948. The Betrayed Man 5

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"I don't want to tell you anymore, I want to go back, I want to go back!"

At this moment, Xiao Yunnuo's burning pain filled Huanyan's heart with a trace of fear.

Although this was not the first time Xiao Yunnuo had treated her like this, the last time she was completely in a coma and unable to resist at all.

But now she was awake, and she pushed him away hurriedly.

"Don't touch me! If you touch me again, I'll jump out of the car!!!"

Seeing Huanyan's uncool look, Xiao Yunuo finally sighed, opened the car door, helped her get out of the car, and said gently in her ear: "I'm sorry, what I just said scared you!"

Tears were still streaming down Huanyan's face: "I want to go home, let me go home!"

"How are you going home now? It's so late now, and this place is a bit remote. It's not safe for you to take a taxi alone!

How about this, let’s find a quieter place, I’ll have a drink with you, and then we’ll consider whether to go back at dawn, okay?”

Huanyan looked at Xiao Yunuo in front of her with a bit of fear.

Xiao Yunnuo knew Huanyan's thoughts and sighed: "Don't worry, I really won't do anything to you. Don't you believe me at all? If I really wanted to do something to you, how could I let you go?

Come on, don't worry, I'll give you absolute freedom before you make a decision."

He thought for a while: "Besides, I don't know if you will do something stupid if you go back alone... That's your temperament. You hide yourself and hurt yourself. I know you too well... Now, you must

Someone is with you."

His eyes are sincere.

Happy and thoughtful.

Think about it, it's already two or three o'clock in the morning, not to mention there are very few cars, even taking a taxi is not safe.

Besides, it would be uncomfortable for her to go home and sleep alone.

Will Chen Jue come back tonight? How long will he linger with that woman?

Huanyan didn't know, but just thinking about it made her heart hurt as if she was about to be torn apart.

Maybe it's a good idea to promise Senior Xiao.

Seeing that his expression had regained its composure, but she was really too flustered and didn't want to go home, so she lowered her head and nodded.


Because Xiao Yunuo was driving casually just now, and the area he arrived at now was far away from both of their homes. Xiao Yunuo was not very familiar with this area. However, seeing Huanyan's excited look, he couldn't help her anymore.

Get in the car and go somewhere else.

In that case, she would definitely yell irritably, thinking that he was going to take her home.

To be honest, Xiao Yunuo really doesn't feel like this right now.

He could only find a small bar in an alley. It didn't look particularly high-end, but it should be open all night, and that was enough.

Xiao Yunnuo held Huanyan's hand, and as soon as the two of them entered the lounge, they suddenly felt that there was a strange atmosphere permeating the lounge.

There were not many guests inside, but they were all dressed in black and gathered in a circle, giving them a sneaky feel.

As soon as they came over, the group of people immediately raised their heads and looked at them with ferocious eyes.

Xiao Yunuo instinctively felt that something was wrong. He suddenly remembered that the small bar in this area had been exposed by the news media as having drug dealing news.

He secretly hated himself for being too careless, how could he bring Huan Yan to such a dangerous place!

He said to the boss: "Sorry, we are in the wrong place!"

This chapter has been completed!
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