1231.【Jasmine】Punishment from God 3

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Perhaps it was because when she was young, she lived with Situ Chenjue and saw too many beautiful clothes and beautiful figures. She was very interested in beautiful pictures, graceful music, and flowing emotions, and she was also very good in this area.

With her eyes closed, she could imagine beautiful frames, fleeting glimpses, and touching scenes...

There is a huge passion in her heart, and she must express this beauty and show it to the whole world!

Although her mother originally wanted her to study a solid major that sounded like an upper-class lady, such as medicine or literature, she insisted on studying advertising. Her mother knew that this path was very difficult, and she also advised her at the time, but after meeting Jasmine

If you insist on having your own way, forget it.

Because, since her mother married Smith and became Mrs. Smith, she didn't have so much time and energy to devote to Jasmine.

Smith is a doctor who is not very good at doing anything. He is very busy at work and needs his mother to take care of him at home.

Although Smith's three children are not very hostile to their mother, their attitude is very indifferent, and it is difficult to truly harmonize with them and become a family.

Jasmine saw that her mother was working very hard to be the mistress of the Smith family. She knew that it was not easy for her mother either. She really should have someone to rely on and a home of her own.

And since I have grown up, I can no longer bother my mother with everything and let her spend all the time with me.

Over the years, my mother has sacrificed too much of her personal life for herself, otherwise she might be able to marry a much better man than Smith.

Therefore, Jasmine told herself that she was not willing to hinder her mother's life anymore. Now that her mother had finally found a stable new life, she hoped to bear everything that should have been hers alone!


So now she lives in the school dormitory, which is cheap and convenient.

Mom and Smith lived in a house in the suburbs.

Mother and daughter only see each other every two or three months, and only call once a week. However, Jasmine feels very happy because she feels that she has finally grown up and can take on everything she has.

However, growing up also comes with a price. When I was young, I was carefree, but now I have to think a lot about myself.

She studies advertising and hopes to make a name for herself in the advertising industry, which is a battlefield where countless newcomers are entering at any time!

Therefore, although she has not graduated yet, she has decided to win a grand prize in the UK before graduation.

Because only by winning that grand prize can you enter a first-class company as soon as you graduate and have a good start in your career.

If she cannot enter a first-class company as soon as she graduates, she will waste a lot of time. Youth cannot be spent. She has a very clear plan for her career.

What's more, my mother has never been working and has almost no savings.

It was Smith who was taking care of her. It would obviously be unreasonable for him to still try to get money from the Smith family.

And studying advertising requires a lot of money, so if you can get a grand prize, you can work part-time in an excellent company. Maybe not only can you be self-sufficient, but you can also give your mother some gifts. That would be the best!

Therefore, this time, the "Future Sirius" competition for new advertising talents organized by lmh company for the whole world is the best platform for Jasmine.

This chapter has been completed!
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