1549. Reunion 4

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Everything seems to be a perfect picture, but Situ Chenjue knows in his heart that this perfect picture is missing an important piece. Without this important piece, it is an incomplete puzzle. This important piece is his little princess!

Now his little princess finally stood in front of him.

Moreover, I brought him such a heavy gift.

His many years of good intentions, waiting, and dedication are all worth it!

At this moment, Situ Chenjue only felt that his life was complete and he wanted nothing more.

Although he had many brilliance and touching moments in his past years, he reached the top of the industry and many people worshiped him.

He also had the most perfect love and got the most beautiful, gentle and intelligent woman in the world.

But only at this moment, his life completely formed a circle!

From now on, he will be in this circle, protecting all the people he loves and his family. Never let them be sad or afraid!


Jasmine suddenly remembered something here, and with a somewhat surprised expression, she asked timidly: "Dad, then I had such a smooth journey here today, could it be that..."

Situ Chenjue smiled and tapped the tip of Jasmine's nose:

"Yes, this is a small gift from dad. My baby girl is coming to attend such an important event. Of course, I won't let anyone block her way."

Situ Chenjue added half-jokingly: "Next time when my daughter gets married, I will definitely make this road smoother. No other cars are allowed to drive. I will send my daughter to her safely."

By my beloved prince’s side!”

Hearing her father's sincere words, Jasmine bit her lip hard: "Dad, I'm sorry, you may have to wait a long time for this day."

……My prince……

...My prince may never belong to me...

"It's okay, it's okay." Situ Chenjue patted his daughter's arm with a clear understanding, "Okay, let's not stay here anymore. Let's go home."

"Go back, go home? Where?"

Jasmine's eyes were wide open and her lips were trembling. She was very scared.

"Fool, don't you even know where home is?

Over the years, I have kept your room tidy.

The same goes for your Aunt Huanyan. She is not a shopaholic at first, but every time she sees clothes worn by beautiful girls in a store on the road, she wants to buy them back. She said you can wear them when you come back.

Now that you have grown so big, you may no longer be able to wear some of them, but it doesn’t matter, they are all yours.”

"Is Aunt Huanyan here?" Jasmine looked around, but she didn't see her beautiful figure.

"No, she didn't come. She was cooking at home. Okay, come home with me."

"But, but..." Jasmine's heart seemed to jump out of her chest. "But, but I'm still afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of Zhen'er and Bao'er? They are your younger brothers and sisters. How can a sister be afraid of her own younger brothers and sisters?"

Situ Chenjue was fully aware of the timidity in Jasmine's heart, so he grabbed her hand and shook it hard.

"Okay, don't be nagging. If either Zhen'er or Bao'er dares to bully you, you don't need to tell me and just beat their butts to pieces."

Jasmine laughed: "Dad, how can Xiao Mo be so rude!"

Situ Chenjue also smiled, and his handsome face became more dazzling in this smile.

At this moment, watching this father-daughter reunion scene, many cameras below were turned on.

Flash lights flashed one after another, like fireworks.

This chapter has been completed!
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