Chapter 352 Crowded Red Elevator

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Zhuang Ren couldn't hide his inner excitement when he learned that he could see his family. He was a bit like a husband wandering outside the delivery room. Every second was torturous for him now.

"Before meeting your family, I must reiterate a few points. First, no matter what I ask you to do, you cannot refuse; second, I may abandon you when necessary. I hope you can be mentally prepared."

Han Fei's expression was gloomy and terrifying, and he naturally exuded an aura of death: "Every action we take tonight is related to the lives of many innocent people. If you do something without my permission,

When the time comes, don’t blame me for turning against you."

"I promise you, I will definitely listen to your arrangements."

The stricter Han Fei's requirements were, the more reliable Zhuang Ren felt Han Fei was, and the more excited he became.

"You are too restless right now. I suggest you calm down. Although your wife and daughter still exist, they have become different from you. You must be prepared for them to turn into monsters."

"Even if they become monsters, they are still my family."

"But what if they want to kill you? Think about it carefully. Only if you are alive can you have a chance to save them." Han Fei reminded the other party kindly, and then continued to play the game.

He has memorized every step of the previous map without even looking at the screen, his fingers are like high-speed machines.

Han Fei triggered an F-level mission before exiting the game last night. When he went online again, he didn't know what he would face.

In order to increase his chances of survival, he must make more preparations.

Seeing that Han Fei was still "addicted" to the game, Zhuang Ren said hesitantly: "I play this game mainly to find my family. Anyway, you are taking me to meet my family tonight. This game is for me."

There's no use saying it. If you want it, I can give it to you."


"..." Looking at the clothes he had changed to meet his family, Zhuang Ren forced a wry smile on his face: "Don't you say something?"

"Thank you."

Han Fei's attention was completely focused on the game. He controlled the game characters to avoid countless traps and found a way out among the ghosts and ghosts.

After entering Building 4 of the Dead Building and escaping from Room 4144, Han Fei followed his memory and came to the elevator door on the 14th floor.

In the deep world, Han Fei had never taken an elevator before, and he was very curious about elevators.

"If you want to see the face of the Soul Chaser in the Dead Tower game, you must first trigger the Soul Chaser mission."

When the game character stopped next to the elevator, the numbers on the elevator display automatically began to change. The elevator car felt like a hungry beast rushing toward him crazily.

"The soul chasers in the deep world come here by elevator."

The game character can be replayed after death. Han Fei did not dodge this time and stood at the elevator door.

The blood-red number quickly changed to 14, and Han Fei squinted his eyes and stared at the TV screen.

The silver-gray elevator door slowly opened. There were no ghosts or blood stains as expected. The elevator itself was normal, except that in the corner of the elevator there was a woman standing facing the elevator wall.

Her back was facing the elevator entrance, she was wearing a bright red dress, her feet were bare, and an anklet similar to a red flower was tied around her ankle.

Seeing such a strange scene, Zhuang Ren also shut his mouth and stopped urging Han Fei.

"That's all?" Han Fei looked very dissatisfied. He frowned and stared at the TV screen, controlling the game character to stand between the elevator and the corridor.

"Why is there no Soul Chaser? What do I need to do to trigger the Soul Chaser mission?" He went back and forth in the elevator, carefully trying various ways to trigger the mission.

"Are you trying to get into a bug with the God of Death?" Zhuang Ren couldn't understand what Han Fei was doing at all. He seemed to be seeking death, but he seemed to have a strong purpose.

Han Fei ignored Zhuang Ren. He was thinking about the problem in his mind, staring at the woman in the elevator and writing down every detail about her.

"In addition to the small red flowers decorated on the anklet, there is also a number plate and a key. Is that the key to her room? Or the key to her morgue? Normally, few people would tie such an anklet to their feet.

Thin red chain.”

Han Fei got up and walked to the TV, trying to control the game character to adjust the viewing angle, but he couldn't see the numbers on the woman's anklet number plate clearly.

