Chapter 601 Let's go, go forward, go farther

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It started to rain in the plastic surgery hospital, and spots of light mixed with blood drops, washing away the alienated building.

My wife, who had always been gentle and tolerant, stood in the rain, her body covered with scars from the chains.

"I saw his face. When Fu Yi was about to drag me into the abyss, he was the one who stopped Fu Yi."

"Haven't you noticed? From a certain day onwards, Fu Yi seemed to be a different person."

The wife looked at Li Guoer, who was still trying to piece the body together, her eyes were sad and painful.

"Fu Yi was the one who took advantage of his authority to get close to you and hurt you unscrupulously. When you finally got emotional, it was Fu Yi who pulled away. That afternoon, he was the one who rushed to save you when he saw the car losing control and regardless of his own safety."

The voice gradually became louder, and the wife pointed her finger at the youngest female netizen.

"The person who deceived you with sweet words, and after getting everything, destroyed all the promises and abandoned you is Fu Yi. On a rainy midnight, when you fell into a coma with fever, he carried you all the way to the hospital and sat by the bedside to accompany you until your condition improved.

He is the only one..."

The wife seemed to want to say everything in her heart, and she looked at Fu Yi's mother again.

"I know you are living a very difficult life. Fu Yi abandoned his wife and children, leaving you to endure these undue hardships alone. But the person who evades responsibility and runs away like a mouse is Fu Yi. The one who was surrounded by hundreds of people still remained

He was the one who dared to rush over and snatch your daughter's photo. He didn't care about losing his job and reputation. What he was most worried about at that time was your daughter's condition!"

Tearing every word, my wife's eyes swept over Teacher Liu.

"I know what happened between you and Fu Yi, and I have also read the records of your chats. Every time Fu Yi comes to you, he says that I am the worst wife and cannot get love at home, and then he tries his best to slander me and my children.

, just to gain your sympathy and make you soft-hearted."

"Your father was slandered before, and Fu Yi never cared about the truth. He just promised you that he would never become like your father. But the man lying here now has never listened to the rumors and went to help him personally.

You investigated, and it was he who dug out the truth that had been sealed for more than ten years and gave your father a clean slate!"

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The wife's voice became louder and louder, as if she wanted to say everything in her heart.

"Fu Sheng's mother, you should be the person who knows Fu Yi best besides me."

"It was Fu Yi who went around behind your back to flirt with women. It was Fu Yi who beat up Fu Sheng in order to maintain the so-called authority of his father. It was Fu Yi who completely cut off Fu Sheng's contact with the outside world. It was still Fu Yi who isolated himself."

"He never fulfilled his obligations as a father and husband and destroyed this family into pieces!"

"When I had given up everything and couldn't bear it anymore, a man appeared. He was completely different from Fu Yi, and he tried his best to glue the broken family together."

"He never brings his bad emotions home. He treats the children with gentleness and respect, but is not spoiled. He will put on an apron to cook delicious meals for the children, and is willing to lower his head and play various childish games with Fu Tian.

, but when Fu Sheng was bullied by the gangsters, he rushed over without thinking. In order to let Fu Sheng go back to school, so that the child would no longer be bullied, he argued with the teacher and even beat up the principal who was offending.

The teacher named Liu also knows about it."

"He was the one who guided your child out of despair. He was the one who saved you one second before the car accident. It was him who carried you to the hospital. It was him who helped your father reverse the case. He lost his job and had thousands of people stabbing his spine.

He is the one who wants to save your daughter despite insulting her."

The wife's whole body was shrouded in hatred. Her eyes passed over one hateful face after another, and finally stopped on Han Fei's body.

"The person who gave me that little bit of hope is still him."

After all the words were said, the wife stood there, the hatred around her unable to stop the rain from the sky.

The praying light spots and alienated blood drops fell on her coat, but she seemed not to feel it at all.

Sighing softly, Zhao Qian wanted to comfort her wife, but she found that she couldn't.

Putting her hands on the shoulders of Han Fei's body, she left all her hatred and love behind, then turned and left.

Ai Ai and Zhao Qian walked out of the alienated hospital, and they may never come back again.

Each one left all their hatred and love in Han Fei's body. Only Zhuang Wen tightened her lips in the crowd.

The building manager died, and his body was broken into pieces...

Seeing that everyone else was pouring hatred into Han Fei's body, Zhuang Wen also grabbed the faceless woman next to her who was about to lose her soul, left their hatred in the corpse, and then manipulated the hatred to repair Han Fei's body.

