93. Marital Captivity 4

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How big can a diamond ring be? Even if it is the best among diamonds, it will be as bright as the stars in the sky.

But it is so difficult to find such a small thing in a garden full of mud!

In addition, it was raining now, and many things were stained with water and reflected light. She thought several times that it was the light of the diamond, but it turned out to be just water droplets.

After searching for it, she straightened up and felt like the world was spinning.

She hadn't eaten anything to begin with, and after being tortured by Situ Chenjue n times last night and this morning, her strength was severely exhausted. She staggered and felt like she was about to faint.

But she can't go back. If she faints, maybe she can be freed from her sin!

She looked up at the gray sky above, where was her sister now?

Sister, I'm sorry!

Just when she was swaying and about to faint, she felt a warm embrace holding her firmly behind her.

She fell into that embrace!

At this moment, she almost blurted out, almost shouted Xiao Yunuo's name!

Ah, this memory is so similar to that time, so similar to what I just recalled. On that early autumn day when I was a freshman, she also lost too much blood and was teetering backwards, like a kite with its string broken, but Xiao Yunnuo

He was held firmly in his arms.

If it was Xiao Yunuo who looked back at this moment, how happy she would be!

Although I don’t know if I will ever have the chance to see you again in this life...

She felt that it was a strong arm, with a tension like a man's storm!

However, soon, a voice with the power of thunder boomed in her ears, but it was a scolding that was not gentle: "Woman, what on earth are you doing! Has your brain been kicked by a donkey or pinched by a door?

,How could I marry such a fool like you!"


When Huanyan heard this, she immediately smiled bitterly. She thought the man was Xiao Yunuo, how could it be possible?

Senior Xiao should have woken up from his dream long ago!

At this moment, the only man beside her is her 'husband', no, it should be 'brother-in-law', Situ Chenjue.

But how could Situ Chenjue come here like this?

Did you hear that she was looking for a ring outside?

Huanyan shook her head, thinking this was impossible!

Situ Chenjue hates her so much. He tortured her like that last night and even handcuffed himself this morning. How could he be so good and drive here specially to find him?

However, she was hit by the rain so much that her whole body was trembling, and even her vocal cords seemed to be frozen, making her unable to speak a word.

Situ Chenjue viciously unbuttoned his coat, put her naked body in his arms, then hugged her domineeringly and strode toward the door.

Walking in the door, he threw her viciously on the sofa, pointed at her nose, and growled: "Ye Xiaoyu, what are you doing stupidly! Do you want to harm yourself? Do you want to die? There are many ways to die if you want to.

Do you think you are the heroine of an idol drama? Do you think you are beautiful and desolate in the heavy rain? Is there something wrong with your IQ?"

His voice was so mean.

However, there was a hint of pity on his expression.

At this moment, Huanyan suddenly felt that she could not see through this man at all.

She originally thought that this man was a tyrant and a devil. He was just a man who treated women as playthings, played with them casually and then abandoned them.

This chapter has been completed!
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