329 Little Princess Jasmine is Back! 3

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As soon as Jasmine heard the words "laughing auntie", her face suddenly turned pale.

The originally sweet and lovely pair of big almond-shaped eyes like a deer suddenly revealed a coldness and resentment that was inconsistent with his age.

Why is it that woman! What disease is that woman suffering from? How can she get sick when she is fine?

She usually goes shopping, plays mahjong, and dances. She looks very energetic. Wearing sandals on a cold day, you can tell she looks like a fairy! 1

She must have thought of an idea to deceive her father and steal her father away from Jasmine. No, she must not be allowed to do this!

Why did dad marry this woman? This bad woman!

She is scheming and resourceful. On the surface, she treats her as if she were her own daughter, but secretly she does a lot of harm...

Dad was almost aware of her trick before, but now what kind of method does this woman use...

No, we must not let her scheme succeed!

Although Jasmine is only seven years old, she is far more mature and smart than her peers. She is already very sensitive to the fact that her father has been extremely disgusted with Ye Xiaoyu, this disgusting stepmother. It seems that the divorce is a matter of course.

The thing is, it’s only been half a month since she traveled abroad like this. Why does her father feel like he has a very good relationship with Ye Xiaoyu and their relationship is very harmonious!

Why on earth!

don't want!

do not do that!

Jasmine only has her father. In this world, Jasmine only has her father as a relative... She cannot lose her father...

Jasmine's little body was trembling. After a long time, she used up all her strength and said to the phone: "Dad, you don't want Jasmine anymore. You have to abandon your biological daughter for that bad woman, just like what was shown on TV."

Same, right?"


Situ Chenjue heard his daughter's voice and sighed helplessly: "Xiao Mo, what are you talking about! How could dad not want Xiao Mo? Jasmine, stop saying such silly things!"

Jasmine bit her lip, and two tears streaked down her watery face.

"Dad, when you wanted to marry Ye Xiaoyu, you asked Jasmine for her opinion. Jasmine told you that as long as dad is happy, and as long as dad doesn't abandon Jasmine, then dad can marry any woman! But now, dad wants to marry that woman.

I left Jasmine behind..."

"I'm not! She's sick. She's very sick. It's just for one night, okay?"

Jasmine gritted her teeth, held up her mobile phone, and suddenly strode into the bathroom. Then, she turned on the faucet, poured the nozzle on herself, and calmly said to the phone: "Dad, Ye Xiaoyu is sick.

You can stay with her, then, if I take a cold shower now, I will catch a cold and get sick, so dad, will you come over and stay with me?"

Here, Xie's mother heard that Miss Jasmine wanted to take a cold shower in this late autumn weather. She seemed to be frightened. She quickly ran over and said: "Miss Jasmine, don't be like this! The weather is so cold. You will freeze your body."

No matter what, Situ always feels distressed! Come on, little ancestor, come out quickly, come out quickly!"

But although Jasmine is young, she cannot change the things she has decided.

She stood under the faucet and shivered from the cold, but her voice remained calm and decisive: "Dad, come back quickly. If you don't come back, I will stand under the cold water without moving!"

This chapter has been completed!
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