There is no way to take people back. The best result is to take back a complete body.

After much hesitation, Zhuang Wen finally made a decision. Just as she was about to speak to her wife, Li Guoer next to her suddenly said, "Can I take him away?"

Zhuang Wen's blood-colored pupils suddenly shrank. Is there anyone trying to snatch this?

Seeing that his wife was in a state of despair, as if she was indifferent to everything outside, Li Guoer seemed to already know the answer.

She took off the broken glasses, put away all the smiles on her face, and bowed deeply to her wife: "I'm sorry."

Hate and love were all poured into the corpse, and the women surrounding the base of the statue left one after another.

Some of them let go of everything, some pretended to forget, some maintained their apparent strength, and some left behind all their hatred and love, but could not forget the memories of those short few moments.

As one person after another walked out of the alienated hospital, the building soaked by praying raindrops seemed to begin to return to normal.

Alienation is obviously irreversible, but amid people's prayers, the alienated buildings are gradually covered with ordinary.

The pain and despair were covered, and the cracks in the earth and night sky slowly healed.

On the base of the statue, Han Fei's broken body was entangled with hatred and love, and was slowly put back together.

His wife stood by Han Fei's side until the rain stopped in the night sky.

The hatred in her body has dissipated and turned into a special emotion. She wants to help Han Fei heal his broken heart.

Touching the broken heart, my wife's tears fell down her cheeks, and her already cold heart gained a little warmth.

"I should take you home, but I know there is someone waiting for you."

All the hatred and love were gone, and his wife put Han Fei's heart back into her chest.

She retracted her hands and looked up at Zhuang Wen with all kinds of reluctance: "Take him home."

Zhuang Wen never expected that her wife would say such words. The black fire in her eyes shook slightly, but she soon realized that there was no black fire in the hatred in the shrine's memory world. Their hatred and love did not need black fire.

Fire burning is the purest form.

"You believe me?"

"You don't belong here. When I was twisted by hatred, I thought of many things and many people." The wife slowly turned around: "This is the best ending."

She dispersed all her love and hate and walked towards the outside of the hospital. After taking a few steps, she stopped.

The wife took a deep look at Han Fei's body and said softly to Zhuang Wen: "Take him home, don't let the people who love him worry."

The hatred and love of the ten haters were imprinted on Han Fei's body, and his body slowly became complete.

Walking towards the outside of the hospital, my wife did not look back. She walked on the dark street, covering her empty heart.

Walking home step by step, she suddenly felt that the city was so big and she had to walk so far to get home.

The thick darkness of night slowly faded away, and the light of the early sun shone on my body.

Taking out the key, the wife opened the door as usual, took off her shoes, tied on her apron, and entered the kitchen.

She wanted to prepare breakfast for her family as before, but after her hands touched the kitchen utensils, she realized that she couldn't pretend to be nonchalant.

Leaning against the cupboard, my wife slowly sat in the corner of the kitchen. She held her knees with her hands, not daring to cry too loud for fear of waking up the child.

The half-closed kitchen door was gently pushed open, and Fu Sheng, who had not slept all night, stood at the door of the kitchen. His father often stayed away all night, but this time he felt inexplicably flustered and scared.

After handing the tissue to his mother, Fu Sheng squatted next to him, not daring to ask that question.

After a long pause, the wife raised her head again. Her red and swollen eyes looked at Fu Sheng: "Dad has gone to a far away place, and he may never be able to go home again."

After hearing his mother's words, Fu Sheng's brain seemed to pause for a second. He was in a trance. It seemed that his body could not digest this information and he was still living in the daily inertia.

"Where was he last night?"

"That hospital, he called last and said he would never let you go to that hospital..." Before his wife could finish speaking, Fu Sheng ran out of the house.

He didn't know why he was running so hard, as if running harder and harder could keep his father.

His brain is blank, he should be doing something, he seems to be chasing something.

The alienated hospital looks ordinary under the sun. To the hospital, this day seems to be just one of countless days, so ordinary that no one remembers it.

After running into the hospital, Fu Sheng asked about his father when he saw people. He knew that his father was a nurse here.

I asked aimlessly in the hospital, but no one had an answer.

As he ran, he was finally stopped by security guards. When he was about to be kicked out, a female doctor and her nurse brother hurried over.

