1258.【Jasmine】Heartbreak for the first time in my life 3

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Bring it and give it to me, or I won’t accept it!”

"Then...then have you forgiven me? If you are not angry with me anymore, can we be friends?" The girl looked at the boy expectantly.

The young man looked at her, a smile slowly bloomed on his face, and then he stretched out his hand and scratched the girl's pointed little nose.

"You really don't hate me anymore?"

"Fool..." The young man's gentle breath was like a soft flower.

Brushing the girl's hair, the girl is like a blooming flower.

Immediately afterwards, there are many warm scenes.

In the spring campus when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the boy and the girl are walking together, talking and laughing, and there are birds flying in the sky. Everything is as beautiful as a dream.

After class, the boy explained the questions to the girl. The girl opened her innocent eyes and answered wrongly several times.

Looking at the girl's expression, the boy couldn't help but quietly stretched out his finger and flicked a shudder on her forehead.

The girl blushed and raised her face: "I hate it..."

Even though he said he was annoying, he was smiling.

That little face is as beautiful as picturesque.

This scene is portrayed in great detail and is a beautiful long shot.

It is also one of the shots that Jasmine put the most care into when making this design.

Outside the window, leaves slowly fell.

Jasmine noticed that while watching this scene, even Huo Ziming's cold face slowly softened.

Jasmine looked at the screen blankly, and then at Huo Ziming, whose figure under the screen was outlined by shadows and became taller and taller.

I don't know when, he lit up a cigarette...


Jasmine wondered vaguely, is smoking allowed in the office?

It should be allowed, there is an ivory ashtray on the table.

She wondered blankly, when did he learn to smoke?

The pure white boy in my memory, that handsome boy, the obedient and well-behaved boy who was the favorite of teachers and female students, now he can smoke.

Blow out a smoke ring, so melancholic and...sexy.

And his side face has clear lines and already has the look of a mature man.

For some reason, Jasmine felt a soreness in her chest and a feeling of suffocation in her nose.

Even though she was ten meters away, she still seemed to be able to smell Huo Ziming's scent, which was the faint smell of mint aftershave she had smelled when the two were entangled in the lobby just now.

And the faint smell of tobacco floated to her nose.

She seemed to have realized at this time that he was no longer a boy, but a man.

Does he have a girlfriend now?

He is so good, he should have it...

Thinking of this, Jasmine's heart felt empty.

She was so distracted that the commercial on the screen had been shown for another two minutes.

At this time, the camera had turned to the blue sky. There was a plane flying over in the blue sky, dragging white smoke. On the plane, the girl looked at the ground under her feet with a look of reluctance.

Then the subtitles were printed: "She left..."

Yes, that's how she left City A, her father, Aunt Huanyan, and Huo Ziming. She didn't even say goodbye.

Because she felt that saying goodbye would only make everyone more sad.

Besides, she and Huo Ziming were no longer friends at that time. The two of them had been indifferent ever since they met at Disneyland.

Maybe Huo Ziming doesn't care about her anymore, so what else is there to say goodbye to?

This chapter has been completed!
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