is at its haziest, with wisps of sunshine and wisps of wind.

The smile in his eyes is as sweet as a strawberry.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "..."


Li Peifeng blinked and whispered: "At this time, you can say, 'Baby, come here and kiss me. Remember to open your mouth. I want to see if the strawberry you just ate is as sweet as mine.'"

Zhao Qingge narrowed his slender eyes: "No need to try, it will definitely not be as sweet as mine."

"Then what I give you is sweeter than what you gave me?"

"No!" Zhao Qingge immediately changed his mind: "I am the one giving you sweets."

"How do you know if you haven't tasted it? You still have to try it after all."

Li Peifeng held Zhao Qingge's hands and asked solemnly: "So, do we want to kiss?"

Zhao Qingge blushed and seemed a little angry, staring at him, staring at him!

Li Peifeng stared at her from close range, but did not take the initiative, waiting for the other party to kiss her.

In fact, he just wants Lao Zhao to gradually let go of his arrogance, otherwise the other party will always be like this, Li Peifeng will always rush to the front, which will affect the intimate relationship too much, let alone the five-in-one relationship in the future!

But Zhao Qingge obviously refused. He glared at him bitterly for a while, then let go of him and left: "Don't interfere with me picking fruits."

The plan failed. Li Peifeng felt a little regretful but not discouraged. He continued to pick strawberries. When he was almost done eating, he took out his mobile phone to take a few photos of Zhao Qingge.

It was already past eleven o'clock when the two of them finished the picking process, came out of the greenhouse and rushed to the restaurant for lunch.

The food tasted average, but it was a buffet. Li Peifeng was very full and satisfied. After the meal, he went to the resort to wander around and look at the museum. It was half past twelve, and the most important part of the trip to the resort was finally reached.

The most important part - hot spring bath!

In the Kowloon Resort, there are outdoor open hot springs, indoor hot springs, and VIP hot spring rooms with strong privacy.

These three types of hot springs can be entered with tickets for two people, so they discussed it and decided to take a look at each one first. If there were few people indoors and outdoors, they would not go to the VIP hot spring room, because the latter only has one hot spring pool.

, the area is still small, and the soaking experience is not very good.

"You can buy your own swimming trunks, and I'll go wash them off and change my clothes."

In the lobby of the hot spring bathing building, after Zhao Qingge finished speaking, he entered the women's changing room.

"I want the black one, the biggest one."

Li Peifeng didn't choose carefully when facing a large number of swimming trunks. He chose the largest size at random, but to be honest, it still looked a bit small. The pants were small, and they were eye-catchingly small.

This also caused several men in the locker room to look sideways.

"Young man, you are a bit exaggerated. How did you grow?"

"It grows randomly."

An old man with white hair spoke boldly. Li Peifeng, who had almost finished rinsing, laughed, said a few perfunctory words, and left quickly.

What’s the point of showing shirtless men in swimming trunks? It’s fun to show it to Lao Zhao!

After opening the door curtain, you entered the indoor hot spring hall, where you could hear the sound of rushing water. In the center was a rockery with flowing water. There was a fountain on every floor tile under your feet, constantly pouring out hot water.

The three-meter-high hall, estimated to be at least 800 square meters in area, is occupied by hot spring pools of various shapes such as circular, oval, rectangular, etc. Each hot spring pool has different effects. Some are filled with traditional Chinese medicine, and some are filled with traditional Chinese medicine.

Roses, jasmine and other flower petals were put in, and some were put in milk, red wine...

"There aren't many people."

Li Peifeng looked around and nodded with satisfaction. There were probably only twenty or thirty people in Nuoda's indoor hot spring hall. They were sparsely populated, and the sound of the water was louder than the people talking.

It is estimated that it is due to the epidemic. The capital currently implements a policy of prohibiting entry and exit unless necessary. Some communities in some urban areas have been blocked. Naturally, few people visit entertainment venues like this.

"Why didn't you leave?"

A familiar elegant female voice sounded from behind. Li Peifeng looked back, with nothing but surprise in his eyes.

Zhao Qingge's long hair, which had been tied up, finally fell down to her face, dripping with water. Her face was slightly red but her expression was calm. She was wearing a black suspender swimsuit with off-shoulders, half-sleeves, and the lower skirt to her thighs.


The swimsuit looks similar to the super short dresses worn by female college students who dare to wear it in the summer, but this is a swimsuit after all, and the material is different from ordinary clothes. The black gauze looks a bit see-through and mysterious, and the inner part is vaguely visible.

Layers of black leggings…

Coupled with Zhao Qingge's beautiful face and figure, as well as his approachable but just right indifferent expression, he looks extremely sexy!

"Still not leaving?"

Zhao Qingge tilted his head and smoothed his long hair, looked at him with a smile in his eyes, and then looked into the distance: "If you don't want to leave, I'll leave first. It's still a bit cold when I came out."

"Let's go now, I can't let you freeze!"

Without saying a word, Li Peifeng took Zhao Qingge's hand and walked forward.

Their outstanding looks and figures attracted the attention of other people in the hall, including behind Li Peifeng and Zhao Qingge, a middle-aged couple who had just finished rinsing their bodies, changed into swimsuits and walked into the hot spring hall together...

The man also complained: "I asked you to buy tickets online in advance, but you didn't listen. As a result, you drove all the way to Fengshan Resort. The resort was closed because employees were in close contact, and you took a detour and drove an extra seven or eight kilometers. You

If I had bought the ticket earlier and known about it, could this kind of thing have happened?"

"You asked me to buy it, why don't you buy it? Okay, okay, don't keep nagging about such a little thing!"

The woman retorted a few words, turned to look forward, and immediately saw the backs of Li Peifeng and Zhao Qingge, their eyes narrowed, their mouths opened and closed, and no words came out for the first time.

"what happened to you?"

The man followed his wife's gaze and blinked a few times, puzzled: "What are you looking at?"

The woman's face turned pale and her lips trembled slightly: "Old Zhao, look at that girl... is that our daughter?"


I'm reading everyone's comments and paragraphs. If you have any comments, please share them. Yeah.

This chapter has been completed!
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