956. There Is a Kind of Love Called Wishing You Happiness 4

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But now that he thinks about it, his heart is full of weirdness!

Could it be that Xiaoyu is really with Xiao Yunuo?

They were just dating, so why did they stay up all night?

This is the greatest insult to him, a husband!

However, Situ Chenjue thought sadly, what qualifications did he have to blame Xiaoyu!

Didn’t he betray their love and marriage last night by being entangled with another woman?

Situ Chenjue felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, as if he had eaten the most bitter and bitter thing in the world. He was very depressed, his whole body was weak, and he fell on the sofa.

Yes, how could things evolve to such an extent!

The two people once made such vows, were so entangled, hoped to last forever, and their relationship was as solid as a rock.

However, just overnight, it seems that everything has changed!

He has changed, and so has she...

Is it because he has never understood the language of laughter, or the language of laughter has changed...

Situ Chenjue doesn't know! Maybe he doesn't even know himself well enough!

He condemned himself thousands of times, even if Zheng Zhenzhen last night was the woman he once liked, even if she was the Catwoman in Paris, even if she was a woman by the lake, so what!

He just liked her and was obsessed with her for a while!

This kind of impulsive liking is not a real relationship at all!

It's simply not as good as the one he and Xiaoyu built up bit by bit over time, based on mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual appreciation, and mutual dependence, the kind that blended like flesh and blood.

, inseparable feelings!

Situ Chenjue's heart ached so much. He had been so close to happiness, and he even thought he had the greatest happiness!

However, he still lost her, so completely that there was no room for recovery!

Laughter, where are you, come back!!!


As if he thought of something, Situ Chenjue grabbed the phone and called Xiao Yunnuo's Promise Group.

Directly connected to Xiao Yunuo's CEO office: "I'm looking for you, Mr. Xiao!"

The front desk lady replied hesitantly: "Xiao...Mr. Xiao didn't come to work!"

"Really?" Situ Chenjue's voice was cold: "Okay, I'll call his cell phone!"

But Xiao Yunnuo's cell phone was turned off, and the servants at Xiao Yunnuo's house also said that Xiao Yunnuo didn't come back last night.

Situ Chenjue's heart sank little by little, as if sinking into an abyss that would never see the light of day or be redeemed.

Xiao Yunnuo was not at home. He stayed out all night last night. Xiao Yunnuo and Xiaoyu both stayed away all night. No matter how stupid and stupid Situ Chenjue was, he would never believe that this was just a coincidence.

He slumped down on the sofa. He felt that he could not blame anyone, maybe, he could only blame himself!

Maybe God knew that he had an affair last night and betrayed Xiaoyu, so he let Xiaoyu betray him too.

However, if this is really the case, if it is just his own betrayal, he may still be able to find a way to restore Xiaoyu's heart, and restore their relationship and marriage.

However, if both of them cheat on each other and both of them betray each other, then is this marriage still meaningful?

Situ Chenjue doesn’t know!

This chapter has been completed!
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