Chapter 302 The wind takes away the sadness

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My glasses, where are they?

Did you leave it in the study just now? No way, I remember there was one in the bedroom, where did it go?

"What's my question to you? Are you offline?"

Zhao Qingge ignored Li Peifeng's urging, put down his cell phone and hurriedly got up and went to the study. Finally he saw his pair of black-rimmed glasses on the desk. He breathed a sigh of relief, put them on decisively and returned to the bedroom.

Lao Zhao actually only had mild myopia with slight astigmatism, and after taking the magic pill given by Li Peifeng, her condition improved, from 200 degrees to 100 degrees. However, in order to prevent the myopia from getting worse and for professional needs, Zhao Qingge still took a few pills.

A new pair of glasses, mainly for driving and working on the computer for long periods of time.

She usually doesn't use it when reading, but now in order to clearly see Li Peifeng changing clothes, Zhao Qingge still chooses to wear it.

Because the pixels of video calls are relatively poor, maybe you can see more clearly with glasses...

"Hello? Zhao Duoduo? Are you still here? Where is he?"

As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Zhao Qingge heard Li Peifeng yelling on the phone, frowned and said, "Here, please keep your voice down."

"Why are you here? Don't you want to see me change my clothes? Do you want to see me?"

"Who wants to watch you change clothes?"

Zhao Qingge picked up the phone and sat down on the bed, but still did not turn on the front camera, so Li Peifeng opposite could not see her face and could only hear her voice.

"I want to see what you are wearing. When you come to my house tomorrow, you must wear a decent outfit. It cannot be too frivolous or too young."

Zhao Qingge said calmly: "I think your black suit looks good, put it on and show me."

Li Peifeng looked clear: "So, I still want to take pictures of the whole process of changing clothes for you to see?"


"What are you talking about? Do you want to shoot or not? Yes, or not? Give me an accurate answer."


Zhao Qingge gritted his teeth, his face was full of reluctance, his eyes were extremely tangled, and he slurred his lips several times, but he could not say the word.

And Li Peifeng could see her look clearly.

She thought that since she was not being filmed by the camera, she would not be seen by Li Peifeng. In fact, the multitasking Li used [Heart to Heart] and watched her from beginning to end. When he saw Lao Zhao, he hurriedly put down his phone.

When I went to the study room to look for glasses, I almost couldn't help but laugh out loud.

so cute.

Li Peifeng really wanted to press the pause button and yell, "Zhao Duoduo, you are so cute." Then he rushed to Zhao Qingge's house overnight, took off his clothes in front of her, did a hundred pull-ups, and another hundred

Do push-ups, take a shower and change clothes, then go home and press the recovery button. Only in this way can you digest this cuteness, otherwise you will not be able to continue chatting with Lao Zhao!

"Speak, do you want to take a picture or not?"

Li Peifeng asked for the third time knowingly. He used [Heart to Heart] all the time just to know Zhao Qingge's true inner thoughts, and then tentatively peeled off Zhao Duoduo's shell little by little, revealing the white and tender stamens inside.

The cold and flawless flower of the high mountains, at first she was someone who didn't even want to look at you. In the end, she removed her high barriers and hard shell, took the initiative to hold your hand, took the initiative to hold your waist, and took the initiative to kiss you.

Towards your lips, I indulge in the depths of love and affection. There is only your figure in my eyes, and my tears flow only for you.

Pervert, I am such a pervert!


Zhao Qingge still did not answer directly, but this urging was already the answer for Li Peifeng!


After receiving the order, Li Peifeng quickly placed his mobile phone on the desk, stood up against the water glass, pointed the rear camera at himself, took out his suit and put it on...

"Is this okay?"

Soon, Li Peifeng got dressed and showed off in front of the camera.

Zhao Qingge was silent for a moment and reminded: "There are also pants, black trousers."


Li Peifeng took out his pants from the closet and put them on neatly, showing off himself to the camera again.

"Is it okay now?"

