Chapter 164 Great Destruction?

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The sky is cracking...

Uranaret jumped across the broken earth.

Every jump is like rushing towards the fate of destruction and death.

But it's like fate is playing its unpredictable tricks on all things.

Every step Ulanaret took happened to jump to a temporarily safe area.

But Uranaret knew that it was not due to fate.

It is the final struggle of two poor people trying to survive in the face of the collapse of the world...

"Hold tight!"

Uranaret roared loudly.

It could feel the thin creature on its back clinging to its hair.

Under the violent tremors of the earth, under Uranaret's powerful jump.

The extremely shocking shaking made it gradually difficult to grasp the creature on its back.

Ulanaret had no choice but to make a sound to remind him.

Now, there is nothing that can be done about it.

It came to this world alone through the void shaft in order to try to find its lost brother here.

This is a dangerous world dominated by dark creatures.

Its masters are a group of crazy and extreme subhumans.

They have huge sizes and cruel minds that far exceed those of ordinary humans.

Uranaret's brother was caught here because he was attracted by one of the female demi-humans.

At that time, Ulanaret was still adventuring in other areas.

When he returned to his hometown and learned about the situation, more than three months had passed since the other party was arrested.

That is Ulanaret's best brother.

Before Uranaret became a legend, they had spent countless iron-blooded battles together.

During the journey of blood and fire, they made a blood oath in front of the enemy's corpse.

That is the strongest and most eternal friendship for people like Uranaret.

Therefore, after learning this news.

Without even having time to activate the connections that a legendary character should have, Ulanaret resolutely went to this dark world alone.

As a legendary character with a fighting background, Ulanaret has such confidence and strength.

But reality always doesn't have so many romantic elements.

When Uranaret went through a series of ways to reach the demihuman city where his brother was captured, he only found a shapeless corpse.

The distortion and blasphemy lingering on it even made Ulanaret unable to tell whether it was his brother.

Before the furious Uranaret was ready to completely destroy this demihuman city.

The unimaginable disaster came without any warning...

That was beyond any recorded disaster that Uranaret had been exposed to.

The whole world is crumbling like a lonely boat in the sea.

The unknown but extremely dangerous sky fire fell from the sky that seemed to be torn apart.

It is like the fire of judgment that the ancient gods in the taboo myth gave to the world to destroy its fate.

Once contaminated, it is difficult to remove.

In other words, for most substances, there is no chance of elimination.

Ulanaret witnessed with his own eyes a wisp of fire the size of a human head falling on a certain demihuman city.

And the next moment, the entire city was engulfed by the sea of ​​​​fire!

Without much wailing or exclamation, everything rushes towards its burning fate suddenly and swiftly...

"Stay away from those fires, where I smell the most vicious curse of fate..."

At this moment, Ulanaret heard the creature behind him speak.

This unknown little thing was accidentally discovered when he was rescuing his brother.

The other party was imprisoned in the most secret corner of that city.

At first, Uranaret thought it was his brother.

According to his personal opinion, that is the treatment his brother deserves.

But after killing all the enemies who tried to stop him and breaking open the tightly protected door, Ulanaret unexpectedly discovered an unknown life.

It looked like a goblin, but it was much bigger than the goblin in Uranaret's memory.

He even started to have some contact with stunted humans.

And it doesn't have fairy wings, but it has two pairs of devil-like horns.

With the idea that the trip was not in vain, Ulanaret rescued the little guy.

Then, after several twists and turns, he found the body that was suspected to be his brother's...

Then, the whole world will be destroyed...

While constantly jumping, Ulanaret glanced behind him.

He saw a world divided by fire.

The broken world seemed to be made whole again by the devouring of flames.

The original ferocious city and wilderness can no longer be seen clearly, everything is burning and melting in the blazing fire...

In the end what happened?

no one knows.

At least, most of the beings still in this world don't know it.

They were like passengers on a magnificent ship that suddenly sank, scurrying around the room in a hurry.

As a legendary character who travels all over the world, Ulanaret still has some experience.

Although he didn't understand what was happening, it was the right way to stay away from this world as soon as possible.

However, at this time, the entire world's time and space was in a state of extreme disorder and chaos.

To teleport under such circumstances, perhaps only those special beings who are well versed in chaotic teleportation can attempt it.

As an individual with obvious strength and even intelligence, Uranaret undoubtedly seems somewhat lacking in this aspect.

Fortunately, his other legendary friends are already working hard to lead him out of this world.

For this reason, Ulanaret needs to continue to struggle in the face of such a final natural disaster.

And just after Uranaret used his ax to split open a large piece of material debris that was hitting him, he suddenly felt light all over!


Uranaret suddenly raised his head.

The next moment, he saw a spectacle that he might never forget in his life:

The entire world's sky was completely torn apart, disintegrated, and fell into a state of chaos.

A huge, shapeless thing engulfed in flames suddenly embedded itself in this world!

But it seems that maybe this is not its original intention.

Because the next moment, a pair of huge arms stretched straight out of the chaotic sky.

It ignored the fire that ravaged the super giant unknown thing and grabbed it.

Then, he roughly pulled the unknown thing out.

Then, there was a strong omen of something exciting!

It seems like something great has been destroyed!

This shocking scene, full of a sense of déjà vu, left Ulanaret almost stunned.

But soon, a strong call from another time and space forced him to react.

There is no more time to hesitate, the world at this time is already in a state of complete collapse!

Uranaret grabbed the creature behind him, attached his breath to it, and then accepted the call from a foreign time and space.

And when he was completely far away from this ruined world, in the chaotic time and space, Ulanaret vaguely caught a glimpse of a fleeting blazing light.

It was like a giant holding up the sky was giving him burning attention in the chaotic time and space...

This chapter has been completed!
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