112. Big Boobs VS Little Three Fight! 4

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But after all, Situ Chenjue is now her meal ticket and the master she must fawn over.

Even if the mother-in-law gets mad, she must first please her 'husband'...

Situ Chenjue sneered. He already had an idea in his mind. Was she going to disobey him?

Is she going to be clever in front of him?

Okay, Ye Xiaoyu, let me see how far your general knowledge and all-round intelligence can be applied today!

Come on, don't let me down, come on with all your energy...

He hung up the phone coldly and lit a cigarette.

The smoke obscured his handsome face, and there was a dark smile in his eyes.

Then, he dialed a number and smiled faintly at the phone: "Baby, what are you doing? Come here, I want to see you!"


After finally getting rid of Xu Fengjiao's face that was so angry that it was about to erupt, she got into Situ Chenjue's ultra-luxury car, and Huanyan couldn't help but close her eyes.

She felt as if she was in a warm and comfortable sea, without any sound, only the waves pushing her body wave after wave.

The music was like a magic spell, seeping into every pore of her from all directions. This was indeed a top-notch sports car with top-notch audio.

Although she has been riding in her own ultra-luxury car these past few days, compared to Situ Chenjue's personal car, those before are nothing to mention! Sitting here is so comfortable!

She leaned back and felt a little drowsy. It was a really tiring day today. It was a heavy torture both physically and mentally. Moreover, today was still the first day. In addition, in addition to gaining a certain amount of trust from Xie Ma,

Other than that, there was no achievement whatsoever.

She turned her face sideways and leaned on the leather sofa. This feeling was so beautiful!

Feeling as if her whole body was about to melt, she suddenly laughed at herself: Ye Huanyan, Ye Huanyan, you still think that you are a noble woman, you still think that you are a woman who will not be bribed by money, and you are still asking questions in your heart

Why is my sister so greedy for fame and wealth, and how can you be so advanced yourself? Sitting in such a comfortable place, listening to such appropriate music, and the constant temperature air conditioning makes you feel as comfortable as being in a cherry blossom forest that is like spring all year round.

This kind of enjoyment will really make many women give up all their self-esteem and shame to give it a try!

The driver looked at the madam in the rearview mirror. He instinctively felt that the madam seemed to be particularly silent today. Usually when Mr. Situ would pick up the young lady for dinner, the young lady would always be beaming and keep asking questions about herself, as if she wanted to take the answer from her own mouth.

Ask all the clues about Mr. Situ.

Everyone said that the young mistress was smart, and it was true.

It's really hard for such a shrewd woman to be around nowadays. Every time I see her, I feel like I have to be on tenterhooks for a long time.

Today, the lady was just leaning there very tired. It seemed that the makeup on her face was not as thick as before, and the clothes she wore were plainer than before. But today, the lady like this made him feel much closer.

The car drove to an intersection, and there were only two seconds left at the red light for driving. The driver stepped on the accelerator and was about to accelerate forward. Huanyan suddenly sat up from the seat instinctively and said lightly: "Don't drive, wait."

Next green light!”

"But we can rush over!" The driver looked at the lady in surprise.

When she usually goes on a date with Mr. Situ, Madam is always very impatient and won't let Mr. Situ wait for even half a second. She wants to go through all the red lights and show off her power.

This chapter has been completed!
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