1282.【Jasmine】First Kiss 2

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"Yes!" Jasmine smiled crookedly, her heart still immersed in that pride: "You are just afraid of me! Because you act cautiously and cautiously, for fear that there will be any unfavorable rumors about you, and you are afraid of provoking me,

I'm afraid that some paparazzi tabloids will photograph you and say that you are using power for personal gain and trading power for sex. But you still like me, right? If you didn't like me, why did you rescue me today and why did you create such a circle of things!"

As she talked, she seemed to believe it.

That's right...he must like her or remember her.

Otherwise, how could he lend a helping hand to a stranger he met by chance with his personality of not talking about his own business and shaking his head when asked?

"I've never seen a thicker-skinned woman than you!"

Huo Ziming stepped on the brakes and the car stopped steadily.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at Jasmine steadily: "I'm too lazy to talk to you. This is the hotel. I come to this hotel often. Although it's a bit expensive, it's okay. Of course, if you can't afford it,

When the time comes, leave my name at the front desk and I will help you pay for it. It’s not a big amount anyway!

I have something to do when I go home tonight, so please don’t bother me!"

"You just want to escape me, you want to escape me, don't you?"

But Jasmine refused to get out of the car. She had a feeling that if she got out of the car obediently, she might never have anything to do with Huo Ziming again in her life.

She doesn't want this. She lost him once and doesn't want to lose him a second time!

At this moment, she finally admitted in her heart that she still liked him!

I like him, don’t want to leave him, don’t want him to go!!!


Jasmine stared at Huo Ziming with her big eyes, as if she wanted to read his mind:

"Because you like me, but you don't dare to admit it. You are afraid that you will have some emotions in your heart that you shouldn't have. You are also afraid that I will treat you as the person I liked before. You feel very unhappy, right?

Because you have a high self-esteem and think you are awesome. When you know that you are just a substitute in my heart, you don’t know how frustrated you are, right?

Mr. Huo, don’t use aggressive tactics. If you like me, just say..."

At this moment, seeing this woman twitching her red lips, a triumphant expression provoking him, and her eyes full of wildness, like a little wild cat, Huo Ziming suddenly felt an evil fire in his heart!

Immediately, he made an action that he had not thought of.

He stretched out his hands and fiercely pressed Jasmine's body against the leather cushion of the passenger seat. He then approached her, nose to nose, eyes to eyes.

Each other's eyes reflected each other's appearance.

Jasmine was really shocked this time. Her gangster spirit just now completely disappeared. She just stared at him blankly, not knowing whether all this was really an illusion.

Huo Ziming looked at her like this, and a smile suddenly broke out on his lips. Then, he kissed her red lips that she had been talking about so quickly and fiercely just now.

The kiss smelled of wine.

But even though it was filled with the smell of wine, it couldn't hide the sweet taste of her red lips.

At this moment, Huo Ziming didn't know what he was thinking in his heart. His whole heart seemed to have had a piece of silk pulled away, and it became a tangled mess.

This chapter has been completed!
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