Chapter 993 The last nightmare I hope you are happy every day

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Laughing wildly is a special thing in Han Fei's heart. He is always laughing like crazy, carrying everyone's pain and despair. He is always laughing hysterically, as if he will never be knocked down.

Laughing Crazy Before the success of usurping the gods, every time Han Fei logged into the game, there would be a bloody person standing behind him. In the bloody city, the two of them were back to back, relying on each other. Perhaps in their eyes,

The other party will never fall and is always trustworthy.

"I have always regarded Laughter as an indescribable god, but he is actually a human being like me, and he can also feel pain and despair."

Han Fei didn't know how long he could sustain his laughter. He had to destroy all the shrines in the shallow world as soon as possible and rush back to the deep world, where his home and family were.

"The dream is getting closer."

The villains in movies always give the protagonist various opportunities, but for an opponent like Meng, once he determines his goal, he will use all his means without any reservations.

Reality, the shallow world, and the deep world are all under attack.

Standing in the guild station, Han Fei seemed to see a huge black wave rising in the distance, and he had nowhere to hide.

A few hours later, the chaotic night finally ended. Han Fei and his neighbors rushed to Novice Village in the main city in advance.

The sun rises at eight o'clock, and newcomers log in one after another. Many of them have a very difficult time living. Normally, they would not be able to afford an expensive game warehouse in their lifetime, and they would spend their whole life unable to come here.

"Pay attention to your surroundings! No players are allowed to come near!"

Han Fei's expression was extremely serious. Reality and what happened in the deep world brought him great pressure.

After two top hate guards, several large-scale resentment escorts, Han Fei and other new players arrived, they gave them an overview of the situation in the city and some basic operations. Then they led everyone towards the central square of the main city.

The surviving players hid in the building and took a peek. They didn't understand why so many newcomers came in to die. You must know that the main city is almost like hell. A random stranger passing by on the street might be a perverted murderer.

Even the most trusted partners are betrayed, and the bridges between people are crumbling.

The gray fog was dispelled by hatred, and there were two batches of new players who logged in this time, approximately more than 5,000 people.

The difference between them and ordinary people can be clearly seen from their mental state. Their obsession and fetters as the masters of nightmares also bear unimaginable pain. Their lives are like wicks soaked in despair, struggling and burning without knowing what.

Time will return to darkness.

The central square in the early morning was a little deserted. The massacre last night made the players afraid to go out casually, and they were not willing to continue exploring the nightmare for the time being.

"You guys wait here for a moment." Han Fei pushed No. 2 out of the building in a wheelchair, and the two stopped at the giant screen that was scrolling with various nightmare information.

In just a few minutes, a new player was already crying.

Cheng Sheng, because what was playing on the giant screen was the story of him and his mother.

His mother is no longer here, and he can only hear her singing in his dreams. With his mother's encouragement, he goes out in the best condition every day, smiling and facing the sunshine.

"My mother is not a ghost. She drove you away just because she was worried that I would be scared."

"Yes, I know." Han Fei walked through the crowd and gently hugged the crying boy: "You will be able to see her soon." "What do I need to do?" The new player wiped away his tears.

He looked at Han Fei with light in his eyes, as if he could do anything.

"Just put your thoughts, what you want to say to the nightmare master, and the emotions accumulated in your heart into this box." No. 2 raised his hands, holding a black box full of cracks, which could be vaguely seen through the cracks.

, the inside of this box is pure white: "Don't resist my consciousness. I will connect your destiny with Han Fei and let him send all your thoughts to the nightmare master."

Number Two's voice reached the ears of every new player, and then he passed by the players holding the box and watched with his own eyes as each hand touched the black box.

Black represents despair, white represents hope. Everyone uses their most precious memories to touch despair. Slowly, the black and white box begins to shrink, and many cracks are filled.

When No. 2 got the box back from the last player, there were basically no obvious cracks in the black and white box.

"Take it and carry it on your back." Number 2 handed the box to Han Fei very formally.

After Han Fei held up the black and white box on behalf of No. 2, No. 2 gently placed his hand on the box. He looked at Han Fei's face for a long time: "Can you promise me something?"

"you say."

"Let No. 0 live, okay?" No. 2 seemed to have seen something. This was also the first time he spoke to Han Fei in an almost pleading tone.

Han Fei is a very smart man. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded: "Okay."

After receiving Han Fei's reply, No. 2 seemed to have no regrets anymore. His eyes began to disappear slowly, followed by his ears and arms.

When he was undergoing the personality test, because No. 2 exceeded the expectations of all the testers, in order to restrain him, those people first made him disabled, then gouged out his eyes, and then deprived him of his hearing and arms.

In the end, all that's left is a brain in a jar.

Number Two in the wheelchair was disappearing smoothly. He seemed to have made the final decision, and everything that disappeared was poured into the box in Han Fei's hand.

An unspeakable aura began to emerge, and black and white light pillars shot into the sky. The chains of fate imprisoning everyone in the city were instantly shattered, and a huge hole was opened in the gray fog that shrouded the sky.

"I send you into your final nightmare."

