Chapter 252 Xu Qin's Hundred Curses

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The doctor's two thick case reports were all normal at the front and were organized very professionally, until Han Fei saw the doctor's notes from the 25th.

"Shouldn't you eat the writer?"

Reminiscent of A Meng's painting, Han Fei felt that one of the killers of the spider was the doctor.

"In reality, the spiders killed all the sub-personalities. How come it's the other way around in the deep world? The sub-personalities seem to have killed the spiders more than once? And the method of committing the crime is quite perverted and terrifying."

He continued to flip back, trying to learn more about the doctor.

"On February 26, I experienced cramping pain in my abdomen, and only a thin layer of abdominal skin remained. My body is now like a balloon that is reaching its limit. I don't know when it will burst."

"On February 27, a large number of patients died, and no one could live for more than a month. After carefully examining their corpses, I found that the stomachs of all the deceased had been opened, as if something had escaped. Before they died,

They all moved in the direction of this apartment building and finally fell on the road. Based on the above information, it is certain that he is back. I didn’t expect that I couldn’t kill him even in this way.”

"On February 28, the factory that produced pork was destroyed, and people who lost their jobs fled in the alleys. Rumors about pork being mixed with other things have become common knowledge. I want to stop this.

To make everything return to normal, we must try our best to kill him again."

The doctor wrote a lot of other things on the case sheet that recorded his physical condition. It could be seen that he was in a very bad state. The next few pages of the case sheet were all stained with blood. It seemed that he accidentally got it on when he was writing.


"The doctor wanted to kill a writer, so why did he target Xu Qin? In addition, the doctor's mind seemed not normal. The factory clearly produced human flesh, and the so-called workers were just monsters with pig faces. The doctor seemed to be sincere in his heart.

I don’t think they are monsters, I regard them as the same kind.”

The boundary between humans and animals in Animal Alley is very blurry. Han Fei now wonders if the doctor has also turned into a pig-faced monster?

When animal nature defeats human nature, he will naturally feel that everything the beast does is normal, because he himself is a beast wearing a mask.

Han Fei was still thinking about the connection when a loud noise suddenly came from downstairs, and then the whole building shook slightly.

The positions of all the rooms in the Butcher's House are chaotic. Directly outside the window of the doctor's bedroom is another room. In this maze-like place, it is impossible to know what is happening outside the building.

After getting no results, Han Fei pulled A Meng to him again: "After Xu Qin came to this room, where did she go?"

Before Ameng could say anything, the building was hit again, the ground shook, and the building seemed likely to collapse at any time.

Holding his head and carrying a schoolbag, A Meng hid in the corner. He seemed like an orphan abandoned by the world. This personality itself also represents the loneliness, abandonment and only innocence in the spider's heart.

"We can only survive if we find Xu Qin. If we can't find her, we will all die." Han Fei squatted next to A Meng again. This child knew a lot of things, but he didn't seem to tell Han Fei everything.

The reason why Han Fei trusted him was entirely because Xu Qin believed in the child, and the child did not have any of the symptoms described by the doctor. He should not have participated in those horrific things.

"Are you deliberately stalling for time?" Han Fei pressed the handle of the butcher knife on the child's shoulder, his eyes were cold and scary: "Frankly speaking, I am not interested in anyone in your building.

I don’t want to kill you. I don’t care whether you are good or bad. One of the very important reasons why I came here is to take her back. I don’t care what your plans are. If you have evil intentions and want to stop me, I will kill you.

Off your head."

A pair of pale hands were looming, and Han Fei's knife handle carried a special kind of coercion, which could make malice invisible and make the evil spirit melt like ice and snow upon contact.

After reading the doctor's case sheet, Han Fei knew that there was indeed no normal person in this building, and he had to find Xu Qin as soon as possible.

His small shoulders were pressed by the handle of the knife, and A Meng's hands kept swinging. He was frightened.

Taking out paper and pen, A Meng drew several pictures in succession. What she probably wanted to express was that after Xu Qin read the doctor's case sheet, the curse and mask left by the chef in her body seemed to start to get out of control.

When she came out of the house, the people who were ambushing outside the room started fighting with her, trying to snatch her mask, and finally they disappeared into the corridor together.

Looking at the simple pastel drawings, Han Fei was not sure whether he should trust A Meng. He asked A Meng to lead the way, and then quietly took out the bloody paper man from the inventory.

In the Butcher's House, the connection between the bloody paper man and Xu Qin is suppressed by something. Only when the distance is very close, the paper man will react.

After leaving the doctor's residence, A Meng walked in the direction Xu Qin left in his memory, while Han Fei followed behind him with a knife.

Even with his neighbors accompanying him, Han Fei didn't have much confidence at this time. He knew that he was going to face a whole building of butchers, and he would fulfill his promise when he changed jobs and become the Midnight Butcher.

Career, take the first step towards the dawn.

The dilapidated old building has undergone some changes because of Han Fei's appearance. Every reincarnation has added a little something strange.

The collisions outside the building continued to be heard, and the inside of the building looked more and more like the courtyard of a meat joint factory in reality. Spiders seemed to have walked through all the aisles and steps here.

After passing each room, blood began to appear in front of Han Fei's eyes.

What is very strange is that a large amount of blood spattered on the wall. After just a few dozen seconds, most of the blood stain disappeared, as if it had been eaten by the building itself.

"No wonder I didn't see any blood along the way."

Touching the wall with his fingers, Han Fei felt as if he were pressing on the chest of a living person. He could even feel the other person's heart beating.

“Is this building coming to life?”

The building itself was devouring blood and corpses, but even so, there were more and more blood stains around Han Fei. He seemed to be walking on a path leading to death.

When he reached the first floor, the blood stains were so thick that the building itself could not be eaten no matter how much he ate. The bloody paper figure he hid in his pocket finally responded, with a beautiful smile on his face.

A Meng stopped and did not dare to step forward, while Han Fei slowly walked through the last room and looked at the door at the end of the corridor.

The worn-out door panels were constantly seeping blood, and the blood slid down the cracks in the door and was eaten by the building before it hit the ground.

"Xu Qin seems to be behind the door."

Raising his arm, Han Fei pushed the door open with force.

All the blood in the entire building seemed to be concentrated in the room in front of him. Three monsters wearing masks stared at the center of the hall.

In the place where the blood was the thickest, a woman stood. Her body was pierced by twelve table knives, and the blood formed red thorns, covering every inch of the land under her feet.

Her pale skin was scratched, and her monstrous face was a mixture of morbidity and madness.

At this moment, she was holding the last table knife aimed at her heart.

When the knife was close to her heart, countless curses emerged from under her skin. It seemed that as long as the last knife was pierced, all the curses would be released!


This chapter has been completed!
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