837. Fierce possessiveness 5

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She is not a woman like Xu Fengjiao. She will not guard the corpse of love or a broken and empty marriage!

Thinking of this, although Situ Chenjue stared at her fiercely, Huanyan still decided to express her opinion!

She stared at Situ Chenjue and said word by word:

"Jue, I am an ordinary woman. Of course, like all vulgar women, I hope you will always love me and never leave me.

But everyone knows that people will change, and so will feelings.

If you will always love me, I appreciate it.

But if one day you don't love me anymore, there is nothing to owe.

I am not a woman who cannot accept change.

If you love someone else, please tell me. I don’t want to keep a false marriage or a false promise.

For me, if I no longer love you, then this marriage is invalid.

We can give love a way out... Of course, that is the worst plan. I just want to say in advance, I'm sorry..."

"Is this what you want to tell me after all the talking and nagging?"

Situ Chenjue's face turned greener and greener, and he strangled her neck!

His expression was even more sinister than when Huanyan refused to tell him that she knew Zheng Minghao!

He pressed her fiercely, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes:

"Ye Xiaoyu, you are very holy, aren't you?

You just want to put your husband up for sale with a clear price tag, don’t you?

You are such a saint, so graceful, so generous, okay, I will go find another woman tonight, there are many romantic and gentle prostitutes here, I think you won’t mind, right?!”

Huanyan looked at him like this, her lips trembled, but she couldn't say anything.

For a long while, I could only say in a low voice: "You are not allowed to go."

"What did you say? Your voice is too soft and I can't hear you clearly. Say it again?!"

Huanyan gritted her teeth and roared angrily: "Situ Chenjue, if you dare to go out to find another woman, I will fight you to the death!!!!!!!"

Her voice scared me.

How did she... become such a shrew?!

Situ Chenjue crossed his arms in front of his chest, a smile appeared on his lips, and then he said lightly: "Didn't you say that if I fell in love with another woman, you would quit like a holy mother?"

"I'm just saying it in case, I'm not saying it will definitely happen."

What's more, what's more... He Fengyue woman... is too low, okay...

"The fact that you have such thoughts means that you have no confidence in me or our love. If you don't have confidence in me, it's better to break it now and save me from thinking so much about you.

I have done so much and worked so hard, but I got such distrust from you!"


Huanyan looked at him and shed tears.

I didn't know why I was crying, I just felt that the bitter tears were about to drown me.

She threw herself into his arms, hugged his back tightly, and sobbed into his chest: "Chen Jue, Chen Jue, I didn't mean to say this, I just felt that a man like you, and you

Just like father, you are all so outstanding, and there will be many women who like you...I, I really..."

"My father?" Situ Chenjue suddenly realized something and sighed: "You have also heard about my father's romantic affairs, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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