"Okay, you can wear this dress when you go to my house tomorrow. It will look more mature."

Li Peifeng nodded in agreement, picked up the phone and turned back the front camera.

Zhao Qingge was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "You can try another one. I just saw that there is a gray suit in your closet."

Haven't seen enough?

Li Peifeng couldn't help it anymore and laughed: "Do you want to see me wearing a gray suit, or do you want to see me change clothes?"

Zhao Qingge's tone was impatient: "You... If you don't change it, I won't change it. I'm going to go to bed!"

The face is too thin!

Li Peifeng felt regretful in his heart: "I'll change, I'll change, don't worry."

After saying that, he turned his phone to the rear camera, stood next to the water glass and went to change clothes. This time he even changed the tea seeds.

Zhao Qingge didn't say anything on the other end of the phone. Li Peifeng felt the other person's thoughts and deliberately changed his clothes very slowly, three times slower than the normal speed. During this period, he also found the right angle and deliberately pointed his butt towards the camera.

A big close-up...

After changing his clothes, Li silently walked to the desk and picked up his mobile phone. The picture on the other end was still the rear camera, but it was not facing the quilt, but the ceiling.

"You lie down?"

"…a bit sleepy."

Zhao Qingge's tone was slightly tired.

Li Peifeng's voice also became softer: "Really? What do you think of me wearing this dress? Do I need to change it?"

"...Change, let's change to the black one just now, let me compare."


Facing the camera, Li Peifeng took off all his clothes, but he didn't wear any black suit anymore. Instead, he sat in front of the computer and looked at the screen of his mobile phone. The screen was completely black. He should have been placed on the bed.

, this effect occurs only when the camera is blocked.


Li Peifeng called softly, and Zhao Qingge hummed slightly, as if murmuring in his sleep.

Li Peifeng's heart trembled and he said softly: "I miss you. Can you let me see your face? Just your face is fine."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "..."

Four or five seconds passed, the phone was picked up, and the dark screen revealed Zhao Qingge's face. She was leaning on the bedside. Her hair was still messy, but a strand of hair hung on her white face that was as fresh as freshly peeled water chestnuts.

If the sunset glows red, the intellectual and elegant charm also undergoes some subtle changes. Even if the eyes try their best to show calmness, they can't hide the gentle blur.


Zhao Qingge opened his lips slightly, wanting to say something, and then closed them slightly. He did this several times, which aroused people's imagination, but in the end he still blamed him with a strange and angry tone: "Why didn't you change your clothes?"

Li Peifeng smiled and said: "I want to minimize the distance between us."


Li Peifeng ignored him, and his tone became stronger: "Don't move your hands, raise your head."


"Because I want to kiss you."

Zhao Qingge's eyes widened slightly as he watched Li Peifeng's face getting closer and closer to the camera. Suddenly, water mist appeared and he fell into a daze. After half a second, he slowly closed his eyes, raised his head and whispered softly: "Baby...bastard."


This is not just a video call, it is a love ceremony.

The wind takes away the sadness, and the light illuminates the haze.

In this unworldly moment, the two of them held their mobile phones and looked at each other, as if they were sleeping in their respective homes, but they were actually sleeping in each other's arms.

"He hasn't gotten up yet?"

"No, he usually gets up very early."

At 7:30 the next morning, Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying entered Li Peifeng's home. Seeing that no one was in the living room and kitchen, they went straight to the master bedroom. They saw each other lying sideways on the bed, looking at them with hazy eyes.

"Why are you here so early?"

Xu Manying had already put on beautiful makeup. She stood by the bed and looked down at Li Peifeng while rolling her eyes beautifully: "You have to go home to code at one o'clock in the afternoon. Can't we go earlier? And it doesn't necessarily take just one morning.

Enough shopping is done, we may still go shopping after you leave."

Wu Wenyue sat by the bed, touched Li Peifeng's face, frowned and said, "Did you stay up late working again last night?"

