Chapter 695: The Sword of the Brave

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Hearing Tapion's music, the body of the Phantom Demon, who was wreaking havoc, seemed as slow as rust.

He turned his head stiffly, looked in the direction of the sound, and raised his claws high.

There was no trace of fear on the brave man's face, he closed his eyes slightly and continued to play according to the tune.

There is his soul and determination in the music.

Hearing this heavenly music played by Tapion, Ino felt that her spiritual world, which had been nearly destroyed after being maliciously attacked by a phantom demon, was slowly stabilizing. She felt a vigorous power emerging from the deepest part of her soul.

, maybe this is the "power of the heart" that the King of the Realm calls?

The sacred tree in the spiritual world has fallen, the sun, moon and stars are almost completely destroyed, and the previously purified spiritual power is covered with black spots.

But Ino had a clear understanding that without experiencing wind and rain, you would not be able to see the rainbow.

After such a heavy blow, she discovered that a new tree species had been planted in her heart again, and given time, it could grow into a towering tree. This time, the tree species had nothing to do with Teacher Six, and was completely her own. Lan

Ino is experiencing a nirvana.

The Phantom Demon looked down on a small role like her, and his murderous intent was firmly locked on Tapion. While fighting against the remaining consciousness of the gods in his body, he controlled his palms and pressed down hard, as if he wanted to slap the reptile to death.

Ino watched from a distance. She was not familiar with the moves of the brave brothers and had no room to interfere.

Tapion played a piece of music back and forth three times. He originally thought that the Phantom Man would be completely trapped, even if it was only for a second or two, but he did not expect that the Phantom Man would still have the ability to move.

His forehead was covered with sweat, and the Phantom Man's claws were getting closer and closer to him.

Now activate the alien woman's sealing technique? The enemy is still moving, and it is difficult for the brothers to grasp the timing of the seal.

Use the sealing technique of their Knaz people? This technique also needs to trap the enemy with music, otherwise it will be difficult to hit.

Tapion was extremely anxious, and nearby Minosha and Ino in the distance were also a little anxious.

Just when the brave man was trying to think of countermeasures, the priest who had always been very low-key suddenly appeared behind him. The middle-aged man's movements had a special rhythm. He stretched out his hand to grab it. The ordinary movements seemed to contain extremely profound secrets.

I saw him pull out the sharp blade called the "Sword of the Brave" by the Knaz people from Tapion's back. I didn't see the middle-aged priest make any charging and accelerating movements. He just ran over so lightly, as if unconsciously.

, slashed at the waist of the Phantom Demon Man with a sword.

A dazzling white light flashed. In Ino's opinion, the Genmaman, whose combat power might be comparable to Super Saiyan 2 or even Super Saiyan 3, was easily chopped into two pieces by the middle-aged priest.

The priest slashed out his sword, then inserted the sword back into the scabbard of the brave Tapion. He reappeared next to Ino like a ghost, and said with a sigh: "What a good sword."

Ino's face was full of shock, I believe you!?

The sword may indeed be a good sword, but the key depends on who uses it! Lan

Such an invincible Phantom Demon was cut in two by your sword, and then you said it was because of the sword?

Thoughts collided rapidly in her mind, and she thought of some possibility.

How could such a powerful existence appear in Knatz thousands of years ago? Is the current one its true body? Or is it a clone?

The way she looked at the priest was a little complicated. Is it not the right time to "become a foster father" now?

The middle-aged priest pointed forward: "Look, their brother has moved!"

Ino looked over and saw that the Phantom Man was trying to repair his body. The body that had been cut in two had already closed up, but it would take a second or two to fully recover, and this was the opportunity for the Tapien brothers.

"Six Paths. The earth explodes into the sky!" Lan

There were two brothers, one on the left and one on the right. When the Phantom Man had just repaired his body and had not yet completed control of his body, the Yin Seal and the Yang Seal were slapped on his body at the same time.

The yin and yang came together, and an obscure energy cyclone appeared on the chest of the Phantom Man. The starting energy of this cyclone was the power of the Six Paths given to the two brothers by Ino. The cyclone rotated rapidly, and after growing to a certain extent, it began to absorb the energy of the Phantom Man.

The more people struggle, the more energy the cyclone absorbs.

A large amount of sand, gravel, trees, and metal were pulled by the suction force, hitting the Phantom Man like raindrops. The suction force became stronger and stronger, and finally almost pulled the entire capital city's buildings and rocks and soil within a radius of a hundred miles, forming a

A huge sphere with a diameter of more than a kilometer.


The Phantom Demon was sealed by the Six Paths and the Earth Exploding Star.

How strong his own energy is, how strong the seal is. The cleverness of this move is to use the spear of the child to attack the shield of the child. If the Phantom Man can calm down the energy in the body and keep himself calm, then there will probably be more

There is a slight chance of getting out of trouble, but he is a demon incarnated by negative emotions. It is not that easy to calm down.

With the help of music, the Knaz people can perform some magic-like abilities, and they join forces to send the sphere far to the end of the universe.

Will this thing break out in the future and harm other intelligent life? Sorry, they don't care.

Ino's plan to "become a foster father" was aborted. The other party left a "goodbye" note and then disappeared.

It has disappeared in a literal sense.

She then asked the Knaz people, including Tapion, and found that no one remembered this middle-aged priest who was said to like fishing but had never caught a fish.

Everyone said with certainty that without this person, the priest of Knauz had died during the battle between the Phantom Demons. They were so firm that for two days, Ino felt that he was suffering from paranoia.

Tapion was very grateful to her. If she hadn't stepped forward to help at the critical moment, their brother would have turned into a container for the Phantom Demon.

Ino didn't want to cause changes in the timeline, so he kept a low profile and gave all the honors to the Tapion brothers.

Tapion is extremely upright and feels that he deserves the cheers of his tribe.

In order to express his gratitude, he gave Ino his sword of bravery and said that people like her are the true lonely braves and only she is worthy of this sword.

"The Sword of the Brave is made of Cassin steel, which is the hardest material in the universe. I hope this sword can help you in the future." Tapion said sincerely.

Ino never knew how to refuse other people's gifts. This was her weakness. After a little push, she accepted it.

The priest said that the sword was very good. Although a large part of it was an excuse, the quality of the sword was indeed good.

The Sword of the Brave is completely indestructible, and its energy conductivity is much higher than that of chakra metal. Ino tried to swing it twice. No seals were needed. As long as the corresponding chakra was input, the sword blade could be swung in various directions.

Various ice blades and fire blades.

The most important thing is that she noticed an indescribable charm in the sword blade. It seemed very simple, but if she went to explore it carefully, she found that she couldn't understand it at all.

The "traces" under it?

This chapter has been completed!
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