The sound disappeared in his ears, leaving only a wheelchair in front of Han Fei. Holding the black and white box in his hands, he could feel a force forcibly changing his fate of death.

Picking up the box, Han Fei left the central square and walked towards the main city hospital.

Players all over the city looked at him, and one neighbor after another walked behind him, blending into his ghost pattern and becoming a part of his life.

The gray mist ducked in front of Han Fei, who moved forward with the black and white box under the pressure of the eleven shrines.

He stepped on the hospital stairs and reached the top floor of the hospital.

Approaching step by step, under the gaze of countless players, Han Fei slowly lowered his hand holding the box, and truly touched the dream shrine for the first time.

The colorful world was swallowed by darkness, and nightmare bubbles tried to wrap up Han Fei, but they all left after approaching Han Fei.

The owners of the nightmare seemed to feel a familiar aura from Han Fei. Even if they couldn't be sure, they were still unwilling to hurt him.

Keep falling in the darkness, getting colder and colder, more and more desperate, and the nightmare is getting deeper and deeper.

There was no bubble to stop Han Fei, and he didn't know how long he had been falling until the water splashed and Han Fei saw a faint light.

He was lying on the sea, bubbles emerging from the deep sea, and strange sounds hidden in every wave. This seemed to be the end of all nightmares.

"For people like me, the sea has a special meaning."

The seawater poured into Han Fei's ears, and a voice sounded in his ears.

Opening his eyes, Han Fei saw an endless sea, which was bigger than any previous nightmare.

The cold water soaked his body and there was nothing around him. Han Fei struggled hard and swam in a certain direction, but no matter how hard he tried, there was still no end to the sea.

Slowly, he became exhausted and could no longer swim.

His body began to sink, and the seawater flooded his heart, his mouth, his eyes, and his ears.

"I never think there is a God in this world. If there is a God, why are there so many sad things? He allows sadness and pain. An unmerciful God is not the God I believe in."

There are voices hidden in every drop of sea water. I don't know who is speaking. These voices seem to have been buried under the sea and can only be heard by those who have sunk into the deep sea.

"I couldn't control my hands. I couldn't even hold the half-filled glass of water. It kept shaking. I was looking for medicine everywhere, walking around, walking around, walking around."

"I wanted to lie down in the rain, but when I fell, I fell into the sea. I didn't know who would come to save me. I saw myself getting further and further away from my previous life."

"It seems like I haven't been happy for a long time. Do you have to cry when you want to?"

"I feel so uncomfortable, can you stay with me?"

"You don't really want to stay with me, do you? I'm a monster."

"I'm sorry, I can't stand it anymore, can I run away? I'm a little tired, I'm sorry.

"Heavy rain."

The distance between Han Fei and the sea is getting farther and farther, his body is still sinking, he can't control himself, and everything around him is dark.

"Those people's voices always appeared in my mind. I didn't really want to jump. Someone grabbed my hair."

"It's too noisy. This empty room is so noisy. My hair is all over my hands. I blocked my ears and it still feels noisy."

"There are endless examinations every day, just like the rag dolls I put on the bed. Like me, they always can't eat, and they can't help but want to pull them out when they need rehydration."

"Later they confiscated my pen, so I took out the metal strip from the mask and pricked my wrist with it. The blood marks were like ripples and waves. I seemed to see the sea again."

His chest was tight, and Han Fei felt pressure coming from all directions. His body was sinking. The feeling of suffocation was not strong, but it was always there, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"My life has become a sea with no direction. I want to open my heart and see what's wrong with me?"

"It takes a lot of effort to breathe, it takes a lot of effort to live, and I have to pretend to be normal."

"No one likes me when I am bad. Life is not easy for them. There are many people who have experienced more suffering than me. I shouldn't be like this. I always tell myself that I shouldn't be like this."

"I will try not to let others dislike me and try not to influence others. I tell myself loudly that I am very young and will not die yet."

"I try my best to laugh, adapt to life, and reassure my loved ones. I try my best to be a gentle person, hide my arms covered with blood scabs, and wear long sleeves all year round."

As he continued to sink, Han Fei endured an ever-increasing sense of suffocation. He didn't know how to get through this nightmare. Everything seemed to have no answer.

His skin became pale and his brain gradually became dull. Han Fei gritted his teeth to stay awake and tried his best to distinguish the sounds pouring into his ears.

The words blended into the sea seemed to come from the bottom of the sea, and also seemed to come from the bottom of his heart.

Looking down, I saw an uninhabited island in the deep sea.

"I deleted all the photos. I don't want to see myself and I don't want to be trapped here anymore."

"I stopped talking and trying to make others understand. I started to become silent and quiet. I seemed to be becoming more and more like this sea that I couldn't escape from."

"That white pill can make me fall asleep. I swallow it very clearly. I can feel it passing through my esophagus. I gradually lose control of my body and my vision becomes hazy. I seem to be having that dream again."

"I sank into the deep sea, looking at myself and you."

"I dreamed that I had become the four seasons, my arms were full of flowers, the warm rain fell on my feet, and I melted the white snow and floated on the sea."

"I know I love this world deeply and it has given me everything I have, but it's time to say goodbye."

This chapter has been completed!
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