"Do you know which ward Fu Yi is in? He is the nurse here, and I want to see him!" Fu Sheng grabbed the male nurse's arm, and the nurse's eyes were a little complicated: "You know where he is, right! Tell me.


"He has already left." The female doctor took out a wrinkled diagnosis report: "He has been suffering from this disease for a long time and has been dragging it on."

"Doctor, I just want to see him now! Can you let me see him?" Fu Sheng grabbed the diagnosis report. He became more and more excited, and the security guards gathered around him again.

"Feel sorry."

Fu Sheng was dragged away by the security guard. The male caregiver kept comforting Fu Sheng and took him to see where Fu Yi worked before. Everything was still there, but the man didn't come over.

The sun slowly rose and there were more and more people in the hospital. Fu Sheng followed the nurses like a zombie until he was finally scattered among the crowd.

Fu Sheng sat on the steps of the hospital clutching the diagnostic report that had been concealed until the end. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he just sat there for a long time.

The sunlight casts a shadow on the window. As the sun rises and sets, the shadow of the window slowly changes.

I don’t know why he got up later, but Fu Sheng walked downstairs with the diagnostic report.

He walked out of the hospital and onto the street.

Pedestrians came and went, and vehicles kept passing by. Fu Sheng looked at this busy city, and he felt like a letter thrown into the mailbox without an address, with no origin and no future.

"Fu Sheng!"

Someone in the crowd seemed to be calling his name, but he looked around for a long time and couldn't find that person.

Walking towards the direction of the sound, Fu Sheng saw Fu Tian's mother who was walking in a hurry.

"Don't run out alone in the future, I'm afraid I won't find you..." The wife's expression has returned to normal, but her eyes are still a little red and swollen. She pulled Fu Sheng to her side.

"No matter where I go from now on, I will say hello to you." Fu Sheng looked at Fu Tian's mother. He had never called the woman in front of him her mother, but she never minded.

"Well, I've prepared some food, let's eat together." My wife and Fu Sheng walked through the bustling crowd and returned to the old community.

After opening the old security door, his wife took the food out of the kitchen, and Fu Sheng quietly folded the diagnostic report and hid it in his pants pocket.

It's still the same dining table as before, but one chair is empty.

Fu Sheng and his wife lowered their heads to eat. Fu Tian, ​​who was sitting on the chair, looked at his mother and then his brother. He grabbed the spoon and suddenly said: "Where is dad? Isn't he back yet?"

"Dad has gone to work out of town. It may take a year or two for him to come back. He has worked very hard for this family." His wife's tone was a little different from usual.

"Then can I call dad? I want him to come back as soon as possible. I also want to play hide-and-seek with him. I will definitely find him this time!" Fu Tian smiled happily and ate his meal with big mouthfuls.

"Dad has a confidential job, so you can't make phone calls casually." Fu Sheng took his own bowls and chopsticks and entered the kitchen: "I'm done eating."

After washing the dishes, he returned to his room.

Close the door, draw the curtains, and sit by the bed.

When the wife saw Fu Sheng locking the door, she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't.

Looking down at Fu Tian, ​​Fu Tian, ​​who hates carrots the most, is not picky this time. He seems to be looking for carrots to eat just to make his mother happy.

"Don't you usually hate eating carrots?"

"I'm not a child anymore. Only children are picky eaters." Fu Tian didn't waste any time and finished the meal: "Dad once told me before he went out. He said that if he leaves one day, let him

I came to protect mom, and I told her not to make you angry."

"Is that what he told you?"

"Well, Dad told me a lot of things! He said that you are the best wife in the world. If you quarrel, it must be his fault! He also said that my brother and I are destined to become big people who change the world in the future! Mom

, what is a big shot?”

"He is someone as powerful as your father." The wife turned her head and said after a while: "After eating, hurry up and do your homework."


When Fu Tian returned to his small room, his wife started cleaning. She kept looking for various jobs for herself and kept busy.

Time flows slowly, the sun rises to sets, and then disappears on the horizon.

After a tiring day, my wife walked into the bedroom. She lay sideways on the bed, facing the open space beside the bed, staring at the floor, as if she was thinking about someone.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a sudden knock on the bedroom door, and my wife sat up from the bed. She ran over and opened the bedroom door.

Fu Tian, ​​wearing pajamas, stood at the door of the bedroom. He was wiping tears for some reason, as if he had dreamed of something.

"What's wrong?"

"I miss daddy and can't sleep."

The wife bit her lip. She said nothing and stretched out her hand to hug Fu Tian gently.

