Chapter 193 The Fox Girl Pear of Qingqiu

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Nvli stared at the shadow above her head warily.

The exploding hair made its size even larger.

Although for the current majestic existence, this change in body shape is still insignificant...

Nvli knew that this was a great witch.

Not all giants in the sky are bound to be great witches.

Not all great witches have bodies that hold up to the sky.

But none of the great witches and wild creatures in the sky would admit their mistake...

And with the appearance of the other party, the energy around him became less stable.

There was a looming fire in the void, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly.

But Nuli knew that the other party was not the "Rong" who was in awe of thousands of creatures in the wild. Because she had seen him from afar.

And besides that, the "face-stricken" great witch...

Is it the witch of future generations who has been making a lot of noise recently - Xia Wu?

Another human tyrant...

How would a great wizard be born from such a barren realm in later generations?

Maybe it won't be so clear to people who belong to the same ethnic group.

But Nvli, who is more closely related to spirits and beasts to a certain extent, couldn’t be clearer...

What's more, the other party's current behavior also shows this.

You definitely can't beat me...

There is no shortage of people in the wilderness who can fight, and there are also many who are more powerful than the new witch now. But at this moment in this derivative time and space, it is not always the case.

After all, they were all fighting, and they were all fighting each other passionately on the other side...

Nvli could only hide the spirit behind her more tightly.

It was a spirit with the shape of a pear tree.

According to its name, it is naturally related to the female pear.

Although it is quite nonsense, the beginning of friendship does not require such an orderly concept.

In short, this is its female pear's friend.

It wants to protect its friends from this big witch!

So, after a crazy brainstorm, Nuli took the lead in speaking to the majestic figure and said:

"I am a female pear. Why did you lead your troops to invade my friend's territory?"

Yi Xia, on the other hand, watched the little fox in front of him with great interest.

Not for any other reason.

It's just that Yi Xia met too many slippery foxes who would run away immediately after encountering them.

This kind of fox standing confidently and facing him is really rare. Maybe all foxes in the wild are like this?

Considering the familiar aura on the other party, Yi Xia was not in a hurry.

He sat down casually and looked at the little fox with explosive fur.

Naturally, Yi Xia would not argue about justice with this little fox.

As far as the spirit is concerned, he is naturally violent and evil, so what does that have to do with him?

He is a wizard of men, not a king of beasts.

As a hunter, do you sympathize with the hunted?

As far as Yi Xia is concerned, he has let go of only three kinds of spirits during his hunting so far.

One is someone who has helped him and even fought alongside him.

For example, before becoming extraordinary, Yi Xia also used the monster summoning technique to summon beasts to fight.

Although those beasts were essentially beasts, Yi Xia would not kill or even eat them.

The second type is those who have acquired humanity and are not stained with blood.

Not all spirits who have awakened to wisdom can unanimously believe that they possess a certain degree of humanity at the same time.

In its development, it is a sufficiently obscure and grand proposition.

Therefore, in this regard, Yi Xia's judgment is quite flexible and idealistic.

As for the last one, it is like this one:

Under the auspices of familiar forces or their descendants.

As long as he is not stained with blood debt, Yi Xia will not

Will be entangled in a "shredded meat".

In a sense, this is like the relationship between a hunter and a beast.

A beast that shows enough "spirituality" will make the hunter feel pity and recognition.

And man-eating beasts will be killed even if they are not needed.

As for the charm bonus shown by the beast itself due to its characteristics, it is another consideration. Yi Xia stared at the little fox under her eyes with endless fire.

The first time he saw the other person, he recognized the other person's heels.

He has come into contact with many foxes.

But the one with the closest relationship is naturally the one from Qingqiu...

Right now, this little fox has the aura of Qingqiu...

But then again, this is Zhuolu, what is this little guy doing here? Yi Xia then started to investigate, but did not find the scent of other foxes. "Are you Qingqiu Fox? Why did you come here?


Without beating around the bush, Yi Xia asked directly.

"I'm here to visit a friend!"

Nvli said confidently.

It was actually a little frightened at this time.

As time goes by, it becomes more and more able to smell the smell of the new witch...

That was not the rusty smell it had smelled before.

But it is far deeper and more terrifying than that...

Nvli has never killed anyone, so she can't stand the aura of such weapons.

There is a fox in Qingqiu, with four legs and nine tails.

It is different from that man-eating beast.

Otherwise, King Yu would not have married Tushan...

Speaking of which, the foxes of later generations follow the path of the Nine-Tails, which can be regarded as a symbol of their decline.

After all, the fox at that time was born with nine tails...

How many spirits has this guy killed...

Nuli couldn't help but think in her heart.

It retracted its paws under its tail to prevent the other party from seeing its trembling appearance. As for the reason for the trembling fur?

The fire is dry and the wind is strong, that's all...

Yi Xia smiled when he heard this and didn't ask any further questions.

At first, he only noticed that the bean soldiers were killed and thought that something big had appeared.

It turned out to be a young Qingqiu fox.

He immediately stood up and said under Nvli's suddenly wary gaze when he saw this, "I have an old relationship with Nvjiao. She helped me. I will never hate Qingqiu and Tushan's fox." "You and your friends.

Just leave."

Then, Yi Xia thought.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot.

When the bean soldiers around them saw this, they took action again.

Only this time, they avoided the area where the female pear was and moved towards other areas.

When Nvli saw this, her face was not very happy.


Nvli turned her head and glanced at the shivering Limu spirit monster behind her, and then whispered: "One day, I will let these guys avoid me because I am Nvli and not because of Qingqiu!"

The Li Mu Jing behind him also nodded in confusion.

This is what Nvli learned after teaching it for a long time.

"How stupid, Li Mu."

"If you can't be smart, be strong."

"Like Jianmu, no one will have any ideas about you."

"Probably...there won't be anyone who chews on building wood..."

Nvli muttered with some uncertainty.

Then, it jumped up and returned to its compact form.

After jumping on Limu's head, Nuli pointed in a certain direction:

"Let's go back to Qingqiu!"


Li Mu gave a dull response.

They passed through the mountains shrouded in flames and submerged into the solemn shadows of the distant mountains... and behind them, the vast vastness was gradually engulfed in flames.



This chapter has been completed!
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