302. Can Men’s Skin Be So Good? 2

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This kind of sleepiness is not uncomfortable, but has a sweet, stable and appropriate taste.

Unconsciously, he also half fell into sleep.

The door to the ward was only half closed. A brave nurse came over and peeked in through the crack in the door. She saw that the two people who had been having such a violent fight just now formed a beautiful picture.

The woman lay in the man's arms and fell asleep sitting on the sofa chair by the window.

The expressions of the two people sleeping were so sweet and comfortable, as if being in each other's arms was the best place for them to rest.

Everyone couldn't help but marvel. It seemed that this woman named Ye Xiaoyu was going to break everyone's expectations and would not be kicked out. Not only would she not be fired, but she might actually become the terminator of this big CEO.

However, the only disharmonious factor is Miss Jasmine!

Everyone decided to discuss the following questions: "Can Ye Xiaoyu conquer the wayward little princess Situ Moli?" "Will Ye Xiaoyu and Situ Chenjue grow old together?" "Will Situ Chenjue find another mistress?"

A long-term bet...


Here, Huanyan is still sleeping. She sleeps sweetly and sweetly.

There was no sister in the dream, nor did Senior Xiao appear. It had been a long time since I slept so deeply.

My little hands gradually became warm, and a wave of warmth filled my whole body.

Suddenly, she felt an impatient voice whispering in her ear: "Hey, get up, get up quickly!"

She was sleeping so comfortably that she forgot where she was for a moment.

She leaned into the man's arms again, tilted her head, pouted her little mouth, and murmured unhappily: "I just fell asleep, and you woke me up when I was sleeping so soundly. I hate it, I can't afford it!"

The man's voice became more anxious and thirsty. He bit her ear gently and ordered harshly in her ear: "If you can't get up, if you don't get up, I want you to look good!"

The man talked for a long time, and Huanyan finally had some reaction.

She opened her sore eyes and rubbed them, and then she was sure that she was in Situ Chenjue's arms. Her little hands were still against his hot skin, and she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat.

Why did she fall asleep like this, sleeping in the arms of this devil? It seemed that she was really tired and couldn't be so careless in the future!

I turned to look at the door, but it was still open!

I don’t know how many people peeked at me!

When she thought of this, she wanted to bury her head in the cracks in the ground.

However, before she could lower her head, Situ Chenjue fiercely approached her face and growled at her: "Woman, what are you doing!"

"What am I doing?" Monk Huanyan Zhanger was confused and decided to cheat.

She rolled her eyes and looked at him innocently, like a kitten: "Aren't I just sleeping? You disturbed my sweet dream and asked me what I was doing!"

Situ Chenjue was very angry, his hair was a little disheveled, it was obvious that he had taken a nap just now, and his extremely handsome face was filled with anger, a little angry, and a little unclear, as if he was

His face turned red due to lack of oxygen.

Huanyan looked more and more wrong, and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with you? Are you possessed by an evil spirit? Or did you just have a nightmare? You put the responsibility on me again!"

Situ Chenjue gritted his teeth and looked at the woman. This woman was really capable. She could still look so innocent at this time, as if she had done something wrong! She didn't even look where she put her hands.


This chapter has been completed!
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