1153. Sweet Theater: Cooking 11

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He waited and waited, suddenly feeling a little hungry in his stomach, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't eaten breakfast yet...

In the morning, when he saw Huanyan's little pig still sleeping soundly, he jumped up excitedly and wanted to cook mung bean soup for her and give her a big surprise!

But I didn't expect that it would never succeed, so I was very angry and had no intention of eating lunch...

At this time, the sun was rising, and the sun was blazing in the sky. Although he was sitting in a top-class sports car with air conditioning, in order to see more closely whether Granny Li had opened the door, he opened the brown glass from time to time, and the heat wave was beating outside.

When he came over, it was so hot that he was sweating profusely.

Originally, Situ Chenjue was very afraid of heat. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Whenever he passed through this battle, he was simply inspecting poor areas.

Plus I didn't have breakfast, so I felt really dizzy now.

He turned the car around to see if there was anything to eat nearby, but he didn't expect that this was a remote area at the junction of urban and rural areas. Although there were several small restaurants, they were dirty and had flies flying around.

Go and let him lose his appetite after just one look.

It's not that he was pretending to be cool, he really couldn't eat it.

He originally wanted to turn two corners and go to another road to find the restaurants he often went to, but then he thought that if he turned two corners, the old lady might come over to see if there was anyone around, maybe she would close the shop and leave.

But he couldn't accept it.

So he endured hunger and continued to wait in the sports car...

Waiting and waiting, one hour, two hours passed, and it was already noon or afternoon.

The wooden door of the mung bean soup shop was still closed there quietly, with a straight face and no intention of opening it.

Gradually, Situ Chenjue became a little sleepy. He was too tired last night. Is it easy for him? In order to make up for the gap of more than half a year, he works harder every night!!!

He waited like this, and because he was hot and hungry, he dozed off for some reason, leaned his head on the cushion, and slowly fell asleep.


Until he felt someone tapping on the glass window outside the car window, da, da, da...

Looking up, he looked over unhappily and saw a dirty child knocking on the glass window, with a little painted face looking at him with a strange expression.

Situ Chenjue waved his hand unhappily, telling him to go away, but the little boy flattened his mouth, looked at Situ Chenjue aggrievedly, and said with his mouth: "Uncle, what are you doing here?"

Situ Chenjue thought for a while, that's right. This child looks like he belongs to a family nearby. He might not know where the old woman selling mung bean soup has gone. It would be unreasonable to wait at the door by himself.

Moreover, I made up my mind to make a pot of fragrant mung bean soup for Huanyan within these three days. It was not a big deal that it took me so long.

So, suppressing his dissatisfaction, he slowly pulled down the window and tried to be as pleasant as possible, but still frowned with a bit of pride and asked the little boy: "Hey, you know..."

"I'm not calling you hello!" Although the little boy was dressed in tatters and a little slovenly, he still had his mouth bulging and looked like a soldier who could not be killed or insulted.

This chapter has been completed!
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