Chapter 330 Meeting and He Yimeng Live Broadcast

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Chen Yong, one of the founders and vice president of Dian Dian Group, once served as editor-in-chief of Dian Dian, and is now responsible for publishing and IP development. During his tenure, he promoted the adaptation of a large number of excellent online IPs to animation, film and television, games and other industries. Dian Dian Group can

In online literature, one company is the only one that dominates other platforms. This person deserves the most credit.

Chen Yong looks like a middle-aged man of average height, neither fat nor thin. He wears jeans and a shirt, and black-rimmed glasses. He is elegant and elegant, but his shiny bald head can hardly help but become the center of attention.

After Li Peifeng finished his meal, he met Mr. Chen in the conference room upstairs in the restaurant. There were still five or six minutes before the meeting started. Twenty or thirty authors, both male and female, had already arrived. Some of them were gathered in a group and chatting.

Some are chatting with Chen Yong.

Li Peifeng didn't come close, he just found a seat and waited for the meeting to start, and continued to take out his mobile phone to code when he had nothing to do.

"Are you so dedicated? You have a meeting right away and are still writing?"

A female voice said something slightly teasingly. Li Peifeng looked up again and found that there was a fat woman with a square face sitting on the seat next to him. She was about thirty years old, with small eyes and a flat nose, and her appearance was ordinary.

However, the dark circles under her eyes and dull complexion caused by staying up late were very distinctive. Her eyes looked at Li Peifeng, and her eyes showed a bit of familiarity.

Li Peifeng asked tentatively: "Are you Pi Da?"

Pen name; a little bit familiar, the platinum writer of the terminal female channel. In the past 16 years, he has created more than 20 works, involving fantasy, fantasy, mecha, martial arts, criminal investigation and science fiction. Last year, he became a rich Dongguo Internet writer.

Among the top ten male online writers, she is the only female writer.

She has published more than ten works under the name of "Little Knowledge" and been adapted into film and television animations, including many popular dramas. No matter from what aspect, she is the undisputed No. 1 female channel at the moment.

From the perspective of IP adapted from film and television, she is not even half weaker than the top gods such as "Zhongyuan Wubai, Wuqing", or even a little stronger.

"Just call me Xu Zhu."

I knew a little bit about it, or Xu Xu smiled, took the initiative to reach out and shook Li Peifeng's hand, and then said casually: "There was a lively discussion in the group during the annual meeting, but you didn't seem to say much. I thought you wouldn't come.


Both the male channel and the female channel at the end of the platinum group have "one or two trends in the world", but he rarely bubbles up. Although because Li Peifeng is attracting traffic on Douyin, many colleagues have seen his true appearance, so that the female channel platinum group

Some female hooligans went out of their way to joke with him, but Li Peifeng usually just replied with a few emoticons and laughed.

Even on the eve of the annual meeting, many authors in the two groups were having heated discussions and wanted to take this opportunity to have a private dinner and communicate, but Li Peifeng did not say a word.

"Yeah, I'm more introverted."

Li Peifeng smiled shyly and fiddled with his phone to continue typing.

"Hey, I've read several of your books before, including the one you're currently writing, "Sword and Law," which I'm also following. I feel like..."

However, Xu Zhu took the initiative to chat with him about the differences between male and female channels, and asked Li Peifeng how to naturally switch between the creative perspectives of both sexes.

Li Peifeng couldn't pretend not to hear, and after thinking for a while, he expressed his opinion: "In fact, I studied this when I was an undergraduate and wrote a paper. First, due to physiological structural factors and social influences, men

Everyone wants to do great things, and every woman wants to be loved. Men; blood and fire, in the world and on earth, I am the only one who dominates. Women; love and love, I will love them even to death..."

"It seems that the difference in thinking between men and women leads to the different fundamental needs of the two sides, which determines that the two genders also have different preferences in reading. To put it simply, male and female readers have different pleasures."

"But this is only the first superficial reason. In fact, it is not absolute. Because among the two male and female channels, the male channel weakens the career line and focuses on the popular novels with emotional drama, while the female channel also abandons the big picture of emotional drama and becomes violent.

Popular online articles. Including "Sword and Law" that I am currently writing. At first, I thought that I would switch to a male channel to write from the perspective of the male protagonist and abandon the original writing style. My female book fans before might not follow, but in fact they

I’m still reading it, and I’ve also gained a lot of female book fans, so what can I say about this situation?”

Xu Zhu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, how should we explain this?"

"This brings us to the second point. I think that with the development of the times, both genders are abandoning the labels that society has given them. Both men and women are gradually awakening their self-awareness. Men also want to do big things for a long time.

To be loved, women have to do big things even if their lover is annoying them. This has led to the convergence of the fundamental needs of the two sexes. Then their needs for reading do not have clear boundaries..."

Xu Zhu nodded slightly in agreement, and Li Peifeng continued to talk eloquently and eloquently. He talked for five or six minutes, starting from the first point to the second, third, and fourth points, and finally talked about the fifth point.

