699 Our Photos

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Chapter 699 Our Photos

Everything changed so fast that Han Fei and the old man were not ready, and the room was completely dark.

They held their breath and stared at the head that was still rolling in front of the bedroom door.

"I think I found the child's mother..." When Han Fei looked back, the old lady had already knelt on the ground. She clasped her hands together and knelt down towards the bedroom, muttering words of pleading, hoping for her grandson.

You can leave your belongings behind.

In the room shrouded by the gloomy wind, coupled with the old man's constant prayers, there seemed to be a magical force here that wanted to drag everything into the unknown darkness.

The talisman on the door panel fell to the ground, and the trembling door suddenly returned to normal.

The metal door handle slowly twisted downwards, and the door covered with talismans was opened.

Han Fei's eyes were fixed on the crack in the door. His heart with his name written all over it suddenly beat hard. He felt that his soul seemed to be attracted by something, and his body couldn't help but want to move forward.

There was a stabbing pain in the back of my head, the memory fragments in my mind collided randomly, and the long-lost fear of death resurfaced.

His ears could clearly hear the pounding sound of his heart. Han Fei's eyes were completely attracted to the darkness behind the crack in the door. His soul seemed to be dragged onto a train speeding through the dark tunnel, directly heading towards the abyss of death.


"Who's behind that door!"

The head wrapped in batter hit the wall, and the yellow paper charm that was close to it fell off, revealing the simple colored strokes on the wall. A brightly colored child was playing in the house. He was disliked by his mother and beaten by his father. He was running around.

, chasing the bloody friends, running and jumping, hugging each other and telling fairy tales when they were scarred.

The picture under the yellow paper charm is full of color, cute and humorous, like a child singing.

The tinkling tinkling music box was opened, and children drawn with colored pens kept running on the wall under the yellow paper with talismans.

He danced and played hide-and-seek with his bloody friends. This home was his paradise, a small paradise full of absurdity, violence and gloom.

More and more pieces of yellow paper are falling out. Under the cloak of reality and ignorance, a distorted childhood is hidden.

The temperature was getting lower and lower, and the child on the wall was running faster and faster. He seemed to be inviting Han Fei to come inside and play together.

The palms of his hands were covered with curses, and waves of stinging pains constantly reminded Han Fei. By the time he realized what he was doing, he had already arrived at the door of the bedroom.

"I haven't had this trance-like feeling for a long time..."

It was difficult to sway Han Fei with his willpower, and he couldn't explain what happened just now.

The daily life patterns drawn by the children on the wall formed a sharp contrast with the weird objects in the room. The child on the wall welcomed his arrival, but the ugly statues placed in the room blinked when he turned back.

The child's drawings reflect the reality he sees, and also reflect the child's spiritual world. The majesty and solemnity of the statues represent the dull reality in the eyes of adults, and also restrain and suppress him.

As his Adam's apple rolled, various noises appeared in Han Fei's ears, like someone chanting sutras, someone repeating some weird syllables, or someone asking for help.

The old lady with a divine face was kneeling in the living room, muttering words that no one could understand. She was only a few steps away from Han Fei, but she felt that they were far apart.

"It seems there is no going back."

The darkness behind the crack in the door carries a mysterious power, as if small hands are grabbing the heart and pulling a normal living person in little by little.

The former No. 4 child may have been slowly destroyed in this way, and was slowly locked into the darkness of the bedroom, and then never came out.

Originally, when Han Fei entered this building, he thought that he would not encounter anything too dangerous. After all, the apartment building No. 4 is only so big, and there could not be as many obsessions and ghosts as there were in the plastic surgery hospital. But the facts proved that he was wrong.

Very outrageous.

For a child whose mind is not yet mature, a room may be a world that he cannot escape from, an object may cause him fear, and a wardrobe may bring him suffocating despair.

Holding the door handle and pushing it forward slowly, the bedroom behind the door is filled with various colorful drawings, hiding all the nightmares and fears of a child.

Despair became a singing elf, dad's belt had eyes, and mom's cosmetics turned into precious human organs that would break at the slightest touch.