Adults will have a tacit understanding not to talk or think about it, but children don't understand. He will expose the adults' tacit understanding and show all their sadness on their faces.

"Can mommy tell you a story?"

Let Fu Tian lie on the bed, and his wife took out a storybook and told him those beautiful fairy tales.

Time flies by without stopping because of someone's departure.

After the night, a new day comes.

The wife got up early to cook as before, but she had to prepare tableware and one less breakfast.

The door to the room was pushed open, and after the meal was ready, Fu Sheng also walked out of the room.

He was wearing a brand new school uniform and carrying his schoolbag, just like when he walked out of the room for the first time.

"The lunch box is ready for you, please be careful when eating."

"Okay." Fu Sheng picked up the lunch box: "I'm going to school."

After walking out of the old community, Fu Sheng opened his schoolbag and was about to put the lunch box in when he suddenly saw that the canned cat he had bought for the stray cats was still there.

He clearly remembered the scene that day. His father was fired from the game company and was looking for a new job. As a result, he accidentally bumped into his father at the school gate and found out that his father had gone to a plastic surgery hospital to work as a nurse.

"I didn't want to remember anything about him before, but now I realize that I remember every bit of him so clearly."

Holding the canned cat that was about to expire, Fu Sheng did not go to school. He came to the bus stop.

When that familiar bus pulled into the station, he subconsciously got on it.

The early morning bus was full of people, including office workers, adults returning from morning exercises, and students going to school.

Everyone was crowded together, swaying as the vehicles swayed, and people who knew each other occasionally chatted.

"Let me show you something good. This game was officially released at 5 o'clock this morning. I spent the whole night squatting and finally got it! It's super exciting!"

"Isn't it just a love development game?"

"Love development? Put on your headphones first. This game must not be played to the public."

The bus passed one stop after another. Fu Sheng was holding his schoolbag and looking at the scenery outside the window.

About half an hour later, he got out of the car and came to a small park that was almost deserted.

Walking on the road covered with weeds, Fu Sheng opened the can of cats, but strangely, not a single stray cat ran over in the small park.

He walked forward with his schoolbag in hand, and suddenly saw someone sitting on a bench in the distance.

The untrimmed bushes blocked most of the man's body. Fu Sheng couldn't help but speed up his pace. He jumped over the bushes and ran towards the park bench.

His heart was beating faster and faster, and he almost rushed over.

For some reason, Fu Sheng, full of expectation, pushed aside the bushes and looked at the bench up close.

A young man was sitting on one side of the bench. He was carrying a big bag filled with beer. There were many stray cats gathered around him.

Fu Sheng looked at the bench where the young man was sitting and remembered that morning.

He skipped school and met his unemployed father here.

Holding the opened cat can, Fu Sheng sat on the other side of the bench. He placed the cat can on the ground and watched the stray cats eating.

"Hey, why did you skip class again?" The young man looked at Fu Sheng with a smile on his face.

Fu Sheng was not in the mood to talk to strangers. He kept staring at the canned cat on the ground.

"Do you want to drink? You will feel better after you are drunk." The young man opened a can of beer and placed it in front of Fu Sheng.

Hearing that somewhat familiar tone, Fu Sheng turned to look at the young man, and then his eyes moved to the bottle of beer. He frowned and shook his head.

"You said you are a child in your prime, why do you look sad every day? You have to stand up!"

The young man put his hand that melted in the sun into his pocket, and then used his other hand to take out a black box from the bag filled with beer.

"I struggled for several days as to whether I should give this to you."

The young man seemed to be talking to himself. In the end, he did not hand the black box to Fu Sheng, but packed it up himself.

"Forget it, how can we go back to the future we finally changed?"

Standing up, the young man looked at Fu Sheng one last time: "There are still many people who love you in this world. I know it is because of them that you insist on making that choice. Let's go, stop skipping classes, you are not

Have you ever promised someone this?"

Under Fu Sheng's surprised gaze, the young man staggered toward the outside of the park. Before leaving the park, he turned his back to Fu Sheng and took out his cell phone and pressed it lightly.

The cell phone rang, and it took Fu Sheng a few seconds to suddenly realize something. He rummaged through his schoolbag and found the cell phone his father had bought for him.

The cell phone that only had his father's phone number rang. He opened it and there was a message from his father on it.

"Let's go, go forward, go further, see more scenery, and be a better version of yourself."

This chapter has been completed!
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