Chapter 51 The Daughter in the Dream

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"Being poor means being poor, but don't you think it's a bit too much?"

Wu Jiaojiao discussed: "You give Qiaoqiao whatever she wants, you play with her when she wants to play, and you just smile and let her go if you make any mistakes. To her, you hold it in your mouth to avoid melting, hold her in her arms."

I'm afraid it will fall in my hand. Where's Zhuangzhuang? Whenever my son sees any toys or snacks and wants to play with or eat them, you reject them all without exception and don't let me buy them for him. If I buy them, you get angry.

.If Zhuangzhuang makes a mistake, then you will be like an explosion, and you will be blamed and punished corporally."

"They both came out of my belly at the same hour, but you treat the two children so differently... Sometimes I wonder if Zhuangzhuang is your biological child!"

"I am not your biological child!" Zhuangzhuang muttered in a low voice, "I must not be your biological child!"

Sun Dabao glared at him and said impatiently: "You have to raise a boy like this. As the old saying goes, a stick produces a filial son, and a poor man raises a son and a rich daughter. This is all true. If you don't do it by chance, you may be a bad boy in the future.

With just a few nice words, I was defrauded of a few worthless gifts, what should I do?"

"Besides, what does the corporal punishment I gave Zhuangzhuang mean? My dad beat me with a belt and a mop stick at that time. If he hadn't trained me like this, would I be able to open a company and be the boss now?"

Sun Dabao's words were quite smooth, and he spoke eloquently, which actually sounded reasonable.

"So you have to educate the boy strictly, give him some setbacks from time to time, and take care of him from time to time. Otherwise, he will either be too squeamish or too naughty, and will easily go astray. You want him to have a hard time, you know.

Money is hard-earned, so you have to work hard to make money when you grow up, and don’t rest on your laurels!”

Wu Jiaojiao said disdainfully: "How did you get rich? You were a demolition household and you broke your reputation. Then you started a company and made some shitty money. What does this have to do with your father beating you? Besides, I and I

Were you rich when you came? I was coaxed away by your kind words, and you even gave me a decent gift at that time..."

"Hey, why are you here again..."

The plane had already taken off, but the couple in front were still discussing, and there was a faint tendency to quarrel.

The two children had already forgotten the conflict just now, and looked curiously at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

"What's going on?"

Li Peifeng is still thinking about how to complete the task just issued by the system, but can he grasp these two lottery opportunities?

I have to say that the task span is a bit large.

From eating soft rice to educating children, although the core is still the same four words: equality between men and women.

Fair, fair, damn fair!

However, the task should not be difficult to complete!

"Professor Zhao, have you read the book "The Second Sex" by French thinker Simone Beauvoir?"

After thinking for a moment, Li Peifeng asked Zhao Qingge a question at a moderate volume.

Although he was confused by the more official title of 'Professor Zhao', Zhao Qingge still nodded: "I've seen it."

"Maybe because I am a male, there is a sentence in it that I don't quite understand. Can you explain it to me?"


After receiving a response, Li Peifeng used the skill of "winding the sound" with ease.

While recalling the original text, he adjusted his breath and mobilized his respiratory muscles, and said slowly: "The great luck of a man is that, whether as an adult or as a child, he has to embark on an extremely difficult road, but this is the most reliable road.

The road; the misfortune of a woman is that she is surrounded by almost irresistible temptations; she is not required to work hard, but is only encouraged to slide down to reach bliss. When she realizes that she has been fooled by a mirage, it is already too late. Her strength lies in

Exhausted in failed adventures.”

This long original text was said by Li Peifeng to be calm and full of energy. It sounds clear-cut, transparent and expressive. The articulation is very clear and there is no sense of ambiguity at all. It is powerful, the sound field is very open, and it has a strong impact.

A sense of diffusion.

The surrounding passengers who heard this passage felt as if they really had the book "The Second Sex" in their hands, and they were reading it with concentration, even though they didn't even know the color of the book cover...


As a child, he is straightforward and innocent, and all his emotions are shown on his face. The girl Qiaoqiao couldn't help but turn around and praised: "Brother, I didn't expect you to be so handsome and your voice is so nice!"

Zhuang Zhuang also turned back, but he just stared at Li Peifeng with wide eyes and curiosity, his eyes seemed to say: Come on, if you can speak, you should say a few more words!


Zhao Qingge was also stunned. What happened? How did Li Peifeng hide his voice acting skills?

She was so confused that she forgot to speak.

Li Peifeng saw that Sun Dabao and Wu Jiaojiao in front of him stopped discussing and turned their attention to his own side. He felt relieved, smiled and nodded to Qiaoqiao in response to the compliment just now, and then continued: "I mainly don't understand.

The question is, what are the temptations faced by women mentioned in the book?"

Zhao Qingge looked at the couple in front of him and seemed to understand why Li Peifeng asked the question, so he thought for a moment and replied cautiously: "The temptation lies in society as a whole, the temptation lies in all men, and the temptation lies in those good wives and mothers who are content with being docile."

Li Peifeng still kept his voice in a state of familiarity: "How to say it?"

Good boy, are you trying to test me and still want to test me?

Zhao Qingge took a serious look at it, and tried his best to bring out what he was teaching in class, and said in a more intellectual, rational and magnetic voice: "Because women are given preferential treatment by society, from the physical labor of changing buckets of water to the large ones not having to bear the burden of the family.

The main source of income is the pressure of life. Especially beautiful women will enjoy more friendly treatment. They are always loved and humbled. In order to court mates, men will use various means to please beautiful women."

"But no one is asking women to work hard and work hard."

Zhao Qingge said calmly: "More people just tell them 'why bother working so hard, just find a good man to marry in the future' and other intentions, and tell them how to identify 'good men and bad men', tempting them to give up making progress, tempting them to sit back and enjoy the gains."

, to be content with the status quo is a temptation and a constraint... It is easier to keep people constrained than to get rid of it, as long as the constraint will bring benefits."

After speaking, Zhao Qingge added: "Actually, this is not only a restraint on women, but also a restraint on men, because society requires men to make money to support the family and do manual labor."

Li Peifeng was stunned, and then asked: "Professor, are you raising your daughter in poverty or in wealth? Which education method can help your daughter get rid of this temptation?"

Hearing these words, Sun Dabao and Wu Jiaojiao turned back to look at Zhao Qingge with curiosity in their eyes, wondering how this intellectual and beautiful female professor would answer this question in their eyes.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Qingge threw the question back and lowered his head to read, as if he didn't want to say more.


Because she has no daughter now!

Because the two of them had discussed how to educate their daughter more than once in their dreams!!

(There will be another chapter later.)

This chapter has been completed!
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