625. Senior Xiao, I'm Sorry 3

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With a slightly palpitating mood, she let the man in.

It was a young man, wearing a crisp uniform that looked of good quality, with a professional smile on his face. He was holding a purple velvet bag with a logo inlaid on it.

Huanyan felt that this logo seemed familiar, but for a while she couldn’t remember where she had seen it.

The man smiled politely at Huanyan: "Young lady, this is the gift Mr. Situ ordered for you in our store a few days ago! Because he was not satisfied with all the diamonds in the store at that time, he specially ordered one.

And this one took a long time. It took a long time to be shipped back from South America and processed, which took almost a month, so it arrived late! I'm sorry!

Mr. Situ once said before that when the ring arrives, it will be given to you directly without his approval, so we will rush to deliver it to you as soon as it is ready today! I hope you are satisfied!"



These two words made Huanyan feel dizzy. She took the thing, signed the order and handed it to the clerk. The clerk smiled: "Madam, I'll leave first! You will open the bag later and see this."

A gift that will definitely make you happy!

Because, it is not only a piece of jewelry, it is simply a work of art, and it is also a gift of love!

There are not many men in this world who are willing to be so attentive to their women!"


Huanyan was confused and sent him away, then slowly opened the purple velvet box.

At this moment, she finally remembered that this logo was that of a very famous jewelry brand, but Huanyan had never bought such high-end jewelry, so although it looked familiar, she couldn't think of it for a while.

Her fingers were trembling. When did Situ Chenjue buy her such expensive jewelry? Why didn't he tell her? Or maybe he didn't have time to tell her yet and wanted to give her a surprise.

But this surprise made her so sad at the moment.

The person who gave her such a heavy gift didn't know if he would wake up...

She opened the box, and there was another more exquisite box inside, even the top of the box was sprinkled with diamonds.

Her hands were almost unsteady as she opened the light purple box. Inside was moon-white velvet, simple and without any unnecessary decoration.

There was a ring placed steadily in the middle, and the diamond on the ring was like a huge teardrop of the goddess, and like a silent flame, which instantly burned Huanyan's heart.

She tremblingly stretched out her hand to pick up the ring. Holding it in her hand like this, the diamond seemed to have spirituality and became more and more beautiful. It was cut extremely cleverly and was so ingenious that every side emitted light that made people dare not look at it.

Huanyan once thought that diamonds were just cold stones. I don’t know why someone once said that diamonds are a woman’s best friend.

At this moment, when this diamond, which was like a work of art, was in her hands, she finally understood its charm. It was so holy, unstained by dust, and full of brilliance, but it could also blend perfectly with the skin.

, no need for any extra decoration, no need for any extra carvings and language, it is already there, so perfect.

Huanyan tremblingly put the ring on her ring finger. The size was perfect, as if it was tailor-made for her.

This chapter has been completed!
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