"Fifth, in the end, it comes down to the storytelling of the novel. It's more complicated to talk about this. I only wrote about it a little bit in the paper... Now let me give you a brief summary in four words; good writing can be broken.


When Li Peifeng first started speaking, Xu Zhu was the only one around him, but halfway through, the author began to fill up around him.

Even Chen Yong on the podium saw the lively discussion here, as if they were having a small meeting. He turned closer and heard the second half of Li Peifeng's speech. After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but smile and said: "As expected of an academic.

Yes, there are rich creative theories. Please come to the rostrum quickly and come to this meeting!"

Everyone laughed in good faith, but Li Peifeng just laughed: "I can't do it. The first thing I said, Mr. Chen, you are going to kick me out."

Chen Yong raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you going to say?"

"From now on, all authors' royalties will be increased by another ten percent."

"Oh~ OK!"

"Pa bang bang~"

The people near Li Peifeng immediately booed and applauded. The applause was very enthusiastic. Chen Yong was not angry and walked away with a smile and waved his hands.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After the jokes, the meeting officially started, and the content was mostly non-nutritious things, such as what kind of results were achieved at the end of this year. Thank you to all the authors for their hard work, and we will create new achievements next year.

Such great achievements.

The half-hour meeting ended, and Chen Yong finally left Li Peifeng alone to talk.

The latter thought he would mention the speech at the party, but the first thing Chen Yong talked about was the novel "Sword and Law". He said that he was a loyal reader of it, and he expressed admiration and appreciation in his words, and asked about its plot.


Li Peifeng made a few modest remarks and spoke briefly. Afterwards, Chen Yong chatted about the program speech, mentioned taboos and suggestions on the speech, encouraged him to concentrate on his creation, and then the private conversation ended.

In the afternoon, Li Peifeng went back to his room to concentrate on typing. In the evening, he wanted to simply have a meal before continuing, but during the meeting, he met some Internet writers and added each other on WeChat. At this time, he sent a message to invite him to go outside together.

Let’s have dinner together, chat over water, and exchange creative experiences.

The invitation was warm and polite, and it was difficult for Mr. Li to refuse, so he agreed after thinking about it.

"Huh~ These rookies still want to get me drunk?!"

Until ten o'clock in the night, Li Peifeng returned to the hotel private room, smelling of alcohol. After a simple wash, he looked at his phone. Instead of sitting in front of the computer and typing, he lay on the bed and clicked on Douyin and entered.

The homepage of the username "True Love Psychological Mengmeng".

Why is this Douyin account a dream? The content is as she planned before, posting videos about psychology, philosophy, literature, and emotional puzzles.

One month has passed since the official operation. Thanks to Wu Wenyue's traffic and He Yimeng's own advantages in talent and appearance, it has now reached 600,000 fans.

Trinity held a meeting to discuss before and believed that with He Yimeng's current fan base and fan viscosity, it is possible to monetize live broadcasts and further stimulate fan growth, and He Yimeng himself and the Trinity team are also ready for this.

Today is He Yimeng's first live broadcast. The live broadcast will start at 8:30 and end at 11:00.

The specific content is that He Yimeng will continue to talk about philosophy, literature, and emotional topics in front of the camera, and as a psychological counselor, he will chat with the audience or other anchors to answer questions or chat.

Li Peifeng learned the news after chatting with the other party on the phone yesterday, and he was bound to support it. Whether it was because of the concern of the owner of Trinity Studio or a friend, this is what he should do.

"It's a pity that she was more than an hour late. I don't know if her broadcast went smoothly."

Li Peifeng clicked into the live broadcast page and immediately looked at the popularity value and number of people online at the top of the screen. He smiled after seeing "369,000 likes for this show" and "1,365 people online."

Not bad, very high!

Many people don't know much about the live broadcast market and think that the number of fans of a blogger is an important factor that affects how many people watch his live broadcast. In fact, this is not the case.

It is very common for a large account with hundreds of thousands or even a million fans to have a live broadcast with only a dozen people watching.

Because if a blogger has never hosted a live broadcast before, then his fans are video fans. They follow you because of your videos, and they don’t particularly want to watch your live broadcast.

In short, the conversion rate of fans attracted through short videos is too low. Only by starting live broadcasts, making your live broadcast content unique, and then persisting in long-term live broadcasts, will the number of live broadcast viewers slowly increase.

As for He Yimeng's first broadcast, he was neither a game anchor nor a music and dance anchor, but he had more than a thousand people online. This achievement can be described as a good start.

"Maybe...but I'm more concerned about what your opinion is on this matter?"

At this time, He Yimeng was chatting with a faceless male audience member. It was the male audience member who was talking about his recent life and emotional difficulties in a hoarse and deep voice. He Yimeng listened and guided him from time to time, seemingly speaking.

Do online psychological consultation.