Li Peifeng twisted his neck, his eyes quickly regained consciousness, but he still stretched out his hand to wrap his arms lazily around Wu Wenyue's waist: "Yes, it's because of work. For your gift money, I made the keyboard ring all night!"

This is true. After Li Peifeng finished the video call with Zhao Qingge last night, he continued to code until four in the morning.

"Bowie gift?" Xu Maning snorted softly: "As long as you can support yourself."

"What are you touching?"

Wu Wenyue said in embarrassment: "Get up quickly, didn't you have enough fun last night?"

"Get up, get up now and bring me my clothes... By the way, which street should we go shopping today?"

"Let's take a look at a few large shopping malls first."

At eight o'clock in the morning, everyone left home and had a quick bite at a breakfast shop near the community before embarking on a long shopping trip.

Starting at 8:30, we entered the Blue International Center, and then moved to Balitun, Jinshi Times, STP, four large shopping malls, and many pedestrian streets.

All three of them were very tired after all this tossing, but as of one o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Wenyue and Xu Manying had basically achieved their goals.

Most of the gifts they bought for Yu Huizhi and Li Qiyuan have been purchased, including watches and cigarettes for men, cosmetics and jewelry for women, etc.

Li Peifeng also took this opportunity to choose gifts for Wu Wenyue's parents. He even bought two bouquets of flowers for the two girls on the way and secretly bought Christmas gifts for them. He could only finish them with Zhao Qingge's parents tonight.

After the meal comes home, give it to them as a surprise.

But he didn't have time to buy the meeting gift for Zhao Qingge's parents, so he waited until he was separated from the two girls and then retraced his steps to buy it again, so as not to make the two girls suspicious.

At 1:20 in the afternoon, the three of them found a restaurant and planned to have lunch. Li Peifeng ate in a hurry. Before the two girls finished eating, he was about to run away on the pretext of going home to work, leaving the two girls to continue shopping.

"I'll withdraw now and come over to spend Christmas with you in the evening."

"Don't worry."

Wu Wenyue stopped the other party: "We have another hour to finish the shopping, why don't we leave together later?"

Xu Manying also helped: "That's right, it's not that short of time."

Li Peifeng looked at the time. The appointment was at six o'clock in the afternoon. It was already one fifty. The shopping and traveling would take an hour and a half. After shopping, he would go to Zhao Qingge's house. The journey would be at least half an hour. At that time, it was

At four o'clock, he still had two hours to spare, but he was afraid of an accident in the middle!

Being late for meeting your parents for the first time? Li Peifeng felt that he should avoid it as soon as possible, so he shook his head decisively: "Forget it, I'll just go home and code. I originally went back as soon as I said it, but now it's too late. You can go shopping. Wait.

After finishing coding at eight o'clock in the evening, I will go over to meet you for a big dinner."

Xu Manying took a piece of food and put it in her mouth. After swallowing it slowly, she said, "You don't need to look for us. We can just go to Baoyu Community to find you after shopping."

I don't think this is necessary, and you can't find me either...

Li Peifeng was deeply troubled by time management at this moment, but there was no hesitation or sorrow on his face. He even smiled: "Looking for me? Okay! How about you live with me today?"

"I don't even have anything to wash with, forget it."

Wu Wenyue was the first to shake his head, and then said: "You go home and wait for us first. We will come back at three or four o'clock, and we will have hot pot together at six or seven o'clock."

Total fucking crash!

Li Peifeng's mind was spinning rapidly, and he slowly picked up the phone, thinking that he should pretend to call at this time, and then he made some nonsense and found an excuse why he couldn't go home until eight o'clock in the evening... Isn't it a bit fake?

Will it be seen through?

"Dingling bell~"

Before Li Peifeng could pretend to call, Wu Wenyue's cell phone actually received a call. The cell phone on the table suddenly rang a harsh ringtone. When she saw the caller, her eyes froze slightly, and she immediately picked up the phone and chose to answer the call.


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "What are you doing?"

It’s Huang Tianxuan’s voice!

