259. Senior Xiao, I Like You 1

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"Master, you love to joke so much! That gentleman and I are just ordinary friends, and I am already a married woman!"

"You! Look at that gentleman's expression and tell him clearly your feelings for him! You like him, don't you? Since you helped me outside just now, I will help you this time too.

!What? Seize this opportunity and don’t let it slip away in vain!”

Huanyan was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that it turned out that the master asked him and Senior Xiao to come up to perform together. It turned out to be intentional!

She couldn't help but feel confused. It seemed that this master was really just like the rumors, an old naughty boy!

"I have already said that I am married and have a husband...Master, is this really okay for you?"

The master smiled secretly: "Don't worry, my thoughts are very trendy! If you like him, just tell him. You can get divorced even if you get married. Anyway, I can't stand it when people who like each other don't express their feelings! By the way, I

I feel like he likes you too, even though I’m old, I’m still not dazzled!”

She remained silent.

What he likes...isn't her.

Not her!

Seeing her standing still, the master quickly urged: "Okay, okay, what you want to do is your business. Now, I have given you such an important task, so please help me complete it for me!"

In three seconds, the gate below will open. You jump down, and then keep walking forward, about 50 meters. There is an elevator in front of you. There will be no danger, and your beautiful skirt will not be stained. Okay.

Come on, please!"

"All right!"

Since the master trusts himself so much, let’s do this...

Huanyan couldn't tell whether she was doing it for the master or Xiao Yunnuo.

If I want to stay with him for a little longer...just look at him!

Sure enough, after three seconds, the gate at your feet opened. In front of you was a narrow passage, but the facilities were quite sophisticated and there were soft lights inside.

Huanyan didn't dare to waste the master's time and kept running forward. After 50 meters, sure enough, there was a white elevator in front of her.

She jumped on the lift, just like an elevator, and felt that she had ascended about three or four floors. Suddenly, an opening appeared in front of her. She stuck her head out, and sure enough she saw a golden ball of light in front of her!

This light ball is large and can accommodate two people. There is a swing underneath.

And Xiao Yunuo, dressed in white, was sitting there, looking at her with a warm smile.


Seeing him there, Huanyan felt filled with a sense of fulfillment.

For a moment, four years of time seemed not to exist. It seemed that it was still the time when we first met, that warm autumn, that moment when the tangled curves grew on the palms of my hands.

She knew that her life had changed for this man.

Although she knows that time will never go back and they will not have an ending, but let her indulge in it for once!

She stretched out her hand and stepped towards Xiao Yunuo.

But at this moment, the elevator under her feet made a terrible vibration!

Huanyan glanced down in horror. Didn't the master tell her that the lift was safe and there would be absolutely no problems? How could such a situation happen?

But when she took a look, she found that the situation was even more terrifying than she expected.

One of the ropes in the elevator split in the middle for some reason, and her body was falling rapidly!

This chapter has been completed!
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