647. We have all changed 3

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She packed her things and simply walked out of the hospital and opened the door.

Suddenly, a doctor slowly came out of a corner behind the house.

He was wearing a white coat and had a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose.

It was the same Dr. Mo who had doubts about Huanyan's identity when she entered the hospital because of her drug allergy.

He pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, a shrewd and sharp light flashed in his eyes, and murmured: "I finally caught the evidence! It turns out that you are not Ye Xiaoyu, you are Ye Xiaoyu's sister!"

"But don't worry, I won't say it casually... I will seize this secret and see what I can get in exchange..."


Huanyan didn't call the driver and took a taxi home.

Everyone was very tired during this period, and she didn't want to trouble anyone anymore. Even if it was indeed the driver hired by Situ Chenjue with money, she didn't want to trouble everyone too much.

She was thinking about many questions, walked to the door tiredly, entered the password and prepared to open the door.

The gate is equipped with the most advanced equipment and uses a password to open the door. The password is very long and is an absolute secret.

However, just as she entered the password, a cold voice sounded: "Sorry, the password you entered is incorrect!"

Huanyan was extremely surprised. She remembered the password of this door clearly and had been in and out many times alone. Why couldn't the password be opened today? Could it be that she was in a hurry and made a mistake?

She silently recalled it in her heart and entered it again. This time she firmly believed that her input was correct, but there were still a few cold and mechanical words on it: "I'm sorry, the password you entered is wrong and cannot be used."

You enter!"

Huanyan felt that her brain was completely confused. She was exhausted mentally and physically. She had not slept well during this period. Her body was already weak and anemic, and now she was even dizzy.

She managed to steady her body, sat down at the door, looked around to see if Lao Cai or other servants were there, and wanted to ask someone to come and open the door for her.

But it's strange to say that in this big house of the Situ family, when I don't pay attention, I always feel that servants are rushing back and forth like crucian carp crossing the river. There are people sweeping the floor in the garden, pruning fruit trees, pruning flowers and trees, etc.


But today, this big house, which she was familiar with, refused her entry like a cold stranger.

Even the servants who were usually obedient and respectful, calling her young mistress and asking her any orders at any time, were nowhere to be found.

She felt dizzy for a while, and secretly regretted that it would be better if she and Xie Ma came back together. No matter what, Xie Ma would find a way to ask someone to open the door!

She took out her cell phone and wanted to call Xie's mother, but found that Xie's mother's phone had been turned off.

Also, the elderly are not very accustomed to using mobile phones, and Xie Ma went home to rest. She might not feel comfortable, so she turned off the phone for fear of disturbing her.

Huanyan was confused. Who else could she find to open the door for her at this time?

For a while she really couldn't remember.

Why is the password suddenly wrong? Has someone changed the password?

But who will change the password?

She is the mistress of this house, and the man of the house is still sleeping in the hospital bed.

This chapter has been completed!
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