Questions and options are written on each floor tile. You must be careful every step you take in this room. If you answer incorrectly, you will be punished and scolded.

The heavy curtains seemed to be filled with lead, making it impossible for ordinary people to open and close them at will.

The bed was covered with black thorns, and the corpses of various bugs were hidden under the bed. A huge doll was lying next to the bed pretending to sleep. She had long hair and bright eyes made of buttons.

Big, but because her head and shoulders were sewn together, she couldn't lower her head and couldn't see the children who were weaker and more in need of protection than her.

Her white body was smeared with various low-quality cosmetics. She had a fragrant skin sac, but it could be seen from the cracks in her skin that her body was filled with dead animals.

The sound of ding-dong-ding-dong sounded again, and the child's little paradise began to open for business. The patterns on the wall came to life, and the child played happily with his bloody friends until the doorbell rang.

Han Fei glanced behind him, and saw that the room had changed a long time ago. All the talismans and statues in the room had disappeared, and the living room had become like the bedroom. He seemed to have fallen into the nightmare of child No. 4.

The cat downstairs was giving birth and making strange noises, and the geckos upstairs stuck their heads out to peek. They were just watching, and no one had the guts to smash the glass.

The ringing of the doorbell became more and more urgent, and the person outside the security door gradually lost patience and began to beat the door wildly. He became harder and harder, and the metal door trembled more and more violently.

"The puppets represent mother. Does the person outside the door represent father?"

The cat with dystocia and the peeping gecko seem to be indifferent neighbors. Everything in the child's eyes is different from reality, but is somehow related to reality.

After a long period of violent knocking, the metal door was finally opened.

The dull sound of leather shoes on the ground was a bit scary. Han Fei turned around and looked at the living room, where an extremely huge shadow poured in from the door.

No. 4's father appears. He represents darkness and depression, and is the lingering shadow in No. 4's heart.

The huge body scraped against the colored pen drawings on the wall. Han Fei reacted quickly. He wanted to pull the red rope, but after clenching his fingers, he found that the red rope was no longer there, and he touched the cold fingers of a child.

Turning around, Han Fei looked at his arm in surprise.

He didn't know when he turned into a child in shabby clothes, and his body was still smelling like an festering wound.


The security door was slammed shut, and before Han Fei had time to think about when he had been tricked, he saw a middle-aged man with a foul smell coming out of the huge shadow.

His eyes are always red, and his face is ferocious and merciless, like an evil ghost.

After taking off the vomit-stained coat, the man's body almost merged with the shadow. He walked up to Han Fei in one step and grabbed Han Fei's neck.

At that moment, Han Fei really felt the threat of death, but soon, the shadow man saw the brand new internal organs on the puppet table.

He threw Han Fei to the ground with force, grabbed the corners of the table with both hands, and violently overturned the dressing table to the ground.

Those organs screamed, and the strange thing was that all the screams came from another man.

After hearing the sound, No. 4's father became even more angry. He crushed the organs on the ground and grabbed a few of them and stuffed them into the puppet's body.

The long-haired puppet waved her hands, but she was not as strong as the man after all. She wanted to scream, but as a puppet, she had no mouth.

The man tore open the belly of the doll and pressed the broken organs into her belly. Not satisfied with this, he stuffed his head into the doll's body and bit the doll's body.

Han Fei no longer wanted to think about the meaning of these scenes, so he quietly ran to the kitchen.

How to do it? No. 4 gave the answer from the beginning.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong. Many tragedies happened in the corners of indulgence and neglect. Unfortunately, these past things cannot be changed. Han Fei now only wants to change the tragedies that may happen in the future.

After shrinking a lot, Han Fei picked up the kitchen knife and walked to the bedroom door again.

The belly of the doll on the bed was torn to pieces, and pieces of cloth fell down and rested on the animal carcasses. She pinched the shadow's neck with her hands, but there was no way to stop him.

Slowing down, Han Fei tried his best not to make a sound, and quietly walked around behind the man.

