1345.【Jasmine】When will we get married 4

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After finally catching Ziming, if he let another woman snatch him away, she would never forgive herself in this life.

Thinking of this, although she was unwilling to do so, she did not dare to offend Huo Ziming.

All I could do was say, "Ziming, you still care for me, you are so kind......"

Huo Ziming smiled and said nothing, and continued to eat slowly.

Soon, the dinner between the two of them was almost over.

After dinner, Sheng Rumeng wanted to take Huo Ziming to watch a movie together.

But Huo Ziming was worried about the fact that LMF Company had violated the agreement, so he was not in the mood to go to the movies with her, so he sent her home first.

Just when the two were about to reach the intersection of Sheng's house, a bicycle jumped out at an angle, going very fast, almost disrupting Huo Ziming's direction.

He stepped on the brakes angrily, frowned with his thick black brows, and glared viciously at the person on the bicycle wearing a helmet outside the window.

But the man was stunned and almost fell off the car.

Naturally, the person riding the bicycle was Jasmine. During this time, Jasmine was running around here and there. In a big city like A City with lots of traffic, sometimes it is even harder to get a taxi.

And she couldn't stand the crowds on the subway because there were so many people.

Let's drive. Jasmine has a driver's license in the UK, but the British driver's license cannot be used in City A. She has to wait in a long queue to get a local driver's license. She doesn't want to drive without a license and have her license copied by the traffic police.

So after much deliberation, she bought a mountain bike.

She usually takes a taxi, but if she really can't get a taxi or she wants to find a corner to eat something and take a walk, she will ride a bicycle.

Of course, the road conditions in City A are very different, so in order to avoid injury, she is also specially equipped with a mountain bike helmet. When wearing the helmet, almost no one will know that she is a woman, which will save a lot of trouble.

She was rushing back from another client today. It was too late and she was a little hungry. She was thinking about what to eat when she accidentally saw the two people. Her blood suddenly seemed to solidify.

Especially when she saw Huo Ziming staring at her fiercely, his brows filled with anger and disdain.


Jasmine was shocked and thought, why didn't he recognize her? Huo Ran realized that she was still wearing a helmet, no wonder.

I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

She was so stupid. Even if she wasn't wearing a helmet, would Huo Ziming really be able to recognize her? The two of them had been separated for so long. Although they had been intimate in the past, it was like a passing cloud now.

Turning her head slightly, she saw Sheng Rumeng next to Huo Ziming.

Sheng Rumeng seemed to be comforting Huo Ziming, telling him not to be angry. She stretched out a mutton-fat jade-like hand and patted Huo Ziming's arm.

That kind of tacit understanding, that kind of intimacy, that kind of gentleness like a royal wife, made Jasmine feel like she had been shot in the heart.

She pouted her lips in a self-deprecating tone. What else could she be sad about now? She had known about his engagement for a long time.

But Sheng Rumeng is really different in front of her fiancé and in front of ordinary people.

Superhuman acting skills.

Jasmine had already given up in her heart.

So she pursed her lips, stepped on the bicycle and stepped forward without looking at the two people.

This chapter has been completed!
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