387. If You Don’t Love Me, Tell Me 1

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He raised his head and looked at the paintings happily.

Those faces, smiling, pensive, frowning, indifferent, their hair and skirts are flying in the wind.

Huanyan's eyes were filled with tears. She knew what kind of passion and infatuation it would take to carve a woman's image so deeply into her heart and paint it on the wall one by one.

Even if the other person is a man she has no feelings for, there are few women who will not be moved. What's more, this man is the man she has been thinking about for five years!

It's almost like 100 million stars falling from the sky.

A miracle really happened...

The person she has always loved deeply also happens to love herself. What kind of opportunity and what kind of luck is this. She is already satisfied...

The bond between the two of them was originally destined fourteen years ago.

That time, she overcame her inferiority complex and obstacles for the first time, roared, and went to rescue the boy. And ten years later, the grown-up boy rescued her again on the campus of University A.

It turns out that fate is really fair. It turns out that fate will not treat anyone badly and will always give people a perfect ending.

Unknowingly, tears flowed down from Huanyan's face.

She always thought that she was a small character on the stage, but she never expected that there would actually be a scene in which she was the heroine who was deeply loved!

Xiao Yunnuo looked at her appearance at this moment, and his heart was filled with emotion and pity that he had never experienced before!

He took Huanyan's hand and walked to a beautiful table in the middle of the studio, which looked like a jewelry display cabinet. There was a sapphire glass cover on the table, and a velvet box in the middle. On the velvet box glittered a pair of platinum pieces.


Huanyan knows what it is, it is [eternal promise]!


She suddenly turned her back, not wanting to look at the ring. It seemed that if she took one more look, her soul would be snatched away!

She begged lowly and feebly: "Senior Xiao, that's enough, that's enough! I already know your thoughts, please let me go back, okay? Please, please..."

"Huanyan, I know what you are afraid of!" Looking at her shrinking back, Xiao Yunnuo seemed to have expected that she would react like this. He stood calmly behind her. His slender figure was lonely and aloof, but there were also a few

Stubbornness that will never give up until the goal is achieved.

"Huanyan, I know you love your sister. Once upon a time, you followed your sister like a shadow, laughing and telling you to go east but you wouldn't go west!

I know that in these years, you have been living under her light, and you have always thought that you are worse than her, that you are not as good as her in everything, but I want to tell you that is not the case, Huanyan!

Although you are not as pushy as she is, and you are not as in line with the mainstream values ​​of society as she is. Maybe your grades are not as good as hers, and maybe you are not as good at dancing and versatile as she is, but you have a heart that is more precious than gold!

You are so kind, so gentle, you don't need to cater to others, because you are yourself, and you are good enough!

Huanyan, now Xiaoyu has gained her happiness, why can't you give yourself and me a chance?"

This chapter has been completed!
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