He Yimeng on the screen did not wear any accessories such as earrings, and only exposed her upper body. She wore a black suspender skirt, which was well-cut to show her slim figure, long gray shawl hair, fair and delicate collarbones and

It's a sharp contrast, but other parts are wrapped very tightly, and there's nothing tacky about it.

Her clear and cold face was covered with light makeup, and her beauty was only lightly applied. She stared at the camera intently, listened to the other person's words, responded, and talked about Slavoyin with a smile.

·Zizek’s words and the use of psychoanalysis helped Lian Mai’s male audience get rid of their psychological problems.

But the effect was not great. The male audience seemed to become irritable and turned to attack He Yimeng: "After chatting with you for twenty minutes, I feel that I am in a worse mood. Are you really a psychological counselor? You have the nerve to talk about philosophy, you are dressed like this

Just a little bourgeoisie, she should criticize herself!"

As soon as these words came out, the comments below were very lively. Some defended He Yimeng, some helped men attack He Yimeng, and talked about all kinds of things.

"Beauty has the function and power to lead people to do good."

But He Yimeng's face remained as usual, and he quoted a famous quote from Hegel and said with a smile: "There is no need for you to be angry because of my dress. Although this skirt is not revealing, it is indeed not suitable for wearing in winter. I am wearing it now."

It seems to have some other small thoughts... But you have to know that I am indoors and there is a heater at home. It is very hot. This is just the right thing to wear. I am very comfortable in it. Isn’t that enough?"

After finishing speaking, his tone paused slightly, and He Yimeng said: "On the other hand, you have to realize that in this society, you and I are both laborers. I am wearing a suspender skirt that I bought for dozens of dollars in the evening shopping, and I am dressed up.

Well, I can probably make a few hundred dollars more per hour of live streaming, so why not? My clothes and makeup are just tools. I can use these tools to increase my productivity, so why not use them?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "As the working class, we should all have such an awakening!"

In the end, He Yi Meng made the final decision, Li Peifeng laughed, and the disputes in the comments in the live broadcast room subsided.

"What is philosophy? Can you translate it for me? This is fucking philosophy!"

“Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast?!


"Mengmeng is right!"

“Deconstruction, everything can be deconstructed!


"Thank you. I have awakened. The working class will not embarrass the working class~"

At the same time, gifts flashed across the screen in the live broadcast room like snowflakes, and there were even large rocket flower castles.

After meeting him, He Yimeng simply said a few words of thanks, and then said to the male audience: "It's almost time. I talked to you a lot, but it seems that I didn't help you. Finally, I will give you a sentence of chicken soup. Can you read it with me?"


The male audience member was silent for a moment, and his tone obviously softened: "Okay."

"I hope other viewers can read it with me. You have to read it aloud. Words are powerful."

After He Yimeng finished speaking with a smile, the comment area was flooded with responses: "Read" "Okay" "Mengmeng's homework is here again! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

He Yimeng pushed the microphone away, covered his lips and coughed dryly, then put the microphone to his lips again, with a serious expression and said every word;

"Before you get exhausted,"

"Before you get super busy,"

"Before you almost forget,"

"You should do what you said you were going to do."

The male audience member and He Yimeng read it sentence by sentence together, and also typed this paragraph in the comments.



Afterwards, the male audience member seemed to let out a sigh of relief, as if he was really healed by these words. After thanking him solemnly, he hung up the microphone on his own initiative.

"Moxi Moxi~"

At 11:05, after He Yimeng's live broadcast ended, Li Peifeng immediately called her to congratulate her on the success of the live broadcast, and conveyed an attitude of being honored to see her friends succeed.

But maybe He Yimeng was a little tired after just finishing the live broadcast, so he hummed and smiled, not too pleased: "You are a capitalist, of course you will be happy when you see the working class making money for you."

Li Peifeng was a little speechless, but the relationship between the two was indeed that of a boss and an employee. He had no choice but to change the subject: "Seriously, Mengmeng, you are so awesome. When that man sprayed you just now,

I'm really a little worried. I didn't expect you to react so quickly on the spot and answer absolutely! Later, you can ask Tang Yan and the others to edit this segment into a short video, publish it with other accounts, and then invest some money to run it. The traffic drainage effect will definitely be good.


He Yimeng yawned: "Script."

Li Peifeng was slightly startled: "What?"

"That man is Tang Yan, but he has a voice changer. Our interactions followed the script I set before..."

He Yi Mengtan finished his answer, as if aware of the problem, and said in surprise: "You don't really think I just found an audience member to win the mic, do you? Is that that simple?"

This is really a big iron stick to hammer a frog, it's called a top croak!

Li Peifeng thought that the scene in the live broadcast room was real, but he didn't expect it to be a routine!

Now Mr. Li had mixed feelings in his heart. He felt like a beaten frog. He was silent for a moment and sighed: "It's not that I am naive, it's just that you, a female counselor who is well versed in human nature, is thicker and darker than me! You have such a dark heart.

Ah You!"

This chapter has been completed!
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