350.2B Youth Joy 1

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There was also a bracket at the end, written in crooked handwriting angrily: [Really picky eater, so difficult to take care of!]

There is also a grimace painted on the back. Although it is ugly, it is really vivid!

Seeing this, Situ Chenjue's originally terrible mood suddenly became cloudless, and he let out a burst of laughter!

Then, he himself froze.

For a while, I didn't believe that this smile came from me.

He himself felt a little strange, he rarely laughed so indulgently and without scruples!

If someone else made this kind of laughter, he would definitely feel stupid, like a bastard!

Even when he and Jasmine were playing together, and Jasmine made him very happy, he rarely smiled such a carefree smile.

But why did he feel so happy when he made such a ridiculous smile?

Is this what people often say...

2b How happy are young people?

He couldn't help being stunned...

Then he looked down again.

This paper is really densely written, with long paragraphs and long paragraphs.

[What Situ Chenjue likes]:

Medium rare steaks and lamb chops should be cooked with blood.

There is another bracket at the end, (It is really not fully developed, just like a beast! A lower animal!)

[Also, Situ Chenjue doesn’t like it]:

Women wear too bright clothes.

Eye socks.

Dyed hair with poor texture.

Contact lenses, especially colored ones.

The denim is decorated with lace sequins.

There is another parenthesis after, [He has a lot of control! Does it have anything to do with him what girls like to wear?=.=||||||Big sand pig!】

Situ Chenjue felt that his stomach would cramp if he continued to laugh, and he didn't know what he was laughing at.

It was obvious that this little woman was slandering him behind his back and said a lot of bad things about him.

He actually found it so cute and funny.

Maybe it's because at this age in his life, no one has ever dared to use such words to describe him!


Even Jasmine, his most beloved baby, is always clinging to him, saying how great his father is, how handsome and mighty he is, and the best father in the world.

Who dares to say in front of him that he is a pervert and an underdeveloped lower animal?

Later there are:

【What does Jasmine like】

For example, Jasmine likes to drink milk tea, eat jelly, and eat fresh fruits. She especially hates junk food such as French fries, burgers, and grilled chicken.

Jasmine likes pink, milky white, light purple, and lace skirts.

[Jasmine doesn’t like it]

Black clothes, pants, green bag.

I remember it was very detailed, so there are no other comments here.

Situ Chenjue looked at the letter carefully and couldn't help but think that maybe he and Jasmine had wrongly blamed Ye Xiaoyu all along.

Maybe, deep down in his heart, Ye Xiaoyu didn't mean to treat Jasmine so badly, but there was something wrong with the way the two of them got along.

Just like this letter, the things Jasmine likes are written down carefully and in detail. No ruthless stepmother can understand her stepdaughter's preferences so clearly.

Although I don’t know where she got all this understanding, maybe she got it from Xie’s mother, but at least it shows that she is willing to study hard.

It was not like Jasmine thought before, that she only cared about her own personal enjoyment and had no concern for her at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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