18. The rebellious girl forgotten by her parents 4

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"Yan Yan, don't worry, Xiao Yunnuo will not destroy my marriage, he will bless me and Chen Jue.

So, Huanyan, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. You’d better forget about this and find a better man!

Seeing as how you are a grown-up, don’t let your parents worry!"


Huanyan hesitated for a long time, then mustered up all her courage and asked:

"But sister, you said at that time that you loved Senior Xiao and would give up everything for him. You said that he was the man you loved most in your life and that you would never fall in love with anyone else!

But why do you choose another man now for money, fame and fortune?

Even if you can't grasp him at all, what if he still has a child?..."

"That's enough, Ye Huanyan!"

Ye Xiaoyu's voice was cold, like a frozen lake:

"I know you can never forget Xiao Yunuo, but it doesn't matter, he and I have broken up now!

If you like him, you can come back to find him and pursue him. Anyway, he is not married yet, so you can do whatever you like!

But, Huanyan, I want to tell you, Xiao Yunuo has always liked only me, Ye Xiaoyu!

If you don’t want to be treated as a substitute and don’t want to make yourself so humble, don’t get close to him again!”

"Sister..." Huanyan wanted to say something, but her throat seemed to be filled with something, and tears flowed out unknowingly: "Sister, is this how you see me?"

Yes, she once loved Xiao Yunnuo. No, it should be said that she has always loved him.

However, Xiao Yunnuo will always like her sister, and she knows this very well.

Her love has always been to hope that her sister and senior can be happy, and that the two most important people to her can live happily together.

Why does my sister say this about herself?

Xiaoyu said coldly: "Well, then, Huanyan, you won't come to my wedding! I'm afraid that if you accidentally see Xiao Yunuo, do something you shouldn't do, make others laugh, and embarrass me and me.

My husband’s face!”


Yes, her sister said that at the time, so Huanyan did not go to Xiaoyu’s wedding, and was scolded by her parents for half a year.

Of course, she won't care about this.

Sisters, identical twins, what else should we care about?

She just wants her sister to be happy!

I hope my sister can be with a man who makes her happy!

This feeling is more urgent than hoping for happiness...

It's not that she doesn't want to come back, she also misses her parents and Xiaoyu, and she also wants to share the joy of Xiaoyu. However, in this scene of burning oil and flowers, has she accomplished anything while wandering outside?

The poor woman ran away without knowing the current affairs. Will she become a disharmonious note? What about a bleak shadow?

...She is so depraved now.

Ye Xiaoyu seemed to know what her sister was worried about, and sweetly comforted her: "Huanyan, don't be embarrassed! What are you embarrassed about? You are my twin sister, the person I love the most in this world! You

Do you remember that we had telepathy when we were little? I feel like you are not very happy recently. Come back! Come back and stay for a while. Anyway, your paper is not in a hurry. I want to introduce my husband, your brother-in-law, to you ceremoniously.

!Look, you have one more person in the world you can rely on, how great it is!"

This chapter has been completed!
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