605. Happy Face VS Jasmine 3

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"If you come here again, believe it or not, I will throw the lamp at you! I will disfigure you and my father will never look down on you again. Let's see how you confuse my father with your fox eyes!"

Huanyan ignored her threats and just looked into Jasmine's eyes quietly.

There was no fear, blame or anger in her eyes.

It's just very calm, as calm as the lake surface in autumn, crystal clear.

Jasmine, who was shouting, couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

It's strange, Ye Xiaoyu seems to be different today.

When I said this to her in the past, she would either be pretending to coax him, or if he really pissed her off, she would twist her waist and leave angrily on her high heels, her back full of words.

Hatred of self.

It's definitely not like today, when you can look at yourself so calmly.

She gritted her teeth and shouted again: "Are you going to get out or not? If you don't get out, I'll ask someone to kick you out!"

"Jasmine! Please remember, you said you wanted to see your father's comments on those paintings, so I brought these paintings."

Huanyan said without any emotion.

She opened the canvas bag in her hand, took out the paintings, and put them on her arm: "If you don't want to see them, I'll take them back!"

"Huh! Who wants to read it!" Although Jasmine really wanted to read her father's comments to her, her pride stopped her: "Things that have been touched by you, a bad woman, are dirty! I don't want them! Just take them and get out!"


"Of course you can leave if you want me to." Huanyan put the two paintings back into the bag, then continued to look at Jasmine calmly: "But please believe me.

I, like you, shout and get angry and drive everyone out, I believe your father will not be happy to see it!"

"Shut up! What happens to my father is none of your business! My father is my father, and his only treasure is me. No matter how many people I am willing to drive out, my father will find new ones for me!"

Jasmine said to herself full of pride, and then, as if she had changed her mind, she rolled her eyes at Huanyan: "Bring it here!"

"What to take?"

"Bring me my painting!" Jasmine pinched the rabbit's ears and shouted angrily.

That kind of attitude seems to be towards a maid.


Huanyan only hoped that Jasmine would feel better after reading these comments.

This morning, after experiencing many things, she was busy imitating Situ Chenjue's handwriting without even having time to rest for a while.

In order to be afraid that she would find clues, she tried writing at least twenty times before she dared to write on it. Now her hands are sore.

However, after reading the comments, Jasmine seemed even more angry.

She pouted her mouth unhappily: "Dad is so bad! Dad will write this to deceive Jasmine, and he will never come and care about me at all! It's all fake, fake, fake!!!"

After saying that, she threw the paintings on the ground, jumped out of bed, and stepped on them.

Looking at her crazy look, Huanyan felt that the pressure accumulated in the past two days was about to explode.

She began to question whether it was the right choice for her not to tell Jasmine about Situ Chenjue's car accident. She had made herself so hard and was still a human being.

But since it has been decided, if I tell Jasmine now, I am afraid it will only cause further rejection from Jasmine.

She bent down and picked up the paintings.

He took out a pack of tissues from his bag and wiped the dust on it calmly.

Then, he looked at Jasmine and said calmly: "If you finish reading, I will take it back with you! I have something else to do and can't stay with you here longer!"

This chapter has been completed!
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