As a butcher who hunts butchers, he clearly knows how to kill with one blow, but No. 4 does not understand this. He may have experienced practice again and again late at night, hesitating again and again, and trying again and again, until finally

Finally turned myself into a complete monster!

Move forward, find the correct angle, press your body up, and use your weight to stab the sharp knife!

"The old lady said that her son was bitten to death by No. 4. What I am doing now should be something he has not done before, but wants to do."

Han Fei, who had incomplete memory, made a choice in this absurd and crazy nightmare. He felt very uncomfortable, but this should be the fastest way to end the nightmare.

It's hard to describe the horror of this place. In fact, some scenes would make ordinary people collapse just by looking at them. That is, he, a player who has been tested in the deep world for a long time, can stay calm.

Han Fei stepped into the child's perspective and accomplished what he failed to do. His father, the source of despair, was stabbed. His rotten heart and the shadows all over his body shrank rapidly, and black blood spattered Han Fei and the puppets.

Han Fei, who was used to finishing the attack, didn't stop there. He wanted to pull out a sharp knife and chop off the monster's head, but the furious man didn't give him a chance and waved his hand to grab it.

The sharp fingertips penetrated Han Fei's skin. Ordinary children might have been frightened. However, Han Fei completely assumed the role of No. 4. At that moment, he acted like a mad beast. He even took the initiative to bite him.

Man's neck.

When facing fear and despair, the extremely powerful man became timid. He behaved just like in reality. He was caught off guard and was bitten on the neck by Han Fei.

No matter how hard he pulled and beat, Han Fei refused to let go.

In fact, Han Fei knew better than anyone that this might be his only chance.

Number Four's nightmare is to let everyone experience his despair and pain, and then sink here. Han Fei decisively uses Number Four's method of fighting back in reality to determine the outcome.

There were more and more wounds on his body, whippings, abuse and beatings, but he endured it until the shadow on the man gradually faded away.

Before No. 4 bit the man to death, he had been living in the fear he brought. After biting that fear, he went to the other extreme and became a symbol of death and misfortune among the thirty-one orphans.

Black blood poured into his mouth and soaked his clothes. When the man was unable to support his body, Han Fei stepped on his back and stood up.

The puppet on the bed threw various objects at Han Fei, and his disgust and fear were clearly expressed without words.

"It's your turn..." The scarred Han Fei pulled out the sharp knife and walked towards the puppet. He hesitated for a moment, but in the end his reason drove him to make the second choice.

Han Fei didn't know what memories the maniacal laughter took away from his mind, but his intuition told him that he might not have done this before.

Stepping in the black blood, when Han Fei stabbed the puppet's cheek with a sharp knife, all the thick curtains on the bedroom window frame fell to the ground.

The dust stirred up, and the blood-red moonlight shone on Han Fei. He stopped what he was doing and looked toward the window.

Outside the glass window was a huge red eye, where there seemed to be a monster as tall as the apartment staring at Han Fei all the time.

Han Fei vaguely remembered seeing a similar scene. Before he could react, he heard the sound of glass breaking.

A finger covered with scars reached into the room and pressed on Han Fei's head like it was crushing an insect.

"So you haven't let go of your mother yet."

The finger penetrated directly through Han Fei's skull and reached into his mind. Nothing could stop it, and all the memories it touched were shattered.

But just when that finger was about to completely crush Han Fei's consciousness, it touched a small piece of incomplete memory.

In the picture was a group photo of thirty orphans. The photo was given to Han Fei by the painter in the midnight mall. It was also the first D-class cursed object that Han Fei obtained.

The huge finger hovered over the photo, as if caressing the children's faces.

The bloodshot eyes blinked, and the nightmare that trapped Han Fei was instantly shattered. At the same time, thousands of curses covered Han Fei's body, completely protecting him.

Han Fei's vision returned to normal. He had walked out of No. 4's nightmare and was still stopped at the door of the bedroom.

"Why do you have...pictures of us?"

The child's tender voice came from inside the house, and his tone sounded gentle.

This chapter has been completed!
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