856. Can we be friends? 1

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Huanyan ran and ran. She only had a few cents with her and could only take the bus.

She didn't even have money for dinner, but the old woman on the roadside felt sorry for her and gave her a sweet potato.

That night, she was walking slowly along the road alone, when she suddenly saw a park and walked in...

I vaguely remember that when I was a child, when my father and mother didn’t dislike me so much, a family of four would go to the park to play together during the Chinese New Year.

He and his sister were wearing the same clothes, and anyone who looked at them would smile lovingly at them.

That night, the night when her mother scolded her, Huanyan walked into the park. There was an elephant slide in the park. She and her sister once sat on the elephant slide together...

At that time, the two sisters had a very good relationship...holding hands and looking at each other sweetly...

Thinking of this, an idea flashed in Huanyan's mind!

She jumped up and shouted to Situ Chenjue: "I know where Jasmine is!"


Right now, I'm on a swing in the park.

Jasmine sat blankly, swinging on the swing.

It was getting late and there was no one in the park.

It's still winter now, and although the climate in City A is mild, she still feels a little cold.

But she held the swing frame tightly and had no intention of leaving.

A yellow leaf swirled and fell.

Broken and withered, just like Jasmine's mood at the moment.

Where is she going?

The world that she thought was so broad has slowly abandoned her.

Everyone has a new life. She wants to be a good child and don't want her father to worry and clean up her mess all the time. But why is it so difficult...

Dad, I'm sorry...

It would be easier for Dad if Jasmine disappeared.

There is no need to constantly think about how to clean up Jasmine's mess, and there is no need to spend all your energy between Aunt Xiaoyu and Jasmine.

Moreover, in that way, Dad and Aunt Xiaoyu can live happily together and have children.

That way, grandma won't become so neurotic.

Maybe even Huo Ziming would be happy, not having to make a mess all day long.

Jasmine raised her head and remembered something that said...

If you want to cry, just look at the sky and the tears will not flow down.

But why, why, when she looked at the sky like this, tears still flowed down disobediently, flowed down...

She didn't want to be disliked by her father and hated by Huo Ziming.

What was she going to do... She really hoped that a wonderful magician would give her a chance to change everything.

Return everything to the original time...the time before I poured juice on Ye Xiaoyu's skirt...the time before I dropped ink on Huo Ziming's calligraphy...

Then, she disappeared.

If it never appears again, everyone will be happy, right?

Just then, she heard a voice behind her shouting:


This voice seemed familiar.

Jasmine slowly turned around in disbelief.

I saw a young woman in front of me.

She was wearing a simple white sweater and jeans.

Her black hair is flying, and her whole person has a lily-like temperament.

Jasmine was shocked.

This turned out to be...

Ye Xiaoyu?

"You...why are you here?"

Jasmine looked at Huanyan blankly.

Won't it take a few days for Dad and Ye Xiaoyu to come back?

How did she know she was here?

This chapter has been completed!
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