"Ahem..." Zhuang Ren, who had put on new clothes, coughed twice and said casually: "Although the Dead Tower game is very real, it is not that kind of game after all. Han Fei, why don't you take the game?"

Let’s go home and study, let’s go find my family first?”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Han Fei make another amazing move.

If he were here to play and found such a scary woman in the elevator, he would definitely hide far away. But now Han Fei not only did not leave, but also ran into the elevator and walked around her, as if he was trying to pinch her.


Zhuang Ren no longer knew how to persuade Han Fei. He had only been in contact with Han Fei for a few days and witnessed with his own eyes that Han Fei had grown from an ignorant novice to the person he is now, with hair like a ghost, crazy about death, and seemed to have awakened a strange power.

Normal player.

"Why can't the Soul Chaser mission be triggered?" Zhuang Ren simply couldn't understand Han Fei's anxiety. If he couldn't see the Soul Chaser's face, he would probably be killed by the Soul Chaser next time he went online.

Even if he's lucky and the soul chaser doesn't kill him, the headless door god in room 4044 will kill him.

In the past, after Han Fei went offline, enemies rarely guarded his corpse, so going offline was a magical skill.

But last night he quit the game in front of the door god, and he will still be in front of that door next time he goes online.

What is a door god? The god who guards the door. As long as the door is still there, the other party will definitely not move it casually.

Han Fei has now fallen into a deadlock, and it's amazing that he can still keep a cool head and try various methods to break the situation.

"What step is missing? Is this woman who has always turned her back to me the soul chaser? But the soul chaser in my impression should be a man, related to the tester who massacred the community many years ago!"

Staring at the woman in red, while Han Fei was thinking, the elevator door in the game slowly closed.

Contrary to Han Fei's expectation, the game character was not directly killed by the door closing. He and the woman stood in harmony in the elevator.

"This makes me a little uncomfortable. Why doesn't she kill me?"

The elevator door has been closed. Han Fei tried to press the button on the control panel, but the elevator did not respond at all. Until the woman who was standing in the corner slowly turned around, but what surprised Han Fei was that the woman had already turned around.

, but his back was still facing Han Fei.

"Can't you see the face? She can't really be a soul chaser, right?" Han Fei controlled the game character to come directly to the opponent, trying to lift the opponent's long hair to see if there was a face inside, but unfortunately the opponent did not respond.


He pressed the pickup button again and kept picking up things from the man in red, but he couldn't get anything.

"You won't kill me either? There won't be any prompts? What's going on with the woman in red?"

No one touched the elevator button, but it suddenly started running downwards. Something like mold appeared on the edge of the originally normal car. The silver-gray car turned black little by little, and the body bones of the woman in red were also constantly distorted.

"Does she really have no face?" After circling the opponent, Han Fei began to intensify his provocation. His original intention was not to waste time and start again after being killed, but the woman in red was indifferent.

Soon, the elevator stopped at the thirteenth floor.

The silver-gray elevator door slowly opened, and a boy wearing bear pajamas appeared at the door. He stood with his back to the elevator, his head lowered, and the cute bear pajamas on his body were completely stained red with blood.

This child also has no face. He also has a thin chain on his ankle, with a number similar to a house number hanging on the chain.

The elevator door closed, the boy stood at the door, the woman stood in the corner, and Han Fei was caught in the middle.

The elevator in the dead building keeps going down, stopping once on each floor, and a faceless person comes up on each floor.

Gradually, Han Fei was squeezed into the middle of the elevator by those people, and at this time the elevator stopped at the fourth floor.

The silver-gray elevator door slowly opened, but no one came up to this floor. There was nothing outside the elevator.

The elevator door never closed, and the atmosphere in the elevator car became increasingly weird. After about ten seconds, all the people in red slowly raised their heads, turned their bodies, and seemed to be looking at Han Fei together.


"What do you mean? Let me go down?"

This chapter has been completed!
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