Xu Manying turned her head and squinted at her. Wu Wenyue didn't look at her and replied while eating: "We are shopping."

Huang Tianxuan exclaimed: "Is he buying you Christmas gifts?"

"No, we bought a gift for his parents." Wu Wenyue pursed her lips and said, "Man Ning and I will go to his house during the winter vacation..."

"Tell her that we are going to meet Li Peifeng's parents!"

Xu Maning made lip movements to Wu Wenyue, and Li Peifeng took this opportunity to pick up the phone, enter the ringtone settings, and let the phone ring twice. Then he also pretended to answer the phone.

"Hello? Ah? Okay, okay, I'll be there."

After a few words, Li Peifeng hung up the phone. He was afraid of being seen through if the call lasted too long, but Wu Wenyue was still chatting with Huang Tianxuan, discussing how they would spend Christmas.

Li Peifeng could guess the purpose of Huang Tianxuan's call without even knowing it. It was simply that he felt that staying at home on Christmas Day was too boring, so he wanted to find a companion...

"How about you three have dinner together." Li Peifeng interjected: "Someone from the publishing house called me just now and said they wanted to discuss the promotion of my books and treat me to a meal.

, I can’t be with you anymore.”

Wu Wenyue frowned slightly, held up her cell phone and said, "Yes, he has something to do. Sister Tianxuan, do you have an appointment tonight?"

"What are you calling her for?!"

Xu Manning lowered his voice to express his dissatisfaction, and then looked at Li Peifeng suspiciously: "Did someone call you just now?"

Li Peifeng's eyes did not blink: "Yes, didn't you hear the ringtone?"

[Aren’t you going to spend Christmas with Zhao Qingge?!!]

Xu Manying is such a sensitive person, and since Li Peifeng couldn't accompany them on this special day, she was inevitably filled with doubts, so she simply said: "Which hotel will the publishing house invite you to for dinner? Can you tell them to bring two friends there?"



Li Peifeng's eyes wandered: "Isn't it appropriate?"

"Okay, it's settled."

Wu Wenyue hung up the phone, turned to Xu Maning and said: "Tianxuan will come to see us at around four o'clock. Then we will go to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and meat and make hot pot at home."

Xu Manying's face suddenly darkened: "Do you really want to drag her with you to celebrate Christmas?"

Wu Wenyue was silent for a moment and said: "If it's not Christmas, it's just... chatting, and asking her to clarify some misunderstandings, so that you don't always think that she and I have some shady relationship."

"Those who are clean will clean themselves up, why should we take the initiative to clarify?"

Xu Manying disdained the innuendo and turned to look at Li Peifeng: "What's going on between the two of them?"

Miss Xu was very angry. It was difficult to guard against a thief. It was enough to have one thief in the house, but there were actually two, two thieves... How could she guard against this?!

Isn’t it embarrassing?!

Li Peifeng hesitated: "Well, this question is quite complicated. I may not be able to explain it clearly for a while..."

Wu Wenyue looked at her with eager eyes: "Say, don't be vague and hesitant!"

Say? What? Say that you and Huang Tianxuan kissed, that you slept with her, that your relationship with her is closer than me and her? You want me to say this? Then you still want to celebrate Christmas?

Bomb Day.

Li Peifeng smiled disapprovingly and said to Xu Maning: "When Tianxuan comes, you can ask them carefully. I'm leaving."

Li Peifeng and the two girls spent the whole morning shopping. They had already silently chosen what gifts to buy for Zhao Qingge's parents. They were basically the same as the ones he bought for Wu Wenyue's parents. So he came out of the hotel and returned to the mall in a familiar way to buy more.

Ordered a portion.

It was already four o'clock after buying all the miscellaneous gifts. Li Peifeng was wondering if it would be too early to go to Zhao Qingge's house at this time, when Lao Zhao called him.

"Have you finished shopping?"

"I've finished shopping, can I go over now?"

"I'll pick you up in the car and let's go together."


This chapter has been completed!
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