Chapter 120 The Great Witch’s pure and stubborn recognition

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 In the world of nothingness, there is no distinction between up and down and left and right.

Neither the sky nor the ground have the same definition they once had.

Kelbecus is suspended in such a realm of nothingness.

If he didn't have a clearer and more magnificent anchor, he might not even know whether he was moving or at rest.

There is no force anywhere at all around it.

When material particles are in a state of complete nothingness, ordinary power seems to be meaningless.

Or, for the vast majority of material life at the conventional level, when it enters such a realm of nothingness, it will not have a better ending than a mortal being setting foot in space without protection.

Kelbekus didn't know what kind of power was supporting him. The ancient past, described in such an epic chapter, even felt pale under the power.

Xiao Wu stared at this petite soul that was gradually getting healthier in the realm of reality.

To praise?

Although he is a pure worshiper, he is not interesting at all.

Of course, that kind of knowledge reserve is not limited or targeted.

From Xiao Wu's gaze filled with glory, one can see its more muddy details:

Judging from Xiao Wu's rich adventure experience in the upper plane, it should be a devil.

And at this moment, in that realm of nothingness.

is love?

Xiao Wu thought like that.

Still lack some courage

Just like the star that has entered the mountaintop in the material world, the emptiness returns to the "color" it should have lost.

At that time, Ji Qianbeikus realized that maybe the other party wanted to retreat and communicate with me later.

This moment appears to have a larger than healthy soul, perhaps some subspecies of succubus.

This is a soul that wavers between evil and evil

Kel Ji Qianren stood outside silently.

Yi Xia, who had just returned, looked at the prompt information refreshed under her retina with great satisfaction.

His remaining strength is like a larva in the dusk, weak and powerless, waiting for the judgment of fate.


But it was so evil again.

It nestles on the back of this more majestic soul.

Xiao Wu thought like that.


"It's you

Outside the realm where all things can gaze, in the void where order and chaos border.

Or with fear or trembling?

This is more like a star, not just the level of its material structure, but also this indescribable feeling.

And the fire that was still burning coldly around Kelbecus now regained its intensity.

As we all know, Xiao Wu has always had a rather empty knowledge reserve about devils and demons.

But that kind of goodwill did not make the other party fall into fierceness.

The burning that followed provided a few elements of order to the imaginary space.

Then, in the last moment, without any warning, the light that illuminated the land of nothingness left.

In this way, the last moment followed Yi Xia's will.

"Yes, you think so..."

A gentle voice appeared in Kelbekus's ear.

Yi Xia can see these more real flows on flesh and blood. With greatness?

And at this moment, the realm of nothingness was suddenly given an extra color:

"A small being whose will he recognized"

Kelbechus said in a high and gentle voice.

It's more like the gift from "nothing" to "being"...

Kelbecus knew that it was the attention of the unknown ancient god

But obviously, that is a blind conjecture.

Two very different souls embraced each other in the spiritual dimension.

These times in the native plane

In the concept, it is not a distant past, but now it has become less vague.

Based on Xiao Wu's permission and recognition, it gave darkness and coolness to the two interdependent souls.

That is also the burning will and power

At the same time, Earth Liucheng

This is the fundamental thought that was born under such circumstances.

For such a magnificent life, the emotions and will revealed in its eyes should not be divided and expressed in a more opaque and macroscopic way.

At this moment, these concepts of antiquity and insignificance are creating strange and confusing music in my consciousness.

Seeing the two souls whose condition deteriorated but fell into even more confusion and panic, Xiao Wu withdrew his attention in disbelief.

"Yes, your king."

Therefore, even if the flames disappear now, Ji Qianbeikus can still move around in the void relatively safely.

Perhaps there will be no mortal beings who can imagine this in a more wonderful way:

I can't describe my feelings at this moment. I just feel that I am not looking into the eyes of a flesh and blood creature.

Kelbecus felt like a great flying insect being noticed by humans. Instead, he felt like an elegant human man.

Of course, there might not be some other demon blood?

Therefore, Xiao Wu had another kind of goodwill toward that being who was not an extraordinary civilization of Eastern origin, but was a pure benefactor.

Judging from Yi Xia's experience in that area.

even blood or death

In that imaginary realm, Kelbecus stared at this magnificent sky-high body across the incomprehensible imaginary space.

This is the recognition of another kind of purity and stubbornness

Or is it another factor that I am more aware of?

But now, it has become as powerful as the most advanced lemure. This seems to span the life levels of dimensions, making me feel that it is difficult to understand the other party's thoughts.

This reminded Xiao Wu of some distant memories, which still belong to the softness and youthfulness of mortal things.

The land that was originally shrouded in nothingness was suddenly given light and fiery elements.

This was supposed to be a fire of destruction and violence, but it became the material anchor of another concept in the imaginary realm.

When Kelbecus heard this, he shook his head.

And in front of it, a more delicate soul is attached to it.

But obviously, I cannot carry that kind of kindness that seems to span dimensions. How should I praise such greatness?

News came from the Pigeon and Migratory Bird Newspaper Agency that every mortal in the material world is looking for the sheep's horns and some other traces of himself that have not been completely eliminated under the forehead of his soul essence, which proves his once weak upper plane bloodline.

It's not like a dark area being illuminated.

It is the twins of life and death, the continuation of past vows and feelings - until the end of life and death, there is also the stubbornness and attachment that cannot be eradicated. These flesh and blood in the eyes of mortal things, in Xiao Wu's eyes at this moment, are wrapped in endless brilliance.

The camouflage of the earthly world can be shed.

"Ancient God..."

On the other side, Yi Xia looked at Kelbekus behind her eyes quite contentedly.

Around this mortal being named Ji Qian Ji Qianren, raging flames instantly ignited.

This should have been an action suitable for the devil to suck souls, but now it has become a channel that tightly links two very different souls...



This chapter has been completed!
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