1145. Sweet Theater: Cooking Story 3

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Huanyan frowned, what's going on? Could it be that Xie's mother was cooking today, her eyes were dim while cooking, she forgot the time, and fell asleep next to her?

But it's impossible. Although Xie Ma is old, she has always been clever and clever, with such a keenness.

Moreover, when it comes to cooking, he has the demeanor of a professional master. He is really a top three when it comes to handling a spatula. He will never make such a childish mistake.

So what happened? Could it be that a thief came in?

But when a thief comes in, he won't smell the smell of rice paste.

And according to her vision, everything was clean and fresh, with no sign of being rummaged through.

Could it be that the purpose of the thief's visit was to cook a meal in her kitchen to make her sick?

The more she thought about it, the more incredible she felt. As she was about to go down, a figure suddenly jumped out from the side and stopped her alive.

Huanyan was startled. Could it be that a thief really broke in?

He stared fearfully at the person in front of him with his big eyes.

But I found out that it was none other than Xie Ma, wearing a blue calico apron, with a very alert expression!!

At that time... Huanyan remembered the song in "Black Cat Sheriff": "Eyes are as wide as bells, and ears are as erect as antennas..."

She asked in a panic, "Xie Mom, what's wrong? What happened?"

Xie Ma scratched her head, with a wry smile on her face, wrinkled her nose and looked at Huanyan, "Young Mistress, Young Mistress, don't go down yet. Mr. Situ has ordered you not to go down..."


This is a crazy situation, what's going on?

Huanyan couldn't figure it out at first, but as her eyes rolled, she suddenly understood. She smiled bitterly, put it into Xie Ma's ear, and whispered, "Xie Ma, tell me honestly, is this guy Situ Chenjue?"

Today I suddenly wanted to cook on a whim, but the rice was mushy and the bottom of the pot was burned through?"

Xie Ma quickly shook her head and said:

"No, no, young lady, don't think too much. Young master, young master, he has something to do. The kitchen, the kitchen was burnt because I turned off the fire for a while. Young lady, please go back and rest first. I'll tell you later

I’ll bring you some breakfast, um, go back and rest quickly.”

Huanyan suppressed her laughter and shook her head:

"I know it must be Situ Chenjue who came to the kitchen. Speaking of which, he has no talent for cooking. What is he doing in the kitchen? He's really out of his mind!

Xie Ma, the kitchen is your world, you are the master of the kitchen, Queen, why don’t you kick him out?”

Xie Ma opened her mouth and wiped her hands on her apron hurriedly.

How dare she kick the young master out? Although the young master did make a mess in the kitchen, as if he had just fought in World War II, he is still the master of the house anyway?

And although Xie Ma was influenced by the traditional idea of ​​​​male being the outsider and female being the domestic leader. But recently, seeing the young mistress come back to live happily with the young master, Xie Ma couldn't say how happy she was.

Don't mention that the young master wants to cook at this time, even if the young master brings an elephant from the zoo to the house, Xie Ma will not have any objection.

So, Xie Ma just kept shaking her head, shaking her head, and then urged Huanyan up the stairs, "Young mistress, go up and have a rest, the downstairs is not suitable for you."

This